Chapter thirty-eight- I was born to die

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Chapter thirty eight

I felt my wires give way under the weight of both of us down we went towards the grassy earth and the thundering of the titans feet. The right wire snapped and we were sent into a spiral as I clung to Levis chest for dear life. We cascaded into the ground as the left wire gave way tumbling into the bushes and grass as Levi grabbed at what he could to try and stop us. We lay on the ground leaving a large skid mark in the dirt and mud from where we had originally landed. I gasped for breath the force of the impact had knocked the breath out of me. Somehow I was looking into Levis eyes, his steel ones filled with surprise and fear. I just lay there staring into his intense gray gaze. Within the matter of seconds I snapped my head to the right to see a huge foot fall beside us and a roar echoed though my ears. I closed my eyes, as I felt Levi lean down and cover me with himself putting his hands over his head as we both prepared for the bloody end that awaited us in the jaws of the beast. I felt him being lifted off me and I opened my eyes to see him being lifted by the titans hands Levi fougt the best he could kicking and punching at the creature as it opened its mouth to prepare to swallow him hole. Then there was a flash of auburn, black, blond and silver. The titans hand and left leg was gone, Levi fell to the ground in surprise he scrambled upward and backed towards me as my picked out Petra soaring in the air above the beast. Eld and Gunter flying up its legs as it lost balance. Oluo went for the beasts eyes. Stabbing them out so it could not see.

Petra slashed her swords along the creatures back and it fell forward I stood, regaining my bearings and running from the collapsing titan. It smacked into the earth not centimeters from where I stood. Levi was clutching his jacket over his heart, fear poring through his eyes. Sweat beaded down the side of his face, he'd come only a couple seconds away from dying. I felt the fear in my face as well, I could have watched him die. I could have died, I turned towards the others who had landed now. They stood on the back of the titan, all together. Smiling at us, as the sunlight beamed though the trees illuminating them in shadows of gold and silver. Steam swelled around them in great bouts of gray and ashen color. I felt my knees give way as the realization poured though me. I'd seen many die before me, but I myself had never come so close to death. I sighed after hunkering there for a moment, I felt Levis hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he offered me his hand to help me stand up, I accepted it shaking out my hair and whistling for my horse. The black steed cantered up after a couple of silent minutes. I was still in shock, I really didn't have anything to say.

We got back on our horses and continued. Levi now weaponless as his Maneuver gear had exploded. Me, still clearly in shock of almost being eaten by a titan. The other four grinning at each other like mad dogs, blatantly proud of taking down a titan together. We left the forest and rejoined the group keeping our post on the left flank. There was the signal for returning along with a row of red smoke that streaked the sky. “Shit.” I found my voice, I turned to look at the others. I gave them a weak smile “Thanks.” I said as we kicked the horses right skidding around in a massive circle and heading around the patch of forest. We joined Erwin at the head, he glared as he saw Levi was weaponless “What happened?” I met his eyes and Erwin saw the small amount of fear still in there silver surface. He gave me a curt nod and turned back toward the head. “We  lost the back half of the left flank.” He said “They got attacked by ten of them, Juin told me they came out of now where.” Beside him was a terrified young woman with short black hair and wild brown eyes. Her eyes were wide and dilated with fear. I said nothing as the horses galloped across the land back towards the massive walls on the horizon.

By then I had regained most of my composer. A row of green was fired just off to the left of us, I prepared my gear but I heard Petras voice. “Let us get this one.” She said to me. I nodded as a ten meter came into my vision. It was ugly and running like it was completely stupid- wait, of course it was stupid. It neared us and Petra and the others jumped from there horses flying across the grass. There were no trees here to utilize Petra shot her wire at its left leg while Eld aimed for its shoulder. Oluo went for a more direct hit flying around on its left hand while Gunter followed Eld. I watched them while the horses moved, Levi looked slightly angry that he wasn't out there with them. Petra flew across its face getting its attention, the beast snarled and snapped its head at her missing it by only a few inches. Oluo jumped onto its shoulder while Eld and Gunter attacked its neck from opposite ends cutting its weak point and sending it down. I smiled in approval. They were smart, and quick learners to. For that I was proud, when I was gone they would be a wonderful team. I hoped that Levi would chose to be part of it.

We reached the gates, we hadn't had time to collect the bodies. We trotted the horses though the cobblestone roads. People giving us forlorn and angry stares, I kept my gaze forward. A young woman raced over to Erwin “Commander, Commander! Is Uniji back!? I have some great news!” She smiled, I spotted a lump under her dress where her stomach was…. I closed my eyes unable to look at it. Erwin said nothing and looked over at her. “I'm sorry. No, Uniji was lost…” He rolled his shoulders back slightly. “I'm truly sorry.” The same line he always used, but with a different name. I wondered, would he be the same if I was to die…? Would he apologize to Petra, Eld and the others the way he'd spoken to this young pregnant woman. She began to cry, loudly. A another young woman comforted her and helped her away from the parade of horses. I turned away from them and rode forward, I stopped quiet suddenly unable to hold back the words. I turned towards the woman who had heard the scuffle, she met my eyes and I spoke.

 “The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.”

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