Chapter fifteen- Talking to you

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Chapter fifteen

He hugged me.

I stiffened I had been expecting something else. I shivered slightly as he removed his arms smirking. “I bet you thought I was going to do something else.” He laughed. I frowned at him “You’re an idiot.” He laughed “I know.” I frowned “I don’t know how you can be so happy all the time.” He gave me a sideways glance “Well, I know what life can be and what it can’t be. I understand that I will die sometimes, and that the ones close to me will die to. There is nothing I can do to change that.” He said. I stared at him, wide eyed. He had such a way with words it was surprising. He had come off like this stupid young boy with no mind of his own but to have attention from the ladies.

“I guess that’s true.” I knew that I couldn't accept that fact even if I knew it was true. I could never grasp the very thought of death. I didn't know what it would be like, what would happen to me…? I didn't want to think about it. I felt a cold shiver go up my spine. “I don’t want to think about that.” I said “I know what risks I'm taking being in the corp I am in but I'm doing it because I want change, because I want something beyond these walls and I want to see my children running in the fields without massive beasts chasing them down.” I said quietly running my hand across the keys without pushing down so they wouldn't make a sound.

He eyed me for a second and said nothing “Your different Alya. I think your smarter then you let on. You seem to me like the brooding type you try to make yourself look tough and strong around all of these warriors but on the inside you miss the ones you’ve lost.” He said. I blinked, I didn't even know myself that well. I couldn't say, after years of bottling up my emotions I couldn’t tell what was real and what was a lie. “Your weird. You can read people like a book but you still act really stupid.” I said to him looking at him from under my black eyelashes.

He smiled “I've always been good at that, I just don’t like being serious. I think it’s a waste of my time. Even if my destiny is to be ended by a titan one day, I'm  not going to live my life in endless sadness.” He said shrugging his shoulders, he resumed playing the music the same song but without singing.  I listened in silence for a while fading into the beautiful music. After a while he stopped and stood up, stretching and yawning quietly. “That always makes me tired.” He said. I laughed softly “I wouldn't know.” He gave me a cheeky smile “Maybe I'll teach you one day.”

I smiled at him, like really smiled. “I'd like that.” He offered me his hand to help me stand and I took it without hesitation. We sat on the plush red couches and talked for a while, I was curious about this strange man. “How did you come to join the military corp?” I asked, of course he could never live down the fact that he was willing to live this plush life up here in the walls. “Well, I wanted to join the military so I could support my family here in Sina.” He said “My father works closely at the kings side.” The boy said. “I wanted to follow in his footsteps.” I lowered my eyes “So you didn't join to avoid fighting titans?” I questioned.

He nodded “I actually wanted to fight the titans, but I wanted to make my father proud.” He explained. He shifted as I listened. “Hm.” I responded, he blinked “What about you, why the survey corp?” I looked up at him. “I told you already.” He tipped his head “No, I meant what in your personal life drove you to join the military?” he corrected himself. I shifted sitting up on the blush scarlet couches that where only two shades darker then my hair. “Because, my father was a drunk,  my mothers dead and I couldn't stand to be alone any more. I figured if I joined the military I could at least make some friends… I'd originally planned on joining the military corp because I wanted to have the plush and easy life.” I explained “But when I saw a titan for the first time…. I made a new choice. I would risk my life to rid the world of those nasty creatures!” I realized my voice had gotten louder over that overly emotional speech.

Tamaki laughed softly “I can understand that.” He ruffled my hair as though I was some sort of cat. I frowned and batted him away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. “You remind me of a robin, you know?” He said holding me against his chest like a scarlet queen in the moonlight. I felt my face blush slightly red. I'd never been so close to anyone for a long period of time. He grinned “A very beautiful scarlet robin.” I blinked. “W-What?” I wasn't sure what to make of this. He laughed quietly “You've never had a relationship before have you?” He released me and I scrambled backward. I shook my head causing my crimson curls to bounce. “No I haven't.” He laughed “Then, you've never kissed anyone before.” I instantly covered my mouth with my hand. “No.” I said shortly.

He smirked crawling closer to me his long brown hair falling into his eyes as he smiled a evil glow flickering though there emerald surface. I winced, not sure what to do with myself. He sat down in front of me and grabbed my hand again pulling me up the arm of the couch. “Stop it.” I demanded. He laughed quietly “I'm not going to do anything.” I glared at him “We're not even in a relationship.” I said. He tipped his head “Sure we are.” I frowned “I've never had a boyfriend, nor have I wanted to have one.” I corrected him defiantly.

 He chuckled running his index finger along my face. “Shame” He laughed “I guess I'll just have to work harder.” He stood and I followed him up the steps towards the bathroom. I'd been here for, what I thought was only a few minutes but as I looked at the big grandfather clock in the hallway. I was mistaken; it had been over two hours. I collected my now dry clothes, the rain still poured down outside. I didn't bother to change, I'd just get my dried clothes wet again. I went to the door just as there was a knock on it, I recoiled slightly in surprise. “Open up!” 




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