Chapter thirty five- In the end

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Chapter thirty five

I covered my blushing face as quickly as I could. I didn't want him to see it, I was just being foolish like usual. He laughed quietly and took my hands in his and removed them from my face “Don’t do that, I want to see your pretty face.” I felt my cheeks burn red hot like the lavas of the mountain. “Uh.” I said quietly not sure what to say. “Thanks?” I guessed. He laughed again moving his ebony hair from his indigo eyes in silence for a minute while white moonlight flushing his black hair in the white light. I turned away from him “I'm not used to wearing dresses or being complemented by guys.” I said quietly. He grinned “I can tell.” He stood up and offered me his hand, I took it with my tiny gloved one. We went back inside by then the crow was starting to dissipate and the waltzing couples in the middle stopped dancing to sit down. Many young ladies where asleep on the shoulders of their dates. Levi was speaking with a pretty young woman with curly short brown hair and large aqua colored eyes. She had a lovely lace sea-green dress on and her lips panted in thick red lipstick. He seemed to show no interest in her, but chatted pleasantly.

I scanned the room for the judge in silence, I saw the old man sitting in the corner of the room watching Levi speaking with the woman. The young boy let out a loud fake laugh. The judge frowned but took a sip of the drink he head. Qwill spotted me watching “Why are you looking at that old man so weirdly?” He asked. I turned my head up to look at the six foot tall man. “I didn't tell you, but myself and Levi over there are in a little bit of a hot spot right now. I attacked a Stationary guard captain and almost killed her, and hes a past thug.” I said quietly. Qwill raised his eyebrows in surprise, opening his mouth. “What?” He demanded “You almost killed someone.” I narrowed my eyes “Shh. Keep it down.” I hissed “I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. She threatened my Corp and its members, she was a bitch. Ok?” I defended myself coldly. He dropped the topic as a couple strode past us, the man leaning heavily on the woman’s shoulders his face red with drunken glee.

I watched them vanish out the door and I looked up at the clock, 10. I would have to find the others pretty soon. Qwill took my hand and smiled “Can I have the last dance?” He asked. I nodded and followed him out onto the dance floor the young boy took my hands and as the piano played we swirled around the dance floor my red dress blossoming out like a summer rose. My hair doing the same. I stumbled over myself and the ridiculous heels I had on. If a Titan burst though the wall right now, I would have no luck running away from it. The song finished and Levi came over to us, he held out his hand to me. “We have to get going. Erwin is waiting by the horses.” I turned to look at Qwill. “Come visit, sometime ok?” He nodded brushing my hair from my face with a passionate gaze.

“Of course.” Levi took my hand suddenly forcefully and dragged me off towards the door “Bye!” I cried as the door shut behind me. I stumbled and almost tripped on my face as one of the heels gave way and snapped right on the street. I sighed loudly removing the shoes and walking barefoot. My feet felt like I was stepping on nails and glass. I waddled behind Levi, he sighed stopping and waiting for me. He got impatient and went back to me. Suddenly he scooped me up and held me off the ground holding me like a porcelain doll. I blinked “Hay! You don’t have to do that.” I said but I allowed it. My feet were killing me, and this way I didn't have to walk so. It’s a win, win situation for me. He was surprisingly strong. We reached the horses and Erwin was already on his, he checked his watch the second we arrived. Levi let me down and I looked down at my dress then up at my horse. “Uh. How….?” Erwin chuckled “Just get on the horse and ride side-saddle.” I groaned loudly “Noo..” I whimpered. Levi got on his horse “Oh grow up.” He said.

I sighed loudly and tried to get on my horse the best I could floundering around like an idiot. Eventually I managed to get onto the back of the ebony steed who was kicking her hooves impatiently. Tamaki showed up last, flustered and red. He got on his horse without a word and we started off, racing the horses down the cobblestone roads and back towards Wall rose and the headquarters. The moon was high in the sky by the time we returned home. I was  half asleep on the back of the horse, my legs stiff and hard to move. When I jumped off I had to walk like a duck to be able to move. Erwin laughed as he passed me.  “I hate you.” I growled. He chuckled and we tied up the horses in the stables. I went inside, rushing up to my room. The second I was in the room I threw my dress of and onto the desk. I pulled out my soft sleeping clothes and flopped down on the bed with a loud exasperated sigh. I'd hoped to the heaven and hells that the judge would approve of what we'd done and how we'd behaved.

I curled up under the covers and my thoughts returned to Qwill. He'd turned out to be quite handsome actually. He had the same smile… And with that I fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning to the sound of birds, the sky was cloud covered and dark with a storm on the horizon. I sat up, still stiff and sore in all sorts of places. I flopped back in the covers nestling myself close to the pillow and thick white covers. As hungry as I was, I didn't feel like getting out of bed. My back was so sore I didn't want to move. Eventually I dragged myself out of my fluffy bed and wondered downstairs not bothering to change into something more presentable. I wandered into the mess hall and Petra greeted me with a smile. “Alya! Your back.” I went to sit next to them, almost falling over.  Petra smiled at me “How was it?” I buried my head into my arms almost falling asleep. “It was allright, I found my long lost childhood friend.” I said to the auburn haired girl. She gasped “Really!? Whats his name?” I looked up at her chocolate colored eyes. “Qwill, his name is Qwill.” 

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