Chapter fifty-two- Months past

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Chapter fifty two

One month later

December 6th year 453

He’s still in a coma, everyone else has healed now. Erwin and I have been arguing back and forth for a month now, about what happened outside the walls. That… thing. That attacked us, I believe it is in fact not a titan but he’s saying I am ridiculous and crazy. My poor sweet Levi is still stone cold, and the doctors don’t know how long he will be away…” I removed my pen from the journal, ever since the accident I'd started keeping a journal. I shut the pages, it was early dawn now. A thick layer of snow was falling from the silver sky, winter was hard on this land. It made it difficult to keep the peace to, because of the bad weather food was hard to come buy… It forced a lot of people to do the unthinkable. For example, last year we had a man threaten to throw his two year old son over the wall if he couldn't feed his family. They'd called myself and a group in to get him to stop, unfortunately the meddling military police had gotten there before us and shot the poor sap. I stood up stretching, the headquarters got cold during this part of the year. Thankfully for me, most of the rooms upstairs had fireplaces put into them. So mine was toasty warm during part of the year, I pulled a black scarf I had over my face and nose tugging a ebony hat on over my head and pulling an oversized jacket on.

I trampled down the steps and outside into the chilly weather, the snowflakes freckled my face white as I walked towards the infirmary. I opened the door to a great chatter, laughing and smiling of doctors. One spotted me and waved me over “Wonderful news Ms. Alya!” She cried “Levi has awoken! No one has gone in yet, we were just about to send someone to fetch you.” She smiled at me, clapping her hands. I felt myself tug at my scarf, joy soared threw me like a wild waterfall. I followed her, forcing myself to walk. I opened the door very slowly and she stayed behind watching from a crack in the wooden door frame. I went to him, he was looking outside into the snow. I couldn't see his face, at the sound of my boots he looked over at me. His eyes wide, but only slightly. There steel surface flickered slightly, I went to him walking like a deer. Carefully, almost like I might wake a sleeping mouse. Levi sat up, our gazes held. I stood over him at the edge of the bed, he reached out for me. Taking my hand in his, holding it. He said nothing and I spoke. “Can you speak?” I asked. He opened his mouth to try but only a dry croaking sound emanated from his lips. A doctor entered, he walked up to me. “Levi suffered some brain damage from hitting his head, but he should be back to normal in a few days. I insist he refrain from practicing with 3D maneuver gear for a while.” He said putting his burly hand on my shoulder and nodding to the boy then leaving.

I knelt down to be face to face with Levi, he opened his mouth again but yet again no words. I put my shoulders on the bed and looked at him. “Do you remember me?” He made a pitching movement with his hands. I guess that meant that he remembered me only a little. I sighed quietly, pulling up a chair to sit next to him in. “Do you remember who you are?” I began at the beginning. After hitting his head like that, he must have lost a few memories. He nodded slowly and tried to talk, this time I worked but his voice was very scratchy. “Levi Ackerman.” He stuttered. I smiled, squeezing his hand in mine. “What’s my name?” I asked him. Levi moved his hair out of his eyes, my god… I'd never seen this boy so weak before. He was supposed to be the one to save the day, not me. “Alya-“ He coughed to clear his voice and its soft honey like tone returned. “Alya Rivail” He said. Coughing again to clear up his voice, I smiled. “And… what do you remember about me?” I asked him. He looked at me, lifting my chin with his index finger moving his face close to me and kissing me very softly. His lips where as soft as I remembered, he tasted of strawberries. I blushed, turning as scarlet as my hair. “That, I harbor feelings for her deeper than any river bottom.” He whispered into my ear. I blushed harder not sure what to say, he put his feet over the side of the bed and stood up. Collapsing onto me very suddenly, his legs would be weak after not using them for a month.

