Chapter twenty one- The Sly Dog

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Chapter twenty one.

“Lina, please.” The blond haired commander said the stationary captain stood still rubbing her neck in silence. “Ackerman isn't the one we're after anymore, Ms. Rivindal is the one in trouble now.” She hissed still  hacking and coughing. I continued to struggle. I wasn't finished with her yet. After a few minutes I gave up, Erwins grip was like Iron there was no way I would be able to get out of it. Erwin let me go and I scrambled to my feet again, staring at Lina dead in the eyes but I made no movement towards her. I got my message across, I was sure that the Stationary corp wouldn't do anything to one of the best fighters and captains the Survey corp had ever had. Lina sighed, her breath regained the woman met my gaze with an intense angry stare. “I am not you're babysitter Lina.” Erwin said “If you offend my Captains, you will have to suffer the consequences.” He defended me. I was slightly surprised, I'd expected him to reprimand me for attacking her.

I waited my hands still in fists at my sides, Lina moved her hair out of her eyes and scowled at me then Erwin. “You may be my higher up Commander Erwin, but she was completely in the wrong here.” Lina said lifting her chin in defiance. “What happened then, I only saw Alya Attack you.” He said turning to look at me. Rage still painted on my face “I didn't appreciate her talking shit my Corp and its members.”  I spat. I'd always had a lot of pride for my Corp and its members. I thought of it as a family, and I didn't want to hear anyone talk shit about my family. Even the people of the cities, when we rode past I would hear there cynical nickering and I felt the same rage I’d felt when I attacked Lina. Levi spoke up, lifting his gaze his eyes flashing in the sunlight. “I'm impressed Alya. I thought you were the commanders loyal dog. I see that there is something in there, perhaps..?” He said striding towards me and circling me like a piece of pray.

Erwin watched the trainee circling me. “Levi. Not now.” He said gruffly. I continued to glare at Lina ignoring Levi. He wasn't the one I was angry at. She smirked at me “You know that this Corp is rubbish, the Titans will be around forever and there’s nothing you can do about it.” She was really looking for a fight. I lunged again outstretching my hands like raven talons “How dare you!” I snarled. This time Erwin didn't have enough time to catch me I went to knock her off the branch with my shoulder but someone grabbed my hands and again was I was yanked backward. This time, it wasn't Erwin. Levi was gripping my hands with his much colder ones he yanked me into his chest and wrapped his arms around my stomach. Putting his face next to my ear “Loyal dog, is not so loyal?” He hissed slyly. I couldn't turn my face to look at him, and he continued to speak. “Perhaps if you were Sly, you could get her. Attack head on won’t do anything for you.” He said. I winced, something in his words scared me slightly there was a tone of truth there. Like he had tried it before. I struggled against his embrace. I noticed Erwin looking at Levi with a very evil glare. Lina noticed it to, but she shook herself off and stood up. “You need to learn how to control your anger Alya.” She said. I still tried to get away from Ackerman, but he was holding me considerably closer than Erwin had so I had no wiggle room. Lina took a deep breath “Pixis will be hearing of this Alya, and he will tell the Military Corp. They can deiced what to do with you.” She said rolling her shoulders back slightly and releasing her 3D gear then zipping off towards the forest entrance.

Levi let me go, he glared. His sly smile was replaced with a hard glare. “Your in trouble now, but thanks for clearing up my name.” He said vanishing off into the forest with a loud ‘hiss’ of his gas. I glared after him… A sly dog..? I shook my head looking over at Erwin. He had on hand on his head and he sighed. “Your something else Alya.” He grumbled “Let’s go, no doubt we will be summoned to the capital so you can explain why you almost killed a Captain.” I grumbled quietly but said nothing I extended my wires out and retracted them flying forward into the forest dodging trees. We soon reached the horses, I landed next to Lullaby with a quiet sigh. I patted the horse “Wheres Lina?” Asked the brown haired trainee I'd seen earlier. “She is returning to the Capital.” Erwin said stiffly. “Why?” Asked the boy. Erwin looked at him, glaring. “It is none of your concern.” The boy winced in surprise but nodded “Apologies commander.” He quickly saluted him then mounted his horse. I followed Erwins horse, my head high. I wouldn't feel upset about this, I had faith that the human race wouldn't sentence me to death.

We returned to headquarters, I de-saddled my black steed and put her away. I stood by my faithful steed running the brush along her silky black coat. Dust and dirt flew off her as I ran the brush though her fur. “Good girl.” I whispered into her ear. She bobbed her head up and down as to agree with me. Petras head appeared over the side of the wooden stall. “You really love your horse.” She stated. I smiled at my beautiful steed. “Of course, she’s gotten me out of many tight spots.” I chuckled softly at the young girl. She smiled at me, her chocolate colored steed trotted beside her and stuck his head over the side blowing his nose slightly at Lullaby. The black horse wiggled her ears at him. Petra giggled “Aw.” She ran her hand along the neck of her horse.

I smiled at her, I really enjoyed Petras Company. I hoped that if I ever had a child, they would be as sweet as she was. She looked at me in silence for a minute as I continued to brush my horse. “I wonder what Levis past is…” She said “All I know is that Erwin brought him from the under city and that He was a past thug.” She said. I blinked, realizing that was all I knew as well. “Maybe you should ask him.” She looked down. “I already did, and he just ignored the question.” I nodded, remembering I had been ease dropping on them. “Maybe get him alone and ask?” I suggested. I found that I myself was interested in his past, knowing that Petra would tell me if Levi told her.

She nodded slowly “Ok, thanks Alya.” She waved her hand at me then ran inside going to track down the sullen trainee. I finished up with my horse and went inside, Erwin was up in his room no doubt dealing with this mess I'd gotten myself into. I went to my room and flopped down on the bed looking out into the window. I must have drifted off, because I woke up at the sound of the door opening. I sat up in surprise; the moon was hidden behind the clouds so my room was silent. I fiddled with the lamp switch, trying to get it to turn on.

I eventually did and to my surprise, there stood Levi. As soon as the light turned on he ran at me and put his hand over my mouth.


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