Chapter fifty-one- The Unreachable Destination.

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Chapter fifty one

When we reached headquarters, myself and the squad were rushed off to the infirmary along with several other trainees who had been fatally wounded. I repeatedly told Erwin I was fine, but he ignored me and dragged me to the corner building of the head quarters. I was one of the first to be seen, because of my high social status I was more of a priority to keep alive. They put me on one of the beds and a woman in white removed the quickly done bandages from my arm and chest. I winced as she poured some disinfectant on the puffy red wound. I wondered where the others where, I looked though the room for them. Across from me behind the woman they lay, all five of them strapped to beds. Erd was staring at the sealing, I could see his eyes open and very dull a woman was working furiously on a massive gash going along his cheek. Gunters head was nodded to the side, his eyes droopy while a young nurse battled him to keep his gaze with hers. Oluo was out of it, an I.V in his left arm. Petra had the worst of it, along her right leg was a two foot gash, massive and horrible. Scarlet blood dribbled from it while the doctors tried to stop the bleeding. My eyes fell on Levi last, he was still out of it. The doctors where trying to get him to wake up, checking the back of his face. Opening his mouth and eye-lids looking for the problem. Of course, They hadn't been there to see him smash his head on the wood.

I  wanted to tell them what was wrong, but the doctor working on my wounds kept me still. She finished up very quickly and moved over to Petra to help the swarm of medics working on her horrible wound. I lay in the white bed, the flickering lamps at the sides of my bed. It was warm in here, but it smelled of death. I couldn't find the peace of sleep among the scent of pain and sadness. My eyes fell on the ebony haired boy across from me, they trailed across the faces of each of my loyal comrades. “I'm sorry.” I said quietly “If I'd been strong enough, you wouldn't have to be hurting…” I whispered one of the closest doctors heard me and looked over at me. “I've heard a lot of people blame themselves for the injuries and the deaths of their friends Captain.” She said, focusing on stitching up Petras leg. “This, this is not your fault. A person can never control a titan, just remember that.” She said quietly then turned back to her work leaving me to my thoughts. I sighed quietly continually gazing at Levis face, eventually the doctors gave up and concluded that he was in fact in a Coma. After a while, they finished on the others who where all asleep, everyone but Erd. I struggled up to sitting position looking at the blond man who stared blankly into the ceiling. After the doctors had left to work on the other patients, he spoke. “What was that thing…?” he asked his voice barely above a whisper. I looked out the window to my right into the grassy courtyard below. “I don’t know.” I said “I've never seen a titan like that…” I looked back at him, he had sat up and was looking at me. Fear was in his large green eyes. “It must be a new breed.” I reassured him. “Titans are never the same twice.” I lied, hoping to ease some of his uneasiness.-

Hanji POV

Eren stared at me “Wait! There are more shifters then just me and Annie!?” He cried in surprise. I shrugged my small shoulders in response “What Alya and the others saw that day could have very well been a shifter, we don’t know who or what it was.” I said pushing my glasses back up the bridge of my curved nose. “That creature was faster and stronger than most titans, so it would seem logical to guess it was a shifter. At the time the group didn't know there was such a thing as body shifters, but anyway. Back to the story.” Eren nodded and leaned closer to me. Though out this story the three had been on the edge of their seats. Like children being told a bedtime story by their father. I chuckled inwardly and continued the story

Alya POV

Erd nodded very slowly and leaned back on the plush white bed. “That wasn't a titan.” He said, I frowned but said nothing. It must have been the medicine that they'd injected into him making him speak like he was crazy. I laid down on my left keeping my wounded arm elevated and off the bed so it wouldn't cut open on accident curling my knees up as far as the stitches on my stomach would allow. My mind wandered to the beast that had hunted us like nothing more than pray, its massive rows of pointed fangs and long white claws on each hand. It was a wonder it didn't eat any of us, or kill us for that matter. I did wonder what it was, the others hadn't seen it just vanish into a puff of white steam like I had. It… could it be something other than a titan..? No, I'd seen it. Twenty meters tall, defiantly a titan. Right…? I sighed, covering my ears and face with the pillow at my head to block out all the sound and sight I could.

 After a while I heard the quiet snoring of Erd over the fabric of my pillow. I sat up very slowly and stumbled out of the bed, they had removed my torn jacket and shirt, leaving me in a skimpy tank-top. I frowned down at myself, ugh. Despicable. I wandered over to the line of beds across from me, Levi was at the far right by the window, I sat down in a chair by his bed and took his soft hand in mine. The boy was still out cold, only his soft breathing to comfort me. I rested my head on his chest, listening to the rhythmic thumping of his heart. I'd almost lost this boy… and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I'd never grown very close to anyone-well aside from Erwin- and almost lost them, Levi was the first. I'd been so upset I'd cried. I looked up at his face, his soft hair falling into his eyes. I had the urge to move it, I reached my fingers out very slowly towards his face and at the touch of a feather brushed his ebony hair from his eyes. He took a sudden deep breath and I removed my hands, had he felt that? I wondered. People in comas still had feeling, I believed. I wondered how long this would last, I hoped he wouldn't be away from me for too long… I wondered where he was… Up in the clouds..? Flying on a set of navy and white wings? I closed my eyes, and tired to join him up in the sky. Where the world was free, and only the horizon was your unreachable destination. 



I photoshopped the drawing on the side its called 'The original team' you figure it out. ;3

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