Chapter thirty seven- The mission

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Chapter thirty seven

We were preparing for another journey outside the walls. I had saddled up Lullaby and was waiting for the others. I ran my hand across the metal gear at my sides, the engine idled on my back for a while. Erwin was beside me, while the trainees saddled up there steeds. Finally the last finished and off we went. I rode beside Erwin as we made for wall Maria. We reached the exit of the massive stone walls after a half an hour. The sun was shining and all was quiet, perhaps to quiet. I listened for the sound of the scratching titans beyond the walls but heard nothing. “The world is to quiet today.” I said to the commander who's horse shifted its legs impatiently. He looked over at me and said noting “It is, I just hope that’s a good thing.” The gate creaked and up went the massive stone walls. “Forward!” Erwin yelled over the sounds of horse’s hooves rocketing forward.

The group split up into formation and I was at the right flank with squad Levi. We flanked Erwin and kept watch for Titans, I stared out into the distant horizon wondering what it was like out there, was the world any different? Levi had been quiet today, Petra rode beside Eld and Gunter while Oluo was at the back. I kept my smoke signal close at my side riding along though the grassy fields that stretched on forever. We rode on towards the massive towering forests in the distance, I listened to the horses hooves beating the ground in rhythmic strokes. The sound of popping caught my attention and I swung my head to the right, green signals had been fired from the left flank slightly behind us. Levi had spotted them but swung his head forward. “Titan.” He warned. “I know.” I said.

We neared the trees in the distance as two red signals were fired. “Shit.” I hissed going to ride in the direction they were but Levi grabbed at Lullaby’s reigns. “Don’t.”  I blinked at him but I knew deep down that I shouldn't break formation. If we broke off it was possible a titan could get in without anyone to spot for it. I nodded and we continued forward nearing the grove of trees. We rocketed inside of the forest and down the neatly carved path. The others had circled around but under Erwin’s instruction we had been told to cut through the forest. We followed the path, I leading. I turned around to look behind us and to my surprise three of the beasts trailed us. Screeching and roaring as they gave chase. I tightened my fists on the horses reigns. He'd also said not to attack them if they gave chase. I turned to look back again and they'd gotten closer. “Damn.” I hissed and kicked the horses sides she pummeled forward faster along the path. She was one of the faster horses so the others had some trouble keeping up. I found myself glancing back every couple of seconds. The one at the lead, one with short black hair and large dead eyes as the closet. Its feet falling only feet from Oluo's horse. He had fear in his dark eyes as the creature swiped at him whenever it could. Levi rode up beside me “When are we going to attack them!?” He demanded. I glared forward a speck of light appearing on the horizon as the forest came to an end. I looked back at the titan it was continuing to try and attack Oluo whose horse was skillfully dodging each terribly aimed blow. I closed my eyes and hoped to the heavens that we didn't lose him. Lullaby rocketed forward again. Suddenly there was a scream of surprise and Petras yell “It got him!!” She screamed over the thundering of horses hooves. I turned around to see Oluo being lifted into the air by the still running titan. He battered the creatures fists with his hands as it lifted him to his mouth. “NO!” It was Levi who yelled that. He jumped from his horse and zipped towards the titan going around the back and cutting though the creatures back neck. He jumped from the neck onto the hand of the creature slicing through its fingers and causing it to release the young man.  

Petra caught him on her horse, Levi was soaring above us with his gear. I looked up, surprised that he was willing to do that. He didn't land instead he looked back at the other two titans still in pursuit anger flared in his eyes and he went for them flying past there ears to try and get there attention, to no avail they still came after the larger group of people. Us. He spun back and attacked one, his blade missing its mark and cutting to high missing the area that killed them. It spun on him snarling and grabbing at him with its massive jaws. He dodged landing on its hand and racing forward cutting his blades into its eyes and zooming around the back. Levi slashed his blades more skillfully this time and down the creature went. He went for the next one holding his swords close to his chest. I watched as he began to spin going up from the bottom of the titan in a circular motion. Just like I'd told him not to he rocketed upward and sliced across its neck flying off the titan. He wasn't stopping, I waited but he kept spinning and collided with a tree. Yet again I was surprised by the thump of feet, I turned to see a twenty meter one racing up its fangs bared and wild hair flying behind it. It roared and the young man who had now jumped from the tree he turned back towards it.  We were covered in splinters as he dislodged his blades.

I remembered, the other day when I'd been practicing. My gear had gotten a splinter in the motor and it had caused it to fail. As he went to attack the next titan a plume of black smoke coughed from the carbonators on the motor. Petra had noticed this as well and gasped “Levi!” She yelled trying to get his attention before he plummeted to the ground. Without a second though I jumped from my horse towards the soaring trainee who was preparing himself to attack the twenty meter beast. I reved the gas and flew up towards him just as the motor gave out and sparked with fire. I grabbed at the metal surface and ripped it away from his body he yelled in surprise as I grabbed him and put my arms around  his chest as the motor flew into the air and exploded I turned as quickly as I could. I hear a quiet voice above the roar of the motor. “Thank you.”

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