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It's been a couple of weeks since me and Dallas has seen or heard from grayson. He sent ethan over to check on us and he says he doesn't want us to see him like this. He's falling apart with out us but he needs to realize there's more to life now. You miss him like crazy, all you think about is him, and what's worse is that Dallas is a walking little version of his daddy, and sometimes it hurts to even be around him.

I thought he would have came back for us by now.

You stood up fixing your skirt as Shawn came in with some files. You went back to work at the company while Lisa watches Dallas for you. It's diffrent here with out grayson but You manage to push that all away and focus on the now and not the past.

"Thank you for doing that, you are welcome to leave when ever your ready" you say to him as you sit down reading through the files. You could now understand why grayson stayed so stressed over his job. It was a lot of paper work,  and meetings and every little thing had to be perfect there were no mess ups.

"Yes of course and thank you Mrs. Dolan" he says making you cringe at the word. Not because you didn't like it, but because you miss him, and your not a Dolan anymore, well legally yes but at the moment in your heart, your not.

"Please Shawn, call me y/n" you say giving him a small smile. He nodds and walks out and you began packing up to go get Dallas.

Your phone started blowing up and ethans name came across the screen.

"Hello" you say kinda panicking, ethan never calls you.

"Y/n I need you to get down here now, Grayson is drunk and he's fighting and I can't get him to stop, I need help" Ethan's voice screamed over the phone you could hear screaming in the background making your eyes go wide.

"Where are you ethan? "

"I'm at northside bar, please hurry" he says then hangs up.

Should I go? Would it only make things worse? 

You Shook off your thoughts and got in your car and drove there as fast as you could. You texted Lisa telling her you had to work late and if Dallas could stay the night, she of course replied with "thats fine", She loves spending time with him.

You pulled up and immediately heard glass being broken and screaming. You took off running and busted through the door and the sight before you made your heart stop.

I thought if I left it would make him want to change, but it just made him worse.

Grayson was sitting on top of a guy repeatedly punching him in the face. His hands were covered in blood and the guys face was unrecognizable.

It reminded you of the night he almost killed Jack for touching you.

"Grayson stop" you screamed out but he kept going like he didn't hear you.

You met eyes with ethan and his face was covered in worry and fear.

"GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN I SAID TO FUCKING STOP" you screamed as loud as you could as you pulled him up with all of your strength.

He looked down at you and regret plastered all over his face. His lips was busted and he has a bruise forming around his eye.

You Shook your head and gave him a Petty look.

"Go get your drunk ass in my car" you say slightly pushing him.

"No you left me remember you took my son and left so fuck you" he spit as blood ran from his lips.

You wanted to punch him so bad but you shook it off knowing he was drunk.


He scoffs as he walks out and you turn around nodding to ethan.

"I'm gonna take him with me, here is some money for the damage" you say throwing him a couple hundreds.

He shakes his head and says thank you as you walk to your car and seeing grayson asleep.

This is gonna be a long night.

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