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"Grayson please calm down let's think about this" you say slightly panicking as he pulls out several duffle bags and stuffs them with guns and knifes and bullets.

"Calm down? Y/N THEY TOOK OUR SON and I swear when I catch that mother fucker I'm gonna beat him sensless and watch him bleed out as he begs me for his last breath" he screams as he punches the wall.

(Play song)

Everyone just stood around in pure silence. No one knew what to do. The only thing we even knew about the badgers was there gang name. We had no idea who it was.

"Gray, baby" you say walking over to him and wrapping your arms around his waist. He tensed up but soon relaxed at your touch and he threw the bags down and collapsed to the ground and cried. You've never seen him cry before except for your wedding day, but it wasn't that kind of cry, it was a cry of sadness and failure.

"Were gonna find him gray I promise, but we have to be smart about this, apparently they know everything about us and they knew where we was gonna be and where Dallas was, we have not one clue who they are, and we have to be cautious because they could hurt him" you say as your voice cracked at the end. The thought of someone hurting him made your stomach turn.

however, or whoever took your son will pay, and there's no way in hell your sitting out on this one.

The room sat in silence and all you could hear was Grayson's sobbs as everyone tried to comfort him. A loud creak echoed through the huge house and everyones head snapped towards the door. Harley walked in with the most sympathic look you could have. Her eyes were bruised and her lips were busted. Anger flew over you and you stood up as your fist balled up.

"HOW FUCKING COULD YOU HARLEY YOU WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HIM, I TRUSTED YOU" you say as you walked over to her leaving punch after punch across her face.

Grayson jumped up and ran towards you trying to get you to stop but it was no use.

"Y/n stop it, now" he screams but you turned around and punched him in the face making him stumble back.

An emotionless look covered his face as his jaw clenched and his eyes went dark. He looked over at ethan and ethan nodded then the both pulled you off of her.

"Please let me explain, I tried so hard to hide him but they found him anyway, they tied me up and beat me, I couldn't get free to help him, the second I found my way out I called you over and over and you wouldn't pick up, so I called Ryder and zayne, I'm so so so sorry you have to believe me" she says as she sat on her knees and tears fell from her face. All you wanted to do was kick her sorry ass.

"Ryder, zayne, take y/n to our room please " grayson says releasing you and pushing you towards them.

You decided to calm down and go upstairs and let grayson handle it. You were so furious at her. How could she. She was supposed to be your bestfriend.

Time passed and soon grayson came through the door. His hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes and his lip had dry blood on it from where you punched him.

"Sorry about that" you say referring to his lip.

He chuckled and came over sitting beside you on the bed. He's thumb softly rubbing your cheek as he looks at you with those beautiful Hazel eyes, the same eyes Dallas has.

"You can't blame her Angel, she isn't as strong yet, she probably panicked and she was helpless they had her tied up, they could have killed her, she's beaten up about it, talk to her" he says as he lays a soft kiss on your forehead.

He was right. She would never purposely hurt Dallas or put him in danger. She loves him. They all do.

You nodded and watched as he removed his clothes and got in the shower.

You decided to walk downstairs and apologize to Harley. Her eyes lit up when she saw you and you gave her a small smile.

"Look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have blamed You, I'm just so scared and my baby is out there all alone with a complete stranger and he's so scared and crying for me and I can't get to him and as a mother I'm supposed to be there in his place " you say as you broke down and she opened her arms to comfort you.

"I know honey, it's okay, were gonna get him back" she says rubbing your back. You released from her and told everyone goodnight.

You walked upstairs and grayson was laying in the bed and his eyes were watering. His head shot up to yours and he quickly started acting like the dominant grayson he always is.

You walked over stripping your clothes as you crawled in bed with him. You felt so empty and all you wanted to do is feel some connection with him. You looked over and stared into his eyes as the words slid off your tongue.

"Grayson, make me forget" he looked at you and gave you a small smile as his lips connected with yours.

By the way if you don't want to listen to the song you don't have to. I put it in here to make it more realistic plus, there good songs! Love you guys and thanks so much for enjoying this. Xoxo

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