Yoshia Haru x Reader

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In all honesty... I've never seen this anime, but try to bare with me. Hehe ^.^'


You were walking next to Shizuku and Yoshia. The light brown haired girl on your left, and the black haired boy on your right. You knew both of them well... Maybe a little to well. You knew Yoshia could be a little tsundere... At times anyway.

Well, here you guys are. Walking to school. You carried your bag in front of you. Being the loli person you were, you were just too cute. Once you arrived at school class had started. Of course, it was a boring day.  You already knew this. You just couldn't wait for lunch time. You had a little something in your bag that was like heaven in a box. A small red box.

Lunch time had finally came! You grabbed your box and got up. Before you could get far a hand rested on your shoulder. "Oi, (Name), let's eat lunch together." Jun, the redhead, winked at you.

Being the polite girl you were you smiled kindly and shook your head. "I'm sorry Jun, I already had plans with my friends. How about some other time?" His friends behind him laughed at the rejection. His face was flushed from embarrassment, and admiration.

"S-Sure." He let you go and rubbed the back of his head. "I'm looking forward to it." You smiled and waved goodbye to him. Then you ran out of the classroom and headed towards your favorite spot. Under the cherry trees in the school yard. Haru and Shizuku were already there. A huge smile was plastered on your lips as you ran toward them.

"Hi guys!" You shouted and sat next to Haru. A faint blush on his cheeks.

Shizuku noticed his blush, a smirk graced her thin lips. "What is in that box (Name)?" She asked. You looked down and opened it.
"Pocky." You replied biting down on a stick.

"How about you and Haru play the Pocky Game?" She suggested, you blushed darkly.

Haru, being the clueless person he is, foolishly agreed. "H-Haru, are you sure you want to play?" You looked up at him with shocked (e/c) orbs. He smiled down at you and nodded.

"Yeah. It's fine, what are the rules, and how do you play?" Shizuku explained the rules to him. His face became darker and darker as she continued. "... You ready... (Name)?" He mumbled. You nod slightly and stick the pocky between your lips waiting for him to bite down. Slowly, he made his move. Both of you slowly inched forward, and soon enough, your lips touched. You quickly broke away. And hid your red face in you hands. He removed them and quickly placed his lips on yours. It did shock you, but you quickly responded and kissed back. 
"Cute." Shizuku said, a soft smile on her lips as she continued to eat her lunch.

"I love you." Haru whispered, his forehead resting on yours.

"I love you too, Haru." You replied, running your hands in his black hair. Kissing him once more.

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