Jay x Reader

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It was a loud morning. The Fashion department was in an uproar. Why? Well... Let's just say... You had gotten into a little mess...

No wait... A "little mess," is an understatement. You happen to work with Daniel as a model. What happened was someone bumped into him as you two were shooting, and knocked both of you down to the ground. Unfortunately, his lips collided with yours. A lot of people saw and started rumors. Now, this takes us back to the Fashion Department making a big deal out of it.

"(Name), are you and Daniel going out?!" The girls in your class asked. Including your friend Zoe. You really didn't want to have this conversation here. Since your crush was sitting behind you, and he could hear everything.


"You're not going to deny it?" Zoe pouted.

"N-Now hold on a freaking minute!" You protested, obviously panicked.

"What's the matter? We think you two would look cute together!" The other girls squealed.

"N-No! It... It was just an accident!" You waved your hands in front of your face and blushed darkly. Thankfully Mira actually knew about your crush and defended you.

"Okay girls," Mira paused, "It wasn't on purpose, she doesn't like Daniel in that way." She smiled down at you. Causing you to blush darkly.

The door opened and in came Daniel. The girls rushed over to him and started asking him all kinds of questions about your relationship with him. A blush tinted his cheeks. "I-It's n-not what you think!" He replied, he also knew about your crush on his blonde haired friend. He also knew about Jay liking you. Since you two grew up together, you and his sister, Joy, had been best friends. Which is how he had grown to like you... a lot.

"Come on girls, leave him alone now." You said as the bell rang for the start of the class period. Everyone quickly sat in their seat, Zoe sat next to you.

"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you two?" She asked, glancing at you. Making you sigh, gaining the attention of the blonde male behind you.

"We're just friends... Nothing more. Someone ran into him and he fell on top of me." You explained loud enough for Jay to hear.

As school continued, the bell rang for lunch. You turned around and rested your head on Jay's desk. "Jay...." You mumbled, "Wanna go get lunch with me?" A blush form on his face as he nodded. You smiled brightly and grabbed his hand. "Great!" You got up and tugged on his hand. A small smile formed on his lips as he walked out of the classroom, everyone started making 'OHHHH!!!' noises and looked at Daniel as he got up.

"Daniel, watch out, or your girl might get taken away!" Some of the males shouted.

"S-She's not my girl." The dark haired male protested, rubbing the back of his neck.

As you two walked down towards the cafeteria, you wanted to clear things up. Though, you didn't understand why though.... Probably because he's close with Daniel. "Hey Jay..." You started, but then drifted off. Unable to think of the right words to actually say. He turned his head and looked down at you. "I... I just want you to know... It was, truthfully, an accident." He pats your head and nods. You sighed in relief. "I actually have someone that I like..." He stopped, and slowly let your hand go. As if to tell you that the guy you like might get the wrong idea if he saw you two holding hands. "Jay," you paused and faced him. "The one I like is you!" You blushed as you shouted in the hallway. You closed your eyes tightly and covered your face.

He stared at your shocked. You opened your eyes, tears filling them, you trembled at his body language. "S-Sorry," you bowed lightly, "forget I said that!" You turned to run away, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you towards his large, well-toned body. His hand lifted your chin, and he gently pressed his lips on yours. Once he pulls away, a small smile forms on his face. Both of you a blushing mess. "J-Jay..." You whispered and bury your face on his chest, causing him to wrap his arms around you.

After school Jay wanted to walk you home, "You know Jay, I'm perfectly fine walking home by myself." You say as you two walk hand in hand. He shook his head and gripped your hand tightly. Making you giggle. "Alright fine." As you two walked, in comfortable silence, you stopped. "Can I stay with you tonight?" You asked looking up at him. All he did was nod and continued to walk. He didn't want to ask why, he knew it'd be better just to let it go. Besides, how can he say no to you? Especially since you're his girlfriend now. How cute.

Once you two made it to his large apartment, you sat down on the couch and laid down. Your eyes slowly closed. Jay headed towards his room and grabbed a blanket to place on top of your small form. He was about to sit down next to you, until he heard his door open. In came the sound of his sister, Joy. "Hey Jay!" She smiled and hugged him. A small bag in her hand. "I went down to the convenient store and bought some snacks. I thought we could watch some movies and hang out. He glanced back at the couch and rubbed his head. "You have someone over? Who is it?" She smirked, "Is it a girl? Oh Jay! Did you get a girlfriend?!" The dark haired female teased. Earning a blush from her older brother. "I knew it!" She walked over to the couch to see her best friend sleeping. "(Name)?"

Startled, you shot up from your spot and fell off the couch, a squeal leaving your lips. "J-Joy?"

"YOU'RE JAY'S GIRLFRIEND?!" She screamed, you blushed and nodded. Her excitement showing. "About time, I've been waiting for this to happen for a long time girl. Since you told me about it when we where yo-"

"OKAY! That's enough Joy," You quickly stated, before she could finish. A light chuckle erupted from the silent male standing, watching the scene with amusement. "So.... Whatcha got in there?"

"Oh?" Joy's eyes went towards the bag in her hand, "I got snacks, like.... Pocky. Speaking of Pocky why don't you and my brother play."

"W-What?" You stuttered.

"Oh come on, it would be a great first kiss!" She smiled.

"O-Oh... U-Uhh...."

"Wait, did you two already kiss?" She asked, shocked. Both of you nodded and look down, embarrassed. "Then why not just play the game." You sighed.

"Only if Jay's up for it." You glanced a the blushing male and he slowly nodded.

"Great." Joy opened up the small pocky box and pulled out a chocolate covered stick and handed it to Jay. He turned towards you and placed one end in his mouth and leaned down. Since you were shorter than he was. You leaned up and bit down on the other end and both of you slowly chewed towards the middle.

Unbeknownst, Joy held up her phone and took a video. As you two got closer, you could feel his breath tickle your lips. You gently closed your eyes, as he softly pressed his lips on yours in a sweet kiss. His arms wrapping around your waist. "Oh my." Joy whispered, she turned her phone to face her, "I'm so happy now!"

You pulled away and smiled. From the corner of your eye you see Joy holding up her phone. "Ya!" She jumped and hid it behind her back.


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