Chapter fifty-six- All along

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Chapter fifty-six

I sat there for a long time, I wasn't sure how long… but by the time I struggled to stand I was freezing my finger tips where as blue as the sky on a clear day. I shivered violently, regretting running off without a coat. I struggled to try and get onto the back of my horse, she waved her head around and bumped my legs trying to help me get on. To no avail, my body had frozen up and I could barely move. “S-Shit…” I muttered moving around and trying to get the blood flowing though my body. I'd had experience with extreme cold like this before, We'd been caught in a blizzard one year outside the walls and lost half the team. Eventually I was able to move slightly better, but by then it was dark and the sky was an evil shade of gray. Another storm was on the horizon, I whimpered like a lost puppy as I forced myself onto the back of my horse. I kicked her sides and we raced for the headquarters, or the direction I'd thought was the headquarters. I just hoped I was going the right way… After five minutes the forest got denser and denser and I knew I'd made a terrible mistake. I stopped the horse and circled back the way I'd came. I was beyond lost. I shivered violently but forced myself to keep going, I kicked Lullaby and off we went the storm had arrived and thick white snowflakes where streaming down from the sky now. I couldn't see two feet in front of my face.

Suddenly we sloped down Lullaby let out a surprised neigh and dug her hooves into the snow the force of this caused me to rocket off her back and over her head. I screamed as I tumbled over myself and down the hill, I struggled to stop myself as I hit a rock a terrible crushing sound emanated from my chest and rib area. “Shit.”  I growled, forcing myself upward looking down at my stomach the old scar had re-opened and I think I'd broken some ribs. Blood poured out into the white snow staining it crimson. I felt weak, I collapsed over onto the stone laying there in the snow as the storm continued. I'd had so many life and death experiences this was nothing new… but I didn't feel like moving. My horse whinnied in surprise and nibbled my hair, nuzzling my cheek with her velvet like nose. She licked my face and raised her ears again the horse turned and raced off. “Wait!” I cried but the black horse had already vanished into the thick pine trees. I was alone and helpless now. My gear was still intact at my sides but with this bloodless it was doubtful I would be able to make any use of it. I stared off into the direction my only source of transportation had vanished. I forced myself to stand, wrapping my arm around the wound and limping in the direction she'd gone. I struggled for as long as I could, fifteen minutes maybe. I'd left a trail of blood splatters behind me, and then I lost my footing and went down. My body couldn't cope with the cold and the pain any more.  “Damn…” I muttered to myself laying face first in the snow. “Why'd… why'd you have to be so stupid.” Then I closed my eyes and the rest is just a black haze.

I was awoken to yelling, my eyes where glazed over. Someone was shaking my shoulder and there was an intense buzzing in my ear. I couldn't make out who the person was but they kept shaking me until they looked at the wound in my side. The person lifted me up and we got onto a horse riding into the forest when it all went black again.

I awoke again sometime later, I was in a little cottage… Not the headquarters. I tried to move but a searing pain shot up my side. I looked around at the room, it was a tiny little room made of logs. A window was to the left of my bed and a fireplace across from the foot of the small cot. I lifted the covers to see my stomach was covered in bandages. I sighed inwardly and looked to my left, there was a steaming bowl of broth and a small slice of bread. I reached for it as the door opened. I looked up to see a young man and woman walk through the door. The woman had cropped black hair and the man with sleek strawberry blond. “Hello.” Said the man. I said nothing and took a bite of the bread. “Who are you, and how did I get here?” I asked. The  young woman with the short hair came to my side. “Well, Ma'am… we found you half dead in the forest after a horse came to our house and nearly kicked down the door. The horse lead us to you.” She said smiling softly, her thin pink lips reflecting the glow of the fire-place. I recalled the nights… ‘adventure’

The young man walked beside her, putting his hand on her shoulder. “Yeah, Yuki here fixed you right up. I was lucky to find you alive. What is your name may I ask?” He said. I said nothing looking at them “My name is Captain Alya Rivial.” I said “Of the Survey Corp.” I looked around for my jacket because it wasn't on my shoulders. I spotted the chestnut clothing piece on a chair in the corner of the room. “Well, this is my wife Yuki and I am Kai.” He smiled “If you wouldn't mind, our little son Lars is a big fan of the Survey Corp, he wanted to meet you when you woke up.” He said. I looked at the door frame and saw a little head peaking around the corner of the room. I smiled softly “Of course.” Kai waved his hand for his son to join us and the little boy stepped timidly into the room. He walked over carefully and stood behind his mothers legs. “Hello little one.” I said the little boy stared at me in awe for a second “Is it true, you’re a captain of the Recon core?” He asked me. I nodded “I am, indeed.” I said he smiled “You get to fight titans!?” I nodded slowly. His smile turned to a grin “Can I see your gear?” I looked up at Kai and Yuki because I had not the slightest idea where it was. “Can you stand?” Yuki asked me. I shrugged “I'll try.” I rolled upward and out of the bed almost falling over. My clothes where mostly intact, all but the jacket. I moved carefully because my side and stomach was still in pain. I fetched my jacket and went to them. Kai led us outside into the snowy hillside. They lived up in the mountain pass. I looked down over the cliff edge towards the valley below us. I could see the headquarters in the distance. There was a happy whinny and I looked over to see my loyal horse waiting in the stables.

I smiled and went to the horse “You are a very loyal horse, aren’t you.” I smiled rubbing my hand on her nose the horse whinnied and nipped at a lock of my hair. On her back was my maneuver gear, I removed it and strapped it onto my side. The little boy gasped and clapped his hands, he touched the side of the silver box with a huge grin on his face. “Wow!!” He gasped looking up at his parents “I want to join the military some day so I can use this gear!” He said. Kais eyes grew forlorn but he didn't shoot down his sons dream. “Of course, if that’s your dream.” He said ruffling his sons hair. I looked back down at the distant headquarters. “I should get back…” I said quietly “The others are probably very worried.” Yuki grabbed my arm “Before you go, I have one question… How did you end up in the forest alone and half dead?” She asked. I mounted my horse and looked down at them. “I made a stupid mistake, that I must go fix. Thank you for saving my life, I owe you it.” They waved and the little boy raced after me down the hill as I sped the horse up I cast one look back at the family.

I wondered if I could ever have something like that, a loving husband and a little child. 

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