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"Wake up baby"

You felt someone shake you and everything flashed back into your mind and you sat up so fast.

"Did they find him" you say hanging on to that last bit of hope(aye) you had.

He looks down and shakes his head no and you felt like breaking down again, but you have to stay strong.

"Training starts in an hour, everyone's coming this time, we have to get stronger" he says kissing you then walking out.

You took your shower and you threw your hair up and decided not to do makup since you will just sweat it off. You put on your outfit then headed outside where everyone was gathered around in a circle.

You walked up and saw grayson standing in the middle of everyone showing them some unique moves. You watched him as he took his time and helped them one by one. He was so patient and kind but so brave and dark also. He was a great leader and he truly did love each and everyone of them, even if he denys it so he doesn't look weak. But personally I think loving someone so much is powerful because that it the one thing no one can take from you. Especially the way you love him and Dallas. Everytime you look at grayson you see Dallas in him and it makes you wanna break.

"Y/n come on" wes says as he held his hand out for you to grab.

We all stood around with out partners grayson showed us what to do. You smirked because he's already shown you this several time before and you knew you was about to take wes down.

His eyebrows scrunched and a confused look covered his face. You walked over hitting him in the stomach then twisting around and kicking him making him fall back and hit the cold hard ground. He groaned out and his eyes went wide and he chuckled as he lifted himself off the ground.

"Hey no fair you already knew it" he says nudgeing you lightly.

You looked over at Grayson who was already looking back at you with a smirk plastered across his face. He sent you a little wink and returned to training.


I can't believe grayson was a preppy business man before this, was he always hard-core? " Harley asked as she flipped through yours and Grayson's wedding album.

"Yes actually when I met him, I was his assistant and he was a complete asshole, you think he's rude now, you should have seen him then" you say laughing as you threw more photo albums at her to look at.

Grayson and the guys were downstairs having guy time so you and harley decided to go through memory lane.

"You looked so beautiful in your wedding dress, and look at the way grayson is looking at you, he still looks at you that way" she says in a cheesy tone making you playfully slap her shoulder and laugh.

"Here look at these, these were before the wedding when we was just dating and fighting everyday " you said with a sarcastic voice and handing her another photo album.

She flips through and she stops on a page and her whole face went pale and emotionless. He eyes widen as she looked up at you and you gave her a worried look.

"Harley are you okay" you sah moving towards her but she sat there frozen. Like she was scared or speechless.

"Y/n t-thats him" she says pointing at a picture.

"Who? Harley what are you talking about? " you started panicking and you could feel Sweat forming into the palm of your hands and on your forehead.

She pointed at that familiar face that you never thought you would see again.

"That's the guy who took Dal-" before she could even finish you jumped up running downstairs as you screamed for grayson.

Everything started getting blurry as flashbacks ran through your mind. You soon felt those strong hands wrap around you and it pull you into there chest.

"Y/n, baby calm down what is it" grayson says trying to keep his cool.

Everyone was standing there looking at you with worried looks.

"I know who took Dallas" the words felt so painful to say and it made you want to puke.

Grayson released you and his jaw clenched and anger and sadness covered his face.

"Who" he says so deep and so evil but eager to know.


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