Chapter forty one- A question

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Chapter forty one

Nothing but darkness… I didn't think it was possible for a person to become so, emotionless. I said nothing for a while sitting in silence next to the group contemplating what the trainee had said. I moved the scarlet hair from my face and turned to look at him. “I guess, I've seen many die… but I've always never been very close, I haven't known most of their names.” I said quietly. I shook my head, not really wanting to think about all the fine soldiers we'd lost over the year. The room went silent for a while, I shifted awkwardly. “Anyway.” I said, suddenly there was a clunk beside me and I turned to see a young woman with large glasses. Her chestnut hair pinned back in a hair-ty. She smiled “Hi!” She said, her voice loud and bubbly. I blinked, studying her… Hanji? Well.

This was new, she'd been so shy and quiet. “Hello.” I said slowly testing my words not sure of what I should say to her. The girl pushed her glasses up her nose, she'd had a change of heart. Just like the young man beside me. “I just wanted to say, you guys are awesome. I saw you fighting the Titan the other day. Whoa..!” She gasped lifting her hands up in exasperation and laughing loudly. Levi raised an eyebrow at her “You've had a change of heart.” He said. I said nothing, letting the bubbly girl turn towards the sullen boy at my right. “Yeah, I decided being quiet doesn't work for me.” She said smiling at him. “I wont ask to join your squad, but I'll ask to be friends with you guys.” She said, but her eyes where locked on Levis silver ones. “No.” He said frowning at her. “These four were lucky, I don’t need five people following me around.” He growled. I sighed inwardly, he was still stone cold towards everyone else. Well, he was still cold to Petra and the others. I was the only exception, even if we didn't get along a lot. We still had a lot of similarities.

Hanji looked at him, she smiled lifting her hand and pointing her index finger at the roof as to point out a flaw in the wood. She winked at him “You'll change your mind, I bet.” She grinned standing up and vanishing up the steps. I blinked, looking at Levi who had his arms and legs folded in boredom. He examined his hand in un-interest. I coughed loudly. He looked at me “What?” He asked. I sighed loudly “You know what, you can’t limit yourself to four people.” I growled he rolled his eyes “Who says I cant.” I glared “Me.”  He rolled his eyes again “Righttt…” He stood up and went up the steps leaving me with the others, I groaned and dropped my head on the table in frustration. Petra touched my shoulder as she got up to leave, followed by Oluo and Gunter. “He'll come around eventually.” I looked up as the three vanished up the steps after Ackerman. I blinked; Eld was still sitting across from me. “Hmm…” He said studying me in silence. I sat up “What?” I asked. He chuckled softly “I don’t think you see it yet, do you?” I frowned “What the hell are you on about?” I raised my eyebrow at him. Erd smirked from under his coffee mug. “I'm going to let you figure it out on your own.” He stood up and left. I put my head on my left hand and listened to the silence.

I eventually followed the rest, I went up the steps and out the door into the sunshine. The second my foot hit the dust a horse rocketed up and stopped only feet from me. I recoiled jumping back, a white horse was standing in the court yard. Mounted by a man dressed in a black and blue suit, a blue cape blowing behind him. He turned to look at me and smiled… Qwill. Of course, I'd ask him to come and visit me I went over. “Qwill, what a surprise.” I chuckled. The black haired boy dismounted his horse “This place is pretty hard to find, aside from its size.” He looked around at the stone palace I knew as home. Levi and the others walked over, each of them had there gear on there sides. Levi blinked as he spotted Qwill but he said nothing. “Alya.” He looked at me. “We want to go work on some team work exercises.” He spoke directly to me. I nodded looking at Qwill “Want to come?” I asked the princely looking boy. He shrugged “I was thinking we could go do something, but alight.” He mounted his horse as I went to put on my gear.

I strapped the silver machines on, Levi had gotten a new set from Erwin I believed. For his had been blown into smithereens. I hurried outside to join the group “Lets go.” Qwill trotted his horse beside us as we walked down the dusty path towards the training grounds, usually I didn't use the training grounds. It was located behind the housing and it had several cut outs and plastic trees to use to the trainees advantage. I removed the swords from my sides and rolled my shoulders back. “Hmm. Let’s see you guys work together, no instruction. Go.” I said they nodded launching themselves forward towards one of the cut outs in the center of the field. Levi was at the head and he reached the target before they did while the others flew towards it Levi wasn't good with teamwork so he slashed up the target before they could get to it as he recoiled the wires became tangled with Petras and they both collided into the dust and grass. Levi shot upward ripping at his wires “Ugh!” He growled “You were in the way.” He spun on the auburn haired girl who scrambled up. “Sorry!” She cried. I went over to them “Guys.” I hissed “Behave, Levi you should have made way for the others. Its called team work for a reason.” I scolded him.

Qwill walked up to my side and stood behind me eyeing the two scuffling trainees who were still trying untangle there wires. “I'm sure these guys can figure it out, I really wanted to talk to you about something.” I blinked, rolling my shoulders at him. “Sorry, I' m going to have to stay here and work with these guys. We can talk when I'm done.” I said to him. Qwill looked disappointed but he nodded “Of course.” He backed off and waited by his white horse. I helped Levi and Petra untangle there wires and they started again. “Team work this time, watch out for the others Levi.” I scolded him. This time there was slightly more success but Levi was still at the head. Oluo and him battled for first place a lot, I couldn't tell you why but they seemed to always be at war with eachother. Levi didn't even seem to notice it, but I could see Oluo competing with him. I folded my arms, making them try again and again until they got it. Finally, there was success. All four of them where panting and sweaty, rubbing there hair and foreheads. “Go inside, take a break you've earned it.” I said. They nodded and all vanished inside the double doors. I looked back at Qwill, smiling. “What was it you wanted to talk about?” I asked. He shuffled slightly. “Alya, I know we've only just been reunited… but I've been waiting forever for you it seems… and, now I don’t want to lose you again. So, would you agree to…” He stopped taking my hands in his larger ones.

“Marry me?”

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