Twenty Eight

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"Grayson wake up" you cried as you felt a tight pain go through your entire body.

It was time.

He looked over at you and his eyes went wide as he came closer.

"What's wrong Angel, why are you crying" he says wiping your tears.

You slapped his hand away as you screamed out from another contraction.

"Grayson the babys coming"

He immediately shot up and grabbed the bag you packed just incase and helped you out of bed. He slipped your jacket and shoes on and left to go get Dallas.

You felt that strong pain again and you knew she was coming and she was coming fast.

"Grayson hurry she's coming" he ran back into the room Sweat falling from his head as he lifted you like nothing and carried you downstairs and into the car. He raced over to the driver side and drove to the hospital. He had called Lisa and told her to call everyone and they were all there waiting as you pulled up to the hospital.

You screamed out again making grayson wrap his arms around you.

"Just breathe for me baby, it's gonna be okay " he says planting a kiss on your lips making you calm down. Just his touch could fix it all.

He sat you in the wheelchair as Dallas ran over to Ethan and he pushed you through the door.

"My wife's having her baby, we need someone now" grayson screams as many nurses rushed towards you.

"Sir were gonna have to have you fill out some fast paperwork then we can take her and get her stable" one of the nurses says as he handed grayson the stack of papers.

You screamed out again causing grayson to loose his cool. He grabbed the nurse by his collar as he pulled him face to face.

"Do you know who I am?  I can have you fired before you could even blink, my wife has a human coming out of her and you wanna hand me some paper work?  Take her to a room NOW or so help me god" he says as he released him making him stumbled back.

"Y-y-yes sir" the guy says as he grabs you and take you to a room.



You screamed as loud as you possibly could as the doctor demanded you to push. It hurt like a bitch. You wanted to cry but you looked over seeing that beautiful loving man of yours standing by your side as his hand held tightly on to yours. His eyes were lit up like christmas lights watching you give birth to his baby.

He leaned down kissing your forehead as he tried to help you breath and push.

"You got it baby, just one last push okay? " his sweet Hazel eyes burned back into yours as a small smile of excitement appeared across his face.

You gave it one last push and you soon heard that beautiful sound of your baby girl crying.

"Angel, she's beautiful, just like her mother" grayson says as the doctor wraps her up and lays her in his arms. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked down at his babygirl.

The doors opened and Dallas came running in and he ran straight to you and got in the bed as he sat there waiting patiently.

Grayson walked over laying that beautiful small baby in your arms making your heart bust open with so much love.

"Mommy my baby sister is so pretty" Dallas says as he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. You looked up meeting eyes with grayson as he stood there staring at all of you as tears fell from his face.

"My beautiful little family" he mumbled as he reached down wrapping us all in his arms.

Welcome home, Delilah rose Dolan. 👑

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