Chapter forty-eight- Butterfly

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Chapter forty eight

I awoke the next day, a soft breeze wafted through the window the smell of autumn was in my nose. The summer was defiantly over, and the winter was slowly sinking its icy claws into the face of the planet. I heard a soft snoring at my side, I rolled over and saw Levi facing away from me. I blinked, remembering last nights conversation he was facing the desk and his face was buried under his messy hair. I said nothing and smiled inwardly, he was adorable when he wasn't being an ass. I sat up slowly as the breeze continued to whisper through the open window. I crawled from the bed as quietly as I could, changing in the corner so if he woke up he wouldn't see me. He hadn't left my side, so he'd aced the test. I went to open the door when I heard him move and put his arm where I had been, I looked back as a red leaf drifted through the open window from the outside. I touched my lips without thinking, remembering the kiss.

He opened his eyes very slowly blinking at the wall as I stood at the door “I was wondering when you would wake up.” I said going over to the bed, he stretched and yawned loudly looking at me. He sat up “Your stupid.” He said, I rolled my eyes “How am I stupid?” He chuckled “Asking a man to sleep in the same bed as you? That’s not something a lady should request.” He said rolling his shoulders back. I shrugged “I think you know that I know you wouldn't do anything to me.” I said, he stood up. I noticed he was completely shirtless, I blushed and turned away. “Put some clothes on.” I demanded, he laughed lowly. “What? Do you not like what you see?” he teased me. I covered my eyes with my hands as I felt him put his arms around my shoulders and neck leaning against me. “Get off.” I grumbled, trying to shove him off me with my hands. He grabbed my hand and spun me around before I could object, he pulled me to his chest and he was so warm it almost felt like it could burn my hands. “Stop.” I complained, still having my hands over my eyes so I couldn't look at him. “C'mon.” He removed my hand from my eyes. I looked at him, he had a nice body just like everyone else who was required to fight titans and train with maneuver gear. “See.” He chuckled softly “Its not that bad.” I rolled my eyes trying my best to hide the scarlet tone in my cheeks. “Sh-Shut up.” I spat. He laughed softly ruffling my hair with his hand. “Yeah, don’t make it awkward.” He turned away from me and pulled on his white tunic and chestnut jacket.

 I grumbled turning away from him and towards the door opening it and going down the steps as quickly as I could, I went down the steps knowing full well my face was still red as an apple. I rushed past Petra who was in the hallway, she lifted her finger to ask me what was wrong but was moving much to fast for her to get my full attention. I went down to get something to eat, hoping that would ease the creeping awkwardness I was getting in my lower stomach. I got food and ate with the others so they wouldn't think anything was wrong. “What’s wrong with you?” Petra asked, she was behind me. She must have followed me down here. I looked up at her and stammered “N-nothing!” She narrowed her eyes but nodded and sat next to me. I  covered my face as I felt my face grow hot again, Erd laughed. “I think shes figured it out.” He said looking at the others who all smiled at me. I peeked at them “Figured what out?” Erd chuckled. “You're developing feelings for him, as he is for you.” The blond man said over a sip of his coffee. I looked down at my hands. “N…” I began to say no, but I couldn't really lie to myself. “Yeah…” I trailed off. Petra giggled and clapped her hands together “Aw! That’s so sweet.” She smiled at me.

I frowned looking down at my hands and saying nothing, there was a clunking on the steps and I felt Levi sit down next to me. He say nothing to the others, but they were trying so hard to hold back there smiles and laughter. “What?” He asked, at that they burst out in laughter. “What!?” He demanded at their wild giggling. They continued to laugh as he stared at them like they were completely insane. Eventually the four collected themselves wiping the tears of laughter from their eyes. “I think you two make the cutest couple.” Gunter said though continual soft chuckles. Levi looked over at me “Are we a couple?” He asked in surprise. I blushed again covering my face “I don’t know! I've never had a relationship!” I whimpered in distress. He moved closer to me and I felt him put his arm over my shoulders and tug me close. “Well, I've had one.” I looked up at him “Really? Who?” I asked. He sighed quietly leaning his head sideways on mine. I was shorter then him so he could do that, Levi was shorter than most of the trainees.

He thought for a moment then spoke “Her name was Arabella,  she had been a childhood friend of mine. We'd turned fifteen on the same day… I asked her to be my girlfriend and she agreed. We dated until we turned twenty, I said I wanted to join the military and she didn't want me to. She left me, and I decided not to join. I went to the under city, I was sick of the good life. I wanted revenge on her for breaking my heart…” He stopped trailing off “And the rest is history.” He said noticing that the people in the room had stopped there happy chatter and where looking at us. I had the feeling I knew where this was going, he had killed her… I believed at least. I hoped he hadn't. I whispered into his ear “Did you kill her?” He shook his head no and I let out a low breath of relief.  “Anyway, are we a couple?” He looked down at me. I shrugged “I don't know if I'm ready for that commitment yet.” I said quietly, he nodded. “I can wait.” I smiled. “Good.”

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