Forty one

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"Ethan I want you to go straight to moms and get my kids and then take them home and lock the house down NOW" grayson says as he pulls the guns out of the cabinet's and starts loading them.

"Take y/n with you" he finished giving you a look.

"What? No I'm not-" you start but he cuts you off.

"Angel look, go get the kids I'll meet you back at the house okay, don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you or our babies, I promise" his beautiful Hazel eyes stared into yours as he leaned in planting a fast kiss on your lips.

You nodd and followed Ethan. You hopped in his truck as you buried your head in your hands.

"How could I have been so stupid, I put my children my husband my whole family in danger" tears started falling from your eyes and you felt two strong hands pull you into there chest.

"It's not your fault y/n, you had no idea, everyone and everything is going to be okay, grayson will figure it out, but for right now we need to be strong for Dallas and Delilahs sake okay lil sis? " you looked up meeting his soft Hazel eyes as he gave you a small genuine smile.

You pulled up at lisas and seans and got the kids buckled in and drove home.

They fell asleep half way through and you turned around just admiring them. They were so precious, and beautiful. Dallas, a small imagine of his daddy, so outgoing and independent. Delilah, she was a lot of her daddy to, but she had so much more of you in her, beautiful, spontaneous, and her smile lit up everything.

You couldn't help but to think you wish you would have not had another kid. Not that you don't love Delilah, more than anything, but it's so dangerous and you never want her to go through what Dallas did. It took so much off of you and grayson when Jack took him.

You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt Ethan gently lay his hand on your thigh.

"Were here" he says and you turned to look out of the widow. There were men guarding the house and holding guns ready to kill. You swallowed hard as Ethan pulled up and Parked in the drive way. Grayson walked over opening your door as he wrapped you in his arms.

"I'm so sorry angel, I failed us again" his head layed gently in your lap and you felt your heart shatter. Yes hes done some fucked up things but he's a great husband and father.

"Hey hey, don't you ever speak like that again, we love you no matter what, your there hero grayson" you say turning towards your two sleeping angels in the back.

"My hero, and we all look up to you no matter how many times you fail, we will always stand by your side, because we love you more than all of this" his glossy eyes met yours as he leaned in and planted a soft long kiss to your lips.

"I love you angel"

"A Gang Leaders Wife" (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now