Chapter sixty-two- A suprise

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Chapter sixty-two

Year 845 April 3th

We had the wedding planned for April. I was seriously giddy. I was wandering around the house, bumping into things my mind was in a daze. I never thought I would be getting married, ever. I thought I was going to end up being that ‘forever alone’ cat lady that lived up in Sina by herself. Levi was out getting a cake. I was trying to clean up the house for the guests but I couldn't seem to find my footing. I flopped over on one of the plush red couches looking out the window into the town and the walls beyond. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the house creaking and whispering in the quiet breeze. Eventually I forced myself to get up and finish dusting off things. At first the move here had been hard for both of us, but after a while we' d made this house our own. Levi had started working on the nursery upstairs. He was re-painting it into a beautiful bright yellow from its latex blue.

Our kitchen was a mess. I would insist on making breakfast every morning for us as Levi had gone back to work at the towns-black smith he didn't have much time to eat in the morning. We joined the military on every expedition when they needed us but most of the time Erwin said he didn't need our help. He was still mad at me. I washed the dishes and put them away into the dishwasher. My mind wasn't on cleaning, it was on the fact that tomorrow I would be a married woman. Petra and the four where going to be coming down today to stay the night. There was a knock on the door and I wiped the stains from my hands on the little apiarian I was wearing. I opened the door to see them, Petra was in a cute little yellow dress while the boys where dressed in nice tuxedos. “Hi!” They said and Petra hugged me the second she stepped into the house. “I'm so happy for you two!!” She cried into my hair refusing to let go of me. Eventually Oluo prided the young girl from me.

I laughed softly showing them around the house. “Its lovely.” Erd said. I showed them the house and we all sat down in the living room by the fire. “Wheres Levi?” Asked Petra. “Hes looking for the cake, we forgot to pre-order it…” I giggled softly rubbing the back of my head. “Aw, you scatter brains.” She teased. I smiled at them, looking at each of them I didn't think I'd ever been this happy in my whole life… I'd always wanted to have a family but I never thought it would happen. Weirdly these four where like my adopted brothers and sister. “How have you guys been?’ I asked. Petra looked at the others “Well, Hanji has joined our little club of friendship. She’s not in the squad but she befriended me.”Petra said.

I smiled “That’s good.” I'd invited Hanji for the wedding, she was going to be one of the brides-maids. I only had two female friends, her and Petra so my options where limited. We continued with the happy chattering for a while  until the door flung open and Levi stumbled in he had a massive pink box in his hands and he was struggling to stay upright. “Aye!” Cried Gunter “Need some help there.” Levis face was smashed in by the big box as he was trying to use it to support the massive box. Petra started to giggle uncontrollably at this. Levi tried to shake his head but this sent him off balance and he started to fall to the right. I jumped up and grabbed part of the box before he could drop it. He gave me a smile and we moved it into the kitchen.

“Can I see it?” I asked him. Levi panted and moved his hair out of his eyes “Nope, you have to wait until tomorrow. I don’t get to see your dress until tomorrow so we're even.” He joked. I giggled softly “Ok, fine.” We went into the sitting room and stopped to look at the four sitting on our chairs. “I missed you guys.” Levi said putting his arm around my shoulders and hugging me close. Petra tackled him and almosted caused us both to fall back. “We missed you to heichou!” She cried. This made me laugh “heichou?” I asked “That’s new.” Levi smiled and ruffled the young girls auburn hair. Erd, Gunter and Oluo all congratulated him. We all sat around and talked pleasantly avoiding the topic of Erwin. I'd invited him but he never responded to the letter. “I'll make coffee.” I said. They nodded, Levi and Erd where in a heated conversation about the walls and their opinions on them. “I'll help!” Petra said getting up and trailing me to the kitchen.

I brewed the beans we'd bought at the market the other day. “Do you guys have biscuits to go with the coffee?” She asked. I nodded “There in the cupboard above me.”  I moved to let her get them the young girl fetched the cookies and nibbled on one as a prepared the coffee. “Your lucky.” She said. I looked up in surprise. “You have Levi, he’s such a sweetheart when he wants to be… You know. I liked him for a while but I decided you two worked much better together and that being jealous was pointless.” We looked over towards the sitting room where the boys where still talking about titans, or the wall… or whatever boys talked about.

I smiled mixing sugar into the white cups. “You'll find someone just as nice that works perfectly with you Petra. Don’t worry.” She smiled at me nodding her little head causing her short auburn hair to bounce. “I hope your right.” I smiled as we re-entered the room with the mugs. “Here.” I said giving them there cups. Levi accepted his gratefully and continued his conversation with Erd. They where planning to go out tonight, just the boys. Me and Petra where going to go do something to, I didn't know what. She said it was a surprise. They continued talking and talking for a long time. The sun was sinking down in the horizion by the time they realized it was time to go. They boys stood up and Levi gave me a kiss then they turned to go. “We'll be back later!” They said. I waved “Be careful.”

After they left Petra gave me a smirk. “Lets go, go put a dress on.” I blinked “What?” I before I could complain she was shoving me up the steps towards my bedroom. “Go, c'mon!” I was shoved into my room without a word of explanation. “But!” She laughed though the door “No buts, hurry up.” I sighed and pulled on a cute little red-dress I'd gotten on Valentine’s Day from Levi I put on some red-flats to match. I hated heals after that terrible experience of the party up in Sina, I'd never worn them again. I opened the door and Petra was waiting. “Come on! Come on!” She giggled as we rushed down the steps towards the door. I was half running half being dragged by the excited young girl we rushed out the door and towards a waiting carriage.

“Where are we going!!” I asked she smiled at me. “You'll see!” I grumbled as she shoved me into the carriage and we took off without giving me time to sit down. I clung to the seat for dear life as we left the Trost walls and rocketed though Rose. We where heading for Sina, by the time we reached it the sun was gone and stars had littered the midnight sky. Petra pushed me from the carriage and dragged me towards a little bar at the side of the road. Now I say little… but it wasn't little on my standers. Massive silver pillars and red-stone the place was dead silent and the windows black. “Are you sure we're in the right place? It looks closed.” I said as she pushed open the door. We stood inside the dark room for a minute while I waited for her to explain what was going on. Suddenly the lamps flickered on and people jumped up from behind everywhere. “SURPRISE!” They all cried .

I swear I almost had a heart attack.

“Ah!” I screeched, but I was smiling. These people where the girls from the trainee groups. Hanji was even here, many of them I didn' t know but they where all smiling and waving at me. “Happy bachelorette party!” Petra giggled at me. I blinked, trying to control my smile. “Aw, you didn't have to do this.” I said to her while the girls flooded over to me to congratulate me. It was rare to have a wedding in our time, because of the titans that is. Most of the time there was a proposal and nothing more but Levi wanted it to be special for me. Petra broke out the wine and we all drank to our hearts content. Everyone but me, I didn't like alcohol Not that she didn't try to get some drink into me. We laughed and danced the night away like a bunch of crazy school girls. Eventually everyone fell asleep on the floor or on the chairs. I was the last one to fall asleep, I was sitting on one of the couches looking out into the moonlight that was slowly fading into dawn as my eyes got sleepy and I drifted off into a land of dancing and laughter. 

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