Fuuto x Reader x Yusuke *Christmas Special*

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You were staying over at your best friend's house. Since... You're parents were out of town and you hated being alone. The Asahinas where like your other family... Of course... You did have feelings for two members. The idol and your classmate. Fuuto and Yusuke. Anyway, your parents left on a business trip, and wouldn't be back until after the holidays. Christmas was just right around the corner. So you were on break. However, you still had to keep up with your piano lessons. Since music was your passion, your father bought you a grand piano and hired a teacher so you could learn. The only bad thing... The piano was at your house.

Since you didn't like going by yourself. Ema and Yusuke decided to go with you to keep you company. Now, here you are. Getting ready to leave the Sunrise Residents. That is... Until someone decided to tag along. The tall light brown haired male rushed over to the front door. "I'm coming too!" He shouted, well... More like... He demanded.

"No, you're saying here. We'll be gone for a few days." The redhead crossed his arms frowning. You and Ema looked at each other and giggled.

"It's fine Yusuke, there's plenty of room." You said softly, then added a cute smile. Both boys looked at you and blushed darkly.

"Well, come on then. Let's get going." The brunette stated. Her grey squirrel, sleeping in her arms. "The sooner I can get Juli inside the better." You nodded and started to walk. Ema walked next to you and the two boys glared at each other and followed behind you.

As the minutes passed by, you and Ema shared small talk, a little laughter, and some secret things. She told you about a boy... That she had liked. She blushed every time you would 'awe' or say 'my new OTP!'

Then, you talked about how you came to have a crush on the two boys behind you. "Ehh?!" She gasped, "really?? I never would have thought." She started to smile. "Now I see why you let Fuuto come along." This time, you blushed and she giggled. "I think that's cute. I hope which ever one you pick, it works out for you." You hid your crimson red face in your palms and nodded.

"T-Thank you... S-Same for you." She blushed and smiled.

Finally, you reached your house. It was a modern-style mansion, you motioned for them to follow you inside. It was huge inside, the grand hall had a nice living area, to the left was the guest bathroom, kitchen, and dinning room. To the right was a library and study. Stairs the curved from the grand hall, up to the next level of the house. Walking upstairs, there was the living room, and doors on three of the four walls. Each leading to a bedroom. By the windows that curve into each other, stood a white piano. Ema had set Juil down on the plush couch and sat on the ground in front of him. Fuuto turned on the TV and started to watch movies. You sat on the piano bench, Yusuke followed you.

You played a few Christmas songs, Fuuto came up to you and started to sing with you. Yusuke frowns and goes to sit down next to Ema. "What's wrong Yusuke?" She asks him.

"I uhh... I'm just bored." He pouts, his arms crossed. Ema giggles. Suddenly a loud ring came from your phone. You stopped playing and picked it up.

"Hello?... Ah! Tamaki-Sensei.... Y-You're not... Coming?" Your eyes filled with sadness, "I see... Well, I hope you feel better before Christmas. Arigato. Bye." You hung up the phone and sighed. Unconsciously resting your head on Fuuto's shoulder.

"What's wrong (Name)?" Ema asked walking up to you.

"My lesson was cancelled today. He ended up getting sick. Anyways, I was thinking... Let's have Christmas here. I'll make the food. My treat for you guys." They all smiled and nodded.

~Christmas Eve~

The house was decorated, thanks to the three that helped set things up in this big house. Everyone was over, you were making food and Ema was helping. While she was adding the finishing touches to the dinner, you were making a nice dessert. Chocolate cake and Pocky sticks. Yusuke came into the kitchen and walked to you. "It smells amazing in here. Is there anything I can do to help?" You stop and look up to the redhead. A soft smile graced your lips. Yusuke had to yell mentally not to kiss you right then and there.

"Could you help set the dinning room table?" You replied and finished up with your cake. He nods and takes the food out to everyone waiting.

The other brothers were laughing, joking, and sharing small talk. You and Ema came out of the kitchen carrying the cake and a plate full of Pocky sticks. "Alright time to eat guys!" Both of you say.

As the feast continued, you were in between Yusuke and Fuuto. You were just chewing down on you Pocky when Fuuto smirked and turned your head to face him. Your faces only a few inches away. He bit down on the Pocky and chewed his way to your chocolate coated lips. Only just a pinky away, you where jerked away from him. Your (s/c) was covered with a pink hue. Yusuke put another stick into your month and did the same. Not long after, you felt his lips being pressed roughly into your soft ones. Everyone was cheering for the both of you. Well... Almost everyone... Fuuto was glowing at his older brother.

That was supposed to have been his lips on yours. Oh well, your first time will be with him. Fuuto smirked at the thought of seeing you under him. He will get his chance. Tonight. On Christmas Eve. Little did he know, Yusuke was thinking of the same thing.

Have fun you guys. Maybe lemon? What do you guys say???

I know its not Christmas, but... It's close to Christmas. XD anyway. I'll have the last request up before Christmas, and another on Christmas day. Look forward to them guys!!!


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