Chapter six- Tamaki

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Chapter six

The sudden drop caused the sensation of butterflies in my stomach, time seemed to slow as I was catapulted down onto the ground and the horse toppled over on top of me, missing me at first but seemingly bouncing off the ground then rolling onto my left leg. I cried out in pain and surprise as a heart-breaking snap echoed though the field, Lullaby lay still for a moment the horse whimpered and struggled to stand. My left leg was so painful I could barely feel it, Levi suddenly stopped he almost had seemed to not notice.

The boy dismounted the steed and raced over “What happened!” He demanded ,no sympathy in his voice while my leg continued to be smashed under the weight of the horse. I gritted my teeth, fighting the pain. Lullaby managed find her feet and got off of me, my leg was twisted in an odd direction, clearly broken.

I forced myself to stand, refusing to show any signs of weakness or pain. I limped over the horse, who had surprisingly not taken any damage. She sniffed me as I approached her, Ackerman trailed me a frown on his face. “Seriously, you cant expect to ride like that.” He said. I narrowed my eyes “I'm Fine” I hissed though gritted teeth, my left leg was killing me but was not about to let him see me weak. I mounted the horse and my leg twinge I winced in pain but refused to let it hinder me. We started off again and every time the horse moved it twisted my leg but I galloped Lullaby anyway. We soon reached the end of wall Maria, going towards the city of Shigiasha where the sightings had been reported just before the little village.

We skidded to a stop about a half an hour after my little… episode. Levi dismounted his horse as did I doing my best not to limp or wince with the pain. We went towards the entrance of the town looking at the gate that was open and peering in. “What an odd place for a Titan sighting.” I remarked, chuckling softly. Levi just let out a gruff little ‘Hmph’ sound. Suddenly a young woman raced up to us, I opened my mouth to say hello but she brushed past me. “The Military core!” She cried “They've come!!” The woman laughed and danced around like she had just received news that the titans where all gone. I raised my eyebrow while my companion frowned “So they sent us out here for nothing?” He scoffed in disbelief. I turned to see a set of three white horses riding closer, at the head was a brown haired young man his hair was surprisingly long and fell into his eyes, at his side where two young women. One with long blond hair and the other with cropped chestnut hair they road up to us, there green horse deigns of badges flashing in the sunlight. The man stopped his horse by the woman and the moment he spoke.

“My beautiful lady, why do you fret. Distress does not suit your face well.” He said, bowing.

I knew that I hated him, I wrinkled my nose turning to go “Lets go.” I hissed to Ackerman who had the same disgusted look in his eyes as we turned our green capes which bore our symbols where plain to see and the man yelled out to us. “Recon core! Wait!” He yelled and I stopped, refusing to limp. The man raced over to us, and I turned slowly because honestly I didn't want to look at him.

He stopped before me. “Hm…? A beautiful red haired maiden in such a stupid core. You should've joined us my dear.” He bowed before even saying anything else and grabbed my hand to kiss it, I ripped myself away from this strange man. “Lets go.” I said to the trainee beside me, he continued to gawk at this stupid man. “How do you even function.” Sputtered Ackerman. The brown haired guy stood in surprise, while I noticed the blond haired girl ogling Levi. “How rude!” He scoffed, surprised and acting frankly quite strange he raised his left hand and his voice and sounded like he was about to start a dramatic speech. “I am captain Tamaki!” He cried into the sky “Of the military corps!” Levi twitched his eye at the man. “Your stupid, we're leaving.” I said, turning to go. “Wait! What is your name fair maiden.” We kept walking and my limp started to return I gritted my teeth refusing to let myself feel the pain while this strange man was following us. “I said, shut up.” I snarled. Suddenly, I was swooped off my feet and into someone’s arms, Tamaki was holding me off the ground. “Your hurt!” He exclaimed. “I will carry you to safety.” Suddenly he dropped me and was face first in the ground, Levi had his left boot on the boys head. “She told me she was fine, there for she’s fine.” He growled at the boy, clearly sick of his overly enthusiastic nature. The blond girl raced over and gasped as Levi moved his foot away from the boy and walked over to me. “Your Survey guys are so mean.” She whimpered, sounding to me like a lost puppy.

“Well you Military core guys are useless.” I spat back and we continued, this Tamaki was not about to give up. He jumped up and continued to trail us as we entered the village.  “Please fair maiden, what is your name.” He demanded of me, I spun around “Damn, leave me alone. Its Captain Alya!” I half yelled. The brown haired man gasped in surprise “The famous captain Alya, why are you here?” he asked. I narrowed my eyes “I told you my name. Buzz off.” I hissed. Levi was growing sick of this idiot. “We are looking for the Titan spotters if you must know, we have to figure out what’s going on here.” He growled “Now shoo, before I break that pretty face of yours.” He threatened.

The brown haired man gasped in surprise “How rude, we are as well. Why on earth would they summon the Survey core as well as us…” He said to his blond companion. “I don’t know.” She responded, Tamaki pulled out a list from his pocket. Reviewing it with his little girlfriend, I frowned. Noticing the girl with the cropped brown hair approaching it, she lifted her hand and to my surprise hit Tamaki over the head, snatched the paper and walked to us. “I apologize for his idiocy Lady Alya.” She said, addressing me like I was some kind of crippled queen. She handed us the paper “We should split this up between us and report back here, since we're all working on the same thing we might as well.” She offered. Levi spoke before I could accept. “I don’t work with Military core scum.” He spat “No matter how respectful they may be.” He turned to go and I grabbed his shoulder, my hand landing on his collar bone he struggled to get away. “I'm in charge, we will work with them and your not going to make a problem.” I threatened, he winced and frowned knowing I wasn't joking. He turned on the girl. “I'm not planning on being nice.” He hissed. I rolled my eyes “I think we know that.” The girl split up the paper, I got a family by the name of ‘Rucker’ and “Eren Jeager…?”



To clear something up, this isnt a cross over between Oruan and AOT, I 'borrowed' Tamakis name and personality and made him someone else. Stop commenting about it people. xD

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