Chapter Sixty- Its not what I wanted

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Authors Blerp

Wow... Sixty chapters already. O_o. I feel like I've been really dragging this story out, Lord. Fairly soon the end will be arriving, prepare your feels. 

Also, quick explanation on this plot. I know it seems like its been a roller coaster of 'side plots' and what not, but thats all character building. Erwin's jealousy of Levi, and Levis feelings for Alya could not have been constructed without the multitude of chapters I've been using. Just think of the over all plot as a... "Jealousy" kind of plot. 

Cheers -Derpie


Chapter sixty

“His what?” I asked, completely baffled by Erwin. The commander let me go and I struggled away from him turning around to look at him. His eyes where cold and emotionless, I spun on the old man. “I've come to take my son back, he belongs to the Rivaille family. I do not have any other successor aside from him. So he must return with me and claim what Is his.” I blinked, still not fully comprehending what this man was saying. “Wait! What if he doesn't want to.” The old man shifted his shoulders. “I don’t see why that is your concern.” He said, I glanced up the steps at a door slam and there stood Levi.

His hair was in his eyes and his face was twisted with so many emotions I didn't know what to think. “Levi…” I began, holding up my hands hoping to try to get him to calm down. The boy stomped down the steps towards his father, his eyes bursting with flames of hatred. “Ah, Son… Pack your things. We are leaving.” Levi stood at his fathers height, they where both short. Well… at least I know why he was so short. “No.” He replied. The old man frowned at his son “Don’t disobey your father.” He growled. This caused Levi to react, he shoved the man back using his shoulder into the wall. The old man gasped in surprise. “Your  not my father.” He said towering over him. I just watched, unable to find the will to move. This wasn't my fight, this was Levis. The old man staggered upward. “I am  your father! I raised you!” He yelled. Levi continued to frown at him. “You didn't give a shit about me, you don’t want me around… the only reason you want me is so you don't have to give up your precious fortune!!” He yelled, his voice getting louder by the second.

The other trainees had come out of there room to see what was going on, the groups where huddled above us and behind us. The old man slicked his hair back with his hand his cold glare meeting his sons. “Your right, I'm not a liar… But I don’t see the down-side to this. You get free money you spoiled brat.” He spat. I eventually managed to make my muscles move. I stood beside Levi frowning at the man who was slightly taller then I. “He said no.” I spat. The old man looked down at me, his face grew cold and his expression even more tense. “Is this your wife?” He chuckled pointing his finger mockingly at me.

“I thought we raised you to pick better woman.” This really pulled the wrong strings with Levi, he kicked the old man across the legs causing him to fall onto the hard ground with a ‘thawk’ sound. Levi put his foot on the old man’s hand and pushed down. “Don’t speak that way of her, of any of these people.” He growled. The old man struggled against the weight of Levis boot. Eventually he removed his foot and stood back. Levi looked at me over his shoulder and remained silent for a long while. He seemed to be thinking, how-ever horrible it was of his father to ask that he return with him… perhaps he had a plan. He removed his gaze and looked back at the old man who was struggling to stand. “Alya, Lets talk.” I nodded.

I followed him outside the door, we stepped carefully over the body’s of his unconscious guards and out into the snow. I waited, I wanted to hear what he had to say about this. “I think, I'm going to accept his offer.” I frowned “What? Why?” He gave me a sly smile “I said, maybe…. Because, I was thinking it would be a nice house to live in if I had a family to share it with. The house is pretty big with three stories and about seven never-used rooms.” I frowned “What are you getting at here?” he grinned at me. “Well, that depends on what you’re willing to do for me my dear.” He began to circle me scoping me like I was a deer and he was a hungry lion. I watched him carefully. “Levi, tell me.” He chuckled softly looking at me dead in the eyes and saying nothing for a long time. “If we get married, it would be a great house.”

He continued. “So, what do you say…? Would you be willing to be my wife?” I snapped my head up in surprise. “Wait, hold on. You don’t even have a ring, c'mon.” I said awkwardly, I wasn't sure how this worked. He chuckled. “Well, your engagement present could be a house.” I sighed quietly and looked up at him while snowflakes fluttered down into his hair. “Ok, fine. But I expect a better proposal.” Levi smiled and I could see he was trying so hard to contain his excitement. We returned inside. “I'll take the house and the fortune when you die.” He said to the old man who was waiting. The old man nodded gruffly and turned to leave without a second glance. By then the guards had recovered and scurried past us and outside into the snowflakes. Erwin had vanished up the steps and the others had lost interest when the fighting stopped. Petra eyed us both in silence for a minute. “What’s the catch?” She asked.

Levi grinned and kissed the top of my head. “She has to marry me.” They all gasped in surprise and Petra let out a squeal of surprise and happiness. “Yay!!” She cried jumping up and down. “I'm so happy for you two!!” She grinned. I laughed “We're waiting until we get the house, it’s a place to settle down.” I explained while they all smiled and Petra bounced up in down in happiness. I couldn't help but glance up the steps, I could see a flicker of someone’s eyes behind an open door. I turned up the steps leaving Levi and the others to celebrate. I went into the commanders room, he was standing with his back to me at the window looking out into the snow. “You called him… didn't you.” I said. Looking at his reflection in the glass. He looked over at me “Yes.” I exhaled and rubbed my head with my arm. “What where you trying to do Erwin…” he walked over to me and stopped a few feet away.

“You told me, you don’t see me as more then a brother… I was trying to protect you. I don’t trust him. I never have and I could never trust him with someone like you, your to fragile Alya… as much as you like to believe otherwise.”


 I stared at him for a while, I wasn't fragile!? Was I…? he said nothing for a long while and we stared at each other in silence in the dark room. “I just want to protect you Alya, and I can’t protect you when your with him.” I looked down at the wooden floor and said nothing, how could he do this to me…it wasn't right. “I feel like I don’t even know you any more Erwin.” I said standing up and opening the door leaving him standing in a shaft of white light that was streaming through the window. I wasn't angry at him, I was hurt. I was hurt that he would do something like that to me…. I thought our relationship meant more to him then just some stupid jealousy. 

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