Chapter nine- Lost in the forest

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Chapter nine

Without thinking I leapt down the tree trunk skidding down it and using my gas to go towards the sound of the screams. I ran like a mad-man refusing to let it get away, the creature was pretty far away but I could still hear it. Levi followed behind me, I couldn't see anything in the thick blackness. The lake of moonlight was also a pain. The screeching stopped but I kept going the way I was going  hoping to hell I could spot it before it could spot me. I continued to race forward the sound of the lines recoiling and uncoiling filled the forest.

Suddenly I felt the gas give and I was sent down, I had trained for something like this. I was stupid to use so much gas trying to reach the titan but I hadn't thought about it I was sent to the ground only keeping myself from completely crashing by keeping the lines tight I was sent sprawling into the grass but continued to run even without my maneuver gear. Eventually, I knew it was hopeless and I stopped. I sighed panting and pushing my hair out of my sweaty face, Levi skidded to a stop beside me. He hadn't tried to help me when I had lost my gas. The trainee said nothing as we stared into the black trees. “We lost it.” I hissed. “Dammit. It’s still out there!” I yelled to myself. Levi cringed only slightly turning to look at me. “It hasn't harmed anyone yet, its just hiding in here. It obviously hasn’t scented us. Perhaps its not interested in humans.” He stated, I looked over at him and said nothing.

“Hm.” Was my response, he eyed my maneuver gear. “Why did you use up all your gas idiot?” he scolded. I frowned “Your not helping.” And for the first time, I saw a sly smile tease at the edge of his lips. “Humph. Well, I don’t want to carry you.” He said rolling his blue eyes. I sighed “Maybe Tamaki will.” I laughed to myself. I looked over at me, the stern look returning. “You'd really let that Military core filth touch you?” I scoffed. I shrugged “For someone who hates the military you seem to hate that core more.” I stated. He rolled his shoulders back slightly in defiance.  “I'm aware.” Tamaki and the blond woman came flying though the trees, followed by the black haired girl. Tamaki landed beside me “Is your gas gone?” he asked. Obliviously I wouldn't be on the ground if I had gas. “It is. Thanks for stating the oblivious.” I said starkly.

Tamaki scooped me up without a word and held me like a new wife and husband. I fidgeted in discomfort I didn't like being held like that. He revved his gas and we were off back towards the horses, or at least where we thought the horse where. We went on for about ten minutes when I knew something was wrong, there was no way we were that far away. We stopped atop a tree.  “We're lost aren’t we.” I scowled, my voice filled with annoyance. I saw Tamaki flush with embracement. “Y-Yeah.” I groaned “Idiot!” I yelled at the boy, he cringed “Hay! I tried to help.” He said. I frowned, slumping on the edge of the branch. “Well we have to wait until day.” I sighed.

Levi leaned against the bark. “That’s what you get Alya, you let these idiots lead.” He snapped, I spun around. “I didn’t see you trying to help.” I retorted. The blond girl chuckled softly “You to bicker like an old married couple.” I turned on her “Married to him!” I laughed at the pure ridiculousness of her statement. “Levi Ackerman is an asshole.” I stated, the blond girl continued to smile like nothing had happened. “I think you'd be cute together.” She said, Tamaki seemed taken aback by her statement. “This fair maiden is to pure for this rat of a creature.” He said dramatically. “Shut up before I push you off the branch.” I hissed. He quieted down. I leaned back on the branch looking into a small patch of sky seeable though the thick pines and branches. The others were sitting around various parts of the branch.  

I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the breeze brushing across the pine needles. I was restless though, I couldn't find the peace of sleep. After a while the others were sleeping because there snores filled the trees. I stood as quietly as I could I walked to the trunk and climbed up the bark and the smaller branches climbing up and up. The tree seemed to go on forever, I continued to go up and up. After a while I started to see the moonlight and the tree began to glow into a beautiful radiant light. I reached the top and pulled myself up looking out into the valleys. I gasped in surprise I was above the wall, I looked over it into the distance hills and horizon. I was bathed in white light, I sighed taking in a deep breath trying to get as much of the cool air as I could. I listened to the whisper of the breeze blowing past my ears and though my hair. There was a shuffling below me and I looked down in surprise to see Levi climb up beside me. “Its nice up here.” He said simply. I nodded listening to the whisper of the forest.

He lifted his face into the moonlight the white light washing his face into an alabaster color. “Shame we lost that titan, but at least we have something to report back to them.” He said I blinked “You want to just abandon the mission and return?” I scoffed-

Hanji Pov

This time it was Armin “Wait, so Levi wasn't as headstrong as he is now?” He questioned “the captain would never abandon a mission unless completely necessary.” The blond boy pointed out, I looked up at him. Smiling. “That’s one of the thing he learned from her even without noticing it.” I explained “He was different before Alya, she taught him many things. Unfortunately she never ridded him of his foul mouth.” I chuckled softly, the door flung open and in walked the Captain he didn't have his jacket on. Eren stiffened as he saw the small man, he had a blank face as he walked past us and got a roll of bread then vanished up the steps again. I watched him go with a soft sigh. Then continued the story.

Alya POV

 He looked over at me slightly surprised “Well, we lost it what else can we do.” I looked into the distance “We find it. Titans can’t hide.” I replied.  He cast a side-ways glance at me. “Your stubborn, people don’t like stubborn.” I shrugged “I don’t care what people think.” I said jumping down the branches followed by the trainee. I stopped next to the others who still slumbered. I sat down on the edge of the branch. Levi went off on his own again, I let him go. 

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