Chapter 1

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Lizzy Daelynn rolled her trolly around the platform.She stopped in front of the wall,looking at her hands,a small flame appearing.She clenched them to fists,exhaling a shaky breath.She ran towards the wall her heels clicking on the floor,her dangling earrings swaying.She closed her eyes,opening them a second later.She looked around,wizards and witches alike all around.

"Be careful,dear.Remember.Keep your powers hidden.And whatever house you end up in,we are proud of you."her mother said softly.Lizzy nodded before proceeding to the back of the train to put her stuff in.She walked back to her mother,her dazzling blue eyes set on her father who appeared beside her mother."See you soon,sweetie."Her father said,kissing her forehead.She hugged her mother and father before boarding the scarlet red train to find a compartment.

Soon after finding an empty compartment,the whistle blew,signaling that it was about to depart.She sighed deeply,waving her hands,a gust of wind blew her hair.A soft knock came on her compartment door.She clenched her fist once again and opened the door.She saw 4 boys standing there."Um.Hi.May we come in?We're looking for a place to sit and this was the only one that's vacant."the boy with brown hair and green eyes said.Lizzy stepped aside,allowing them to come in.She sat back down at the window seat,awaiting for them to sit as well.

After settling down,she broke the silence." my name is Lizzy Daelynn.What's yours?"The boys stared at her,breaking into wide grins."My name is James Potter."said the boy with black hair and hazel eyes."Sirius Black,at your service,m'lady."said the boy with jet black hair and stormy grey eyes,lifting her hand and giving it a gentle kiss.

Lizzy blushed a faint pink,covering her mouth and giggling.She turned to the boy whom was absorbed in a book.She cleared her throat,he looked up.

"Oh.Sorry.I'm Remus Lupin."He smiled slightly.Lizzy nodded turning towards the slightly plumb boy with sandy colored hair.

"Peter Pettigrew."He said shyly.Lizzy smiled brightly."Its nice to meet you all."

And so,they talked all the way to Hogwarts."What house do you want to be in?"Lizzy asked."Gryffindor.For the brave and courageous."James proudly stated.The boys all nodded in agreement.Lizzy giggled."Same here.My whole family has been in Gryffindor."She said as proudly as James declared his dream house.

The time seemed to pass by quickly for the 5.They made easy friends with each other.And what was supposedly hours from London to Scotland seemed to be minutes for the group.

They came out of the Hogwarts express,taking in the breathtaking scenery before them.

"Its amazing.Isn't it?"Lizzy breathed,staring in awe at the School that stood proud before them.She turned towards the boys,having the same expression as herself.

Lizzy giggled,dragging them by the hands to the crowd of First years that was being led towards the school."Alright.I want all of you to line up in a neat row please.Now,please,follow me."the woman in a emerald green dress stated strictly.Lizzy stood,nervous and excited.From what her mother and father had told her,there would be a sorting hat that would sort them into the 4 different houses.

"Lily Evans."she called.She then started to panic.She desperately wanted to be a Gryffindor along with her friends.What if she was in Slytherin?What if-

"Lizzy Daelynn."the professor called,snapping her out of her thoughts.She stood straight,and walked forward.She looked at the crowd,eager to hear what house she'd be in.She sat on the stool followed by the hat being placed upon her blonde head.

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