Chapter five- A meeting

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Chapter five

I sighed, waking up and looking out the window to my surprise the gloom of the past day was gone and the sun was shimmering in the sky like a golden goddess. I stood, changing out of my lazy clothes and into my ‘working’ gear. Then I went downstairs and outside, not bothering to get anything to eat. This place was within wall rose, the middle wall of the three, so we would be heading north today. Erwin waited for me, holding Levi by his arm to keep him still the boy trashed. He clearly did not want to go on this trip, he wasn't alone on that standing. I saddled up Lullaby and went to the commander, eyeing the trainee beside him.

“Why do I have to go.” Barked Ackerman, trying to rip himself out of Erwins firm grip. “Because, you need an attitude readjustment.” I spat back, mounting my black horse who kicked her hooves and swayed her head at me, Erwin shoved the boy towards the stables “Get your horse.” He commanded “You'll be going, if you don’t behave yourself you know what will happen.” The blond haired commander threatened. I said nothing and waited for my ‘companion’ to get his things ready. “We should be back by later tonight.” I said to the commander who nodded to me then went inside, I started off by trotting my horse then galloped her, I was troubled by this. Shouldn't it be the Stationary guard who protected the walls from this ‘titan’ or ‘titan spotting’s’ I mused to myself.  I kicked the horse who sped up and tore across the moorlands towards the massive wall, the wall size was surprisingly large. After the first appearance the humans had to make a large enclosure so we could have more room to repopulate.

While the walls where fairly large, wall Sina only hosted the riches group because- it was in speaking- the capital of this… wall… whatever it was. A miniature country I guess? My green cloak continued to flow out behind me in wild tangles of emerald and the horses hooves smacked against the dirt echoing across the nearly silent land. Levi  had said nothing to me, I didn't want to talk to him anyway. We neared the wall going towards Maria. Skidding the horses to a stop just before the gate that was open, I sighed quietly.

My father had lived in Maria, actually. He still did but he was a sad drunk, he lived in a shamble of a house in the corner of Trost. We slowed the horses and went into the large village, people eyed us as we past but most ignored it they were fixated on something else. I stopped the horse and Levis almost smacked into the back of Lullaby. The black mare let out a whinny of surprise, Levi let out a little snarl sound “Why did you stop!” He demanded, I continued to stare at the group of people gathered In a circle, suddenly an old man burst though the group. His hair was tangled and long, he had a gray beard and ripped clothing. Holding a mug, sloshing a brown liquid out of it and his face was rosy with drunken delight.  He started to stumble over to us, while the people tried to help him stand up straight. I lifted my nose, I recognized this man. He was none other than my hatefully, horrible….Father.

My horse moved her neck slowly as she saw the man coming over, Levi did the same. He stopped before my horse “Why!” he hiccupped and swooned forward again, a young man helped him stand up. “I knew you would come crawling back!” He barked “Are you looking for money, because I sure as hell don’t have any.” He said, laughing like nothing was wrong. “Your mother would be hear to take care of me, but no you ran away! You had to go and join the-“hiccup “military” he finished.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw the trainee clench his teeth “Do not speak ill of the military old man, you don’t know the pain we have to go though.” He snarled at my father, who backed up slightly in surprise “and who’s this, your boyfriend?” he taunted. 

I looked forward, furrowing my brow and saying nothing. The old man stumbled away without a word, Levi turned on me. “Why didn't you defend yourself?” He demanded as we kicked the horses and continued. I continued to say nothing; even if he hated me he was still my father. The ebony haired boy rode his horse next to mine, giving me an angry look with his blue eyes. I refused to look at him, Ackerman snorted shortly in disbelief at me but said nothing of it as we continued though Trost and towards the main wall.

The gate opened as we approached and we went out into wall Maira-

Hanji POV

Suddenly Eren blurted out “Wait, wait wait…” He said holding up his hand in confusion. I pushed my glasses back up the bridge of my nose “What?” I asked him, the boy raised one of his chestnut eyebrows at me. “How do you know this?” he asked me, Armin looked over at him in surprise. “That’s surprisingly intellectual of you to ask.” The blond boy remarked to his friend. Mikasa beside him shuffled as well “I was wondering the same.” I smiled down at the table my glasses slipping down my nose as I moved. “Well, Captain Levi told me the story, Alya had told him most of these things.” I said, Eren blinked “But it sounds like he hates her guts.” He pointed out, Mikasa slapped his arm “Shut up, we're just at the start of the story.” She hissed at her brother, I smiled quietly at the sibling love. “Please continue Hanji.” I nodded and continued the story

Alya POV

The fields of wall Maria where surprisingly more green then rose, it was strange really. I stopped to marvel at the beautiful emerald grass and danced in the breeze, blowing up  white dandelion petals and taking them along with it. A dirt road lead up to the end of the wall, I shivered slightly wondering what was beyond that. The old world was just a lost memory among many other things in this city.

We kicked the horses and took off across the moorlands towards the edge of the other wall, I knew it would take a lot longer  to get to the other side because Maria was the largest wall, I listened to the hoof beats in silence for a while until my companion spoke up. “you shouldn't let your father speak to you like that, you’re a captain. A stupid one, but still a captain.” He said, riding his steed up next to mine. I raised an eyebrow, was this his attempt at being nice. “I wasn't defending you, I was defending the military.” He said. I clicked my tongue on the top of my mouth “I thought you hated the military.” I sneered, he looked forward towards the massive wall in the distance. “I do, but I hate titans more.” And with that, he kicked his horse and sped up overtaking me and riding ahead. I followed closely behind, wanting to beat him.

Without saying anything it became a race, I kicked lullaby’s side and smiled “C'mon girl, you can beat this spoiled brat.” I said to the horse who let out a whinny and rocked her head then dug her hooves into the ground and rocketed forward passing Levi and his horse with ease. Lullaby was a small horse, because of my small size she could carry me without a problem and could run faster than most of the other horses.

Suddenly I felt the ground shift and down I went being caught under the weight of the steed.

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