I caught him but the weight caused the chair to fall backward onto the ground, he landed ontop of me not crushing me by thankfully putting his hands out to catch us. He laughed smoothly, looking down at the blushing me. I tugged awkwardly at the scarf around my neck. Not meeting his eyes, being a month without him around to bug me had been both a blessing and a curse. I… I think I love this man, but I'm not sure. I wasn't sure what to think really… He struggled upward again, I got up to support him he used my shoulders to balance. We got him his clothes and I helped him change, blushing harder than ever at the sight of his bare chest. He grinned mischievously but said nothing as I helped him button up his fresh white blouse. “The others will be so happy to see you.” I said to him, I would have him staying in my room until he was fully functioning again. I didn't think I could survive another day without my trusty trainee around. I helped him to his feet and we walked around the room a couple times, he was still wobbly but he was getting better. I helped him out of the room and down the steps, I swung my scarf around both of us as we left the building and out into the piles of white snow. Snowflakes scattered into his hair as he looked up into the sky, a tiny smile on his lips. As we reached the door the four, Petra, Oluo, Gunter and Erd raced out and ran towards myself and Levi they ran into us almost knocking us both to the ground. The four hugged myself and Ackerman tightly, Petra on the verge of tears. “I'm so glad you’re ok Levi!” They whimpered together. Even Oluo seemed to have missed his pain-in-the-neck friend.

I grinned under the shower of arms and hands Levi was stiff, but accepted the warm embrace of the others. After about three minutes of hugging and laughing we all went inside, our faces rosy and pink with the frosty cold of the outside. We sat in the sitting room, myself and Petra on either side of Levi. The cook had brought us all coffee to sip on, I think everyone had worried for Levi. Even if they didn't like him, to see a member of this ‘family’ endanger would worry anyone. Levi sipped on his coffee while the others looked at him expectantly. “Well…?” Petra asked. I blinked, peering around the chest of the ebony haired boy to look at her. “What?” he asked. She grinned “What was it like? To be sleeping for a month.” Levi almost spat his coffee out of his mouth. “A month!?” He asked wrinkling his nose in surprise. Petra gave me a look of confusion, like I was supposed to tell him. I shrugged leaning back against the plush couches. Levi looked over at me “A month?” He asked again. I nodded “Yeah, a month Ackerman. Don’t you remember it?” I asked him, eyeing him from the rim of my white coffee mug. He sighed “No… I didn't have a conception of time. After I hit… Hit my head on the tree I lost all feeling.” He shrugged rolling his shoulders back slightly. The others nodded and said nothing over the quiet sipping of drinks. I blinked “I'm surprised you remember things as well as you do.” I said quietly, he nodded looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “You, my dear are hard to forget.” He teased. I heard Petra giggle quietly and she shot a glance at Erd who just smiled and said nothing. “When’s the wedding?” Asked Gunter causing everyone but Levi to laugh. He rolled his eyes at them “Childlike humor.” He said, his voice wasn’t teasing. I chuckled softly “Oh take your panties out of your butt Levi.” I said to him, causing another explosion of laughter. Levi rolled his eyes at me smiling softly “Your stupid.” I punched him playfully on the shoulder. “I know.” The others giggled quietly at this. “You two are so cute.” Petra mused “If you have a wedding, I want to be one of the brides maids!” She giggled with glee. I laughed “I doubt we will be getting married, but yeah, sure.” I said. She clapped her hands together smiling. “Yay!” I laughed softly as Levi shifted uncomfortably in the plush chairs. After about ten more minutes of pleasant chatting I turned to Levi “Hay, I want to show you something.” I said standing up and taking his hand. “Excuse us.” They nodded and Petra went back to doing wedding planning.

I led him up the steps and towards the third floor, I pushed open the door. The room was dust free now, I'd cleaned it out over the month. I'd removed all the boxes and stacked them neatly in the corner of the room washing the huge glass windows. The piano was centered in the middle of the room now, the Ebony haired boy smiled and sat down at the keys next to me. “Ready?” I asked, I set my hands down and began to play.

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