Chapter forty- Solace

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Chapter forty

I opened my eyes very slowly; there was a warm breathing sensation on the nape of my neck. I felt grass and a soft breeze, it was nice. The twittering of the birds filled my ears and I didn't feel like moving. I felt an arm around my middle and I opened my eyes. Aw shit, right. I'd fallen asleep next to Levi last night. We'd been acting stupid, like five year olds running around chasing after each other. I moved as softly as I could to look at him, he had grass pieces in his hair and his face was so peacefully cute… I smiled. Aw, Ackerman was adorable. When he wasn't being an asshole, the sunlight freckled his face with golden. He didn't snore either, which was a bonus. I sat up very slowly removing his arm and placing it down on the grass at his side. My best friend huh…? I recalled the conversation last night. He was kind, when he tired. I leaned back putting my hands behind me as support. Levi opened his eyes very slowly just taking in the new day, he looked up at me. His silver eyes flickered and reflected sunlight. “Mornin'” He said like it was totally normal that we feel asleep in the middle of the grassy field. I rolled my eyes and laughed “I'm surprised Erwin didn't send out a search party after us.” I said sarcastically. He chuckled softly and rolled upward shaking his hair out and taking the flecks of green out of his ebony hair. He smirked at me and removed a little daisy from my bangs, I blinked I hadn't even noticed it. “We're gross.” He said looking down at his grass stained paints. I chuckled “I don’t mind.” I whipped a smudge of dirt off my face with my left hand.

He rolled his eyes and looked at me with a ‘really?’ look. “Uh-huh.” He said. I smiled “Yeah, cleanliness should come after the first most important thing. Food.” I grinned, I was a food addict. I loved it, but I'd never gotten fat to my surprise. I guess because I worked out so much, with all the Omni directional maneuver gear things I had to do on a daily basis. Levi stood and I followed him out of the pasture, not before Lullaby trotted up to us with a loud neigh sound. I petted her nose, but her eyes were on Levi beside me. The horse nuzzled his hand as he lifted it to pet her, she licked him to. “Aw, she likes you.” I said shoving his side playfully. He rolled his eyes “everyone likes me.”  

“Sarcastic fart” I teased he laughed “that’s a new one!” I snorted with laughter, realizing the stupidity of my statement.  I guess I'd really come to like Levi, he was a kind guy. On the inside, on the outside he was brittle. Almost like a orange. The outside was gross and un-appealing but when you pealed back the thick layers of skin. You would reach the most amazing and delicious part…. The inside. We returned to Headquarters, Petra was outside with Erwin she looked worried as she spotted us she raced over like the wind was pushing her forward. “Levi, Alya!” She cried. To my surprise flinging herself into Levis arms. “I was so worried, you two didn't come back last night!” She cried. He winced as she clung to him like glue. He pried the auburn haired girl off of his chest. Erwin was tapping his foot on the dust. “Corporal Alya, is that any way to behave? Running off with one of your trainees?” he spat. I frowned at him “He wanted to talk, and we fell asleep. Nothing happened if that’s what you mean!” I defended myself.

Erwin scowled at me his usually calm face distraught with anger and pain. “Your second in command around here, running off with this… this… scoundrel doesn't sent a very good example!” He hissed at me scolding me like a young mother and her terrible toddler who just got into the cookie jar. I frowned at him not backing down “He's my friend Erwin, I thought you were my friend and that you would understand. I guess not.” I snarled pushing past him and towards the headquarters. I left the commander standing outside glaring into the horizon. I went to the bathrooms and cleaned myself off quickly, I didn't feel like my usual ‘stand in the shower for thirteen minutes’ I clanged back into my clothes brushing out my hair into long waves of scarlet.

I sighed quietly going down the steps towards the mess hall the others were down there. I sat down next to the group in silence staring into the window as the morning sunlight poured in to the quiet room making the dust glow with golden light and the walls turn from dark black to bright yellow. Petra looked at me with a sad expression “I'm sorry Erwin is that way Alya.” She said touching my arm. “I understand you and Levi are friends, Its good for both of you to have someone that you can rely on.” She said “I wish he would view me as a friend the way he sees you, but I think he still needs more time to warm up to us.” She looked around at Oluo, Eld and Gunter. The three nodded slowly in agreement. I sat up looking at each of them as they were bathed in glowing white. “Yeah.” I said leaning back in the wooden chair and letting the sunlight soak into my skin and face, warming me. “He is a close friend of mine, Erwin I mean. I don’t know what pissed him off so much. Yeah, I realize that falling asleep in the middle of a field is very immature but It was a onetime thing.” I said quietly.

Petra nodded in agreement as the steps creaked, I looked up at Ackerman walking down the steps he was messing with his jacket as he sat down next to me. “Hmph.  What got into commander Blondie’s pants…?” He asked no one still fidgeting with his jacket. I rolled my eyes at him “I don’t know, I think he was just worried about me. I'm like his little sister.” I said quietly. Levi looked at me for a moment narrowing his steel gray eyes. “And nothing more…?” He asked quizzically, his voice had an usually cold tone to it. Petra noticed as well and looked at him in surprise. “Why does it matter?” I said. Levi frowned but said nothing, he folded his arms over his ribs and looked at the table. “Its not a good idea to have feelings for a commander like him, he's seen to many deaths to be able to love properly.” He explained “He says the same thing to those who loose the ones they love, he doesn't feel anymore. Its understandable, after seeing so many die. There is nothing left but darkness in your heart.” I stared at him, I'd never thought of it like that. “Nothing but darkness…?” I asked. He looked over at me, his gray gaze reflecting sunlight. He wasn't frowning, his face was stiff with seriousness. 

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