Chapter fifty-seven- Welcome home

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Chapter fifty seven

It took twenty minutes but in daylight it was easy to see the direction I was going. I stopped the horse in the first row of pine trees. I still wasn't ready to face them, I could see Petra and the four outside on the horses. They had worried expressions on their faces. “Erwin and the search party hasn't returned yet… Levi refuses to leave her room! What else could go wrong!” Oluo said. I listened in silence, keeping myself at a distance. Petra was on her chocolate steed next to Erd. “She didn't mean to get so angry last night, I'm sure she was just confused.” The auburn haired girl defended me. Even after I attacked her, she'd still hold her own to defend any of her friends… I smiled inwardly as the snowflakes swirled quietly down around me landing on my face and in my hair. “Maybe we should try and get Levi out here, instead of pouting he could help look for the captain.” Gunter suggested. Petra sighed “I think hes hurt she would accuse him of trying to harm her, Levi really cares for her… I don’t know what exactly happened with the sword… but still…” the auburn haired girl looked around at the others the sound of horse hooves echoed though the clearing and in rode Erwin followed by a set of trainees. He looked frustrated and upset. The four rode over to him “Any luck?” Asked Erd. The commander shook his head “We found a lot of blood, but no sign of the body.” Petra gasped “Don’t say that Erwin, she’s not dead!” Erwin said nothing and rode his horse over to the stables, dismounting and tying up the steed. “There is no proof to say she’s not, The only evidence we have is the massive amount of blood.” I felt my legs tighten at the horses side.

 I wanted to ride into there and announce I was alive, but I couldn't do it. My courage was gone. I looked up at my window and I could see Ackerman in there he was sitting at the desk by the window reading something. I guessed it was my mother’s journals. I watched the others for a while longer and began to back the horse into the trees, I couldn't do it… I just couldn't do it. I was confused, and unfit for leadership. This stupid feminine emotions that swirled around inside me like a thunderstorm… but as my gaze met Levis face I knew what I had to do. I knew what I felt for him now, I kicked the horse and we trotted out of the pine trees into the clearing. Just as the horses hooves stepped onto a snow drift in the garden a brilliant flash of sunlight cut through the clouds and illuminated my hair and face in gold. The four looked over at me, Erwin looked up from untying his horse. I dismounted Lullaby who happily trotted over to the others. They just stared at me in silence for a while. “Your alive?” muttered Erwin. I nodded smiling. “You act like it’s a surprise.” He walked over to me very slowly almost like I was a ghost. “What about that blood we found?” He asked. I shrugged “I cut open my scar again, but some mountain family found me and healed me up.” I explained. The four suddenly came to there senses and walked to me giving me a big hug. “Welcome home!” They cried “We thought we'd lost you!!” Petra whimpered. I smiled in silence as I accepted there warm embrace. Erwin was next, he ruffled my hair with a smile. “Don’t you dare worry us like that again ok?” He said with soft laugh. I looked into his large blue eyes for a moment and smiled right back. “No promises.” Erwin chuckled as there was a loud door slam from behind us. I peered around Erwins broad chest to see a very angry looking Levi at the door.

 He stormed over to me, arms straight at his side and hands balled into two little fists. “How dare you Alya!” He yelled as Erwin moved out of the way Levi came face to face with me, his steel gray eyes flared with anger. “How dare you…” He growled again “Running away like that?” He hissed at me. “We'd thought you dead!” I winced again saying nothing, I decided it was better to let him get his anger out then try and defend myself. Levi just stared at me for a while, he closed his eyes and sighed loudly. “You know that I would never hurt you…” He said “Never in a million years.” I nodded slowly “I don’t know what got into you, but don’t do it again ok?” He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly I accepted his warmth and closed my eyes he smelled of cinnamon… The boy held me close to him for a while refusing to let me go. “Never do that again. Understand?” He said “I don’t think I'll be able to cope if you vanish…” I heard the smile in his voice. I took a deep breath of his scent while I heard a happy sigh from Petra. He let me go but stayed close, I turned to the others. “I want to apologize, to all of you… what I did last night was the panicle of stupidity. I've had a lot on my mind the last few days… but the little time out I gave myself gave me time to think it all threw.” I said.

They nodded, Erwins arms where folded and he had an agitated look on his face but he kept his mouth shut. I looked up at Levi at my side who wasn't looking at me. “I've figured out what my heart wants…” I trailed off looking at his strong jaw line and lovely nose. His beautiful eyes flickered slightly in the snow and sunlight. The four before us smiled and nodded Petra clapped her hands. Erwin was the only one who wasn't celebrating. “I'm glad Alya, now… Why don’t we leave these two alone.” She said shooing the others even the commander with her little hands. She pushed Erd and Gunter inside and they were closely trailed by the others. When the courtyard was silent I looked over at Levi turning to face him. Snowflakes fluttered down into his hair and on his long black eyelashes. He tipped his head, waiting for me to speak. “Levi… I…I…” I trailed off not sure how to say this. “I… I” I stuttered like an idiot. He chuckled, putting his hand on my cheek and brushing a snowflake off my nose. “I love you.” I managed to get out. His eyes widened in surprise and he smiled a real smile. “I love you to… My beautiful ginger.” And he kissed me, his lips tasted of ginger and snowflakes got mixed in with our passionate kiss. He  let me go and took a breath. “I love you… My Levi.”




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