Chapter seventeen- Pixis

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Chapter seventeen

I awoke some time later, a puddle of drool on the desk where my head was. I sat up slowly looking out into the dawn, gray clouds on the horizon but no rain yet. I sat back in the chair whipping the drool from my face with a little grumble of disgust. “Gross.” I muttered sopping up the puddle on my desk. The rose was still in my left hand, it had pricked me while I slept it had left a little scab on my thumb. I picked at the inflamed skin but gave up knowing it wouldn't come off. I stood up and brushed my wild tangled hair out going down the steps, my neck was sore from sleeping in a weird way. I stumbled into the mess hall and got something to eat, my stomach was snarling at me like a wild beast.

I sat down by myself leaning my head on my hand and feeling myself trying to slip into a dream, I snapped my head up as the sound of boots caught my attention. Petra stood at my side, the sweet girl smiled. “You seem tired Ms.Alya.” She said, sitting down across from me. I mustered a weak smile “Yeah, I fell asleep at my desk last night.” I said, sweeping my hair out of my eyes and straightening up. “A splash of cold water to the face could help.” She tired. I rolled my shoulders “I think once I get moving I'll be fine.” I said, the auburn haired girl smiled at me nodding her head. “Have you thought about what you’re going to do with Levi?” She asked. I sighed inwardly, the guilt screaming though my head again. I shrugged “I don’t really know, but I think he needs some friends even if he doesn't want them. I know he fobbed you and Hanji off the other day. I want you to try again.” I said looking up at her, her green eyes twinkled with interest. “I could.” She said. I smiled weakly at her “Good.” I finished up my food and discarded the bowl going outside to stand in the misty haze of dawn.

The horizon was blurred by a thick gray fog the haze wafted about me softly.  I stood taking a deep breath of the morning air. I decided I'd go for a walk, I wondered down the path away from the camp towards the wall Maria. I couldn’t really see anything but the sunlight was cutting through the fog and making it turn brilliant shades of gold. I suddenly felt the over whelming urge to run… and I did. I got a jump start and raced through the haze I wasn't sure where I was going but I just wanted to keep running into the mist and never come out. I'd never have to face my problems, I wouldn't have to deal with the beasts that wondered outside the walls. I suddenly came to a stop, looking down over a small over-hang into a little valley below. I'd never seen this place before, it was beautiful. Massive trees stretched almost close enough for me to touch from where I was standing. The fog cascaded over the over-hang like a waterfall of clouds. I reached for the nearest pine branch, my hand grasping the wooden surface and I was cast into the air above the valley I swung myself onto the tree and I huddled there in the dewy morning. I stared into the sun kissed horizon in silence. Suddenly a flock of birds flew out from the tree I had landed in, black creatures soaring into the gray and blue sky.

I sat in silence for a long while, long enough that the fog began to clear. I eventually knew I had to return, I jumped back onto the over-hang and wandered back towards the camp. The others were outside, training. Erwin watching over them, he gave me a look as I approached. “What I miss?” I asked. He rolled his shoulders back and tipped his head towards the man beside him. Next to him stood a very tall old looking man. His hair was white and slicked against his head. The man looked over at me and gave me a very kind smile. I winced slightly in surprise “Hello ma'am. I am commander Pixis.” I blinked, straightening up. The leader of the wall-guards, one of the most respected men in this country. I smiled falsely and bowed “It is nice to meet you Sir.” I said respectfully. The trainees where practicing martial arts again. “May I ask, if I'm not to bold why you are here?” I asked him.

Erwin gave me his ‘shut up’ glare but I ignored it. The white haired man looked over at me then back to the group “Well, I heard you were harboring a…. fugitive.” I stiffened, Levi. Of course, a past thug. He would not be welcomed easily into the military. Only with Ackermans help and show of promise had he been spared.  “I assure you sir-“ Erwin began but the commander raised his hand and cut him off. “I will assess him on my own thank you.” I said nothing and looked back at the ebony haired trainee who was paired with Petra. She was getting her behind handed to her, he'd sweep her off her feet every couple of minutes. I wasn't sure if she was doing it on purpose or he was really that good. The commander looked over at Erwin again after a few minutes “If you don't mind, I'll have one my captains be staying here to assess his…. Ability to function in this…. Community.” He said testing his words like a hot cup of tea. I nodded slowly, I didn't like the fact that one of my pupils would be under lock and key but it was for the best.

Pixis smiled falsely at me “I hope that he is a well behaved boy.” Then the commander left stiffly. He mounted his chocolate colored steed and vanished into the horizon. I turned on Erwin the second he was out of ear-shot “Do they think we can’t handle ourselves?” I snarled in a flurry of rage. “How dare he!” I stomped around catching the attention of the trainees “Alya, please.” Erwin said “I don’t like this anymore then you do.” I glared at the blond haired commander who just gave me a cold stare. I turned to look back at Ackerman who continued to battle the girl without seeming to notice what was going on.

I had no interest in befriending this cold hearted boy but I believed that there were some who would be willing to try. “Well, we're not about to lose one of the best we have.” I said looking at the skilled trainee who did a strange little attack motion where he ran at Petra leapt and did a back flip of her face causing her to slam into the mud. Erwin raised his hand “That’s enough.” He yelled. The trainees stopped and Levi skidded back into the mud putting his hand down to stop himself.  He looked over at us, mostly me. Giving me a horrible cold stare, I clenched my teeth. Erwin’s blue gaze met Ackermans equally blue one. “We have a guest coming to stay with us for the next few days. They will be monitoring the productivity of some of our members.” He said wisely, his gaze still on the rebellious boy in the background. The boy gave him an equally penalizing stare. “Alya, I want you to keep a close eye on the ones they will be watching.” He said, acting as though that it was more than one person that the Station corp would be watching. Erwin stopped talking “Dismissed.” I said quickly, going to Levi before he could go inside and sulk in his room for four hours. I snatched his arm and he turned to me in surprise. Petra stopped as well, removing the dirt from her face. “We need to talk Ackerman.” I said quickly. 

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