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A loud clapping noise echoed through the walls as that familiar face appeared out of the dark. He had a smirk across his face and darkness in his eyes. He was clapping his hands as if he was being a sarcastic bitch that he was.

"Well done Grayson, took you long enough tho" he says as the smirk turned into a huge fake smile.

"Aw you brung your lovely wife along with you" his eyes scanned your body and he sent you a small wink.

Grayson went to charge at him but Jack lifted his finger up and all his men pointed there guns.

"One more move Dolan, and you can kiss you son good-bye" he threatened which only made grayson even more pissed off.

"Jake I fucking swear if there's even a scratch on him I'll kill you and everyone you love" grayson says as he charges again but one of jacks men shot in the air. Grayson didn't even flinch.

"Jack please give us Dallas back, you can have me just give him back, he's just a little boy he doesn't know anything" you say as you step beside grayson.

Grayson turns to you and give you a look.

"Y/n no, I'm not losing you" he says as his face softens and he intertwines his fingers with yours.

"Okay Mr and Mrs Smith cut that bullshit out, even tho it sounds like a good deal I refuse, see if you would have just gave me what I wanted at the party y/n none of this would be happening" he turns towards his men as he motions for them to come.

Your heart fell into a million pieces as the man brought Dallas forward. He had a zip ties around his little wrist holding them together. His face was all red and puffy from him crying and he looked smaller like he hasn't ate in days.

"Grayson oh my gosh our baby" you say as you cover your face in his shoulder trying to fight back the tears.

"Daddy, mommy" Dallas screams as his eyes met yours making your heart shatter even more. He goes to run towards you but Jack grabbed him and jerked him back making him fall to the ground and hit his face. His lips started bleeding and the sight made this raging anger fill inside of you and you felt yourself slowly blacking out.

You stood up straight as you reached in the back of your pants and pulled out your gun aiming it right at jacks head.

"You son of a bitch" you spat as you walked closer but all his men raised there guns at you. You could hear Grayson screaming for you to stop and put your gun down but the adrenaline filling your body blocked it all out.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you, my men would kill you before you could hit me" Jack says as a smirked appeared across his face. But deep down there was that fear in his eyes.

"Then I better make this shot last" you spit as you pulled the trigger.

Shots after shots fired as body after body hit the ground.

Jack hit the ground holding his leg where you shot him and you looked over at grayson who stood there completely shocked. All of jacks men layed there as there bodies slowly became lifeless.

"How did you-" grayson started but you cut him off.

"I called some people, knowing you and your hot headed ass I called some backup" you say looking up above everyone and there stood Cameron, Shawn, and Aaron with guns in there hands.

Jack screamed out in pain catching Grayson's attention. He turned to you and you gave him a small smirk as you said the words that sounded like music to him.

"He's all yours baby"

"A Gang Leaders Wife" (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now