Yato x Reader

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"Come on (Name)!" The dark, blueish-purple haired male whined behind you, as you carried a few boxes.

"For the last time Yato, I said no!"

He crosses his arms and pouts. "Come on, just buy one luck charm." You sighed, and turned to face him.

"Yato! Stop talking g for five minutes!" You fumed in anger. Yato huffed and closed his mouth. Instead of talking, he pulled on your shirt in a childish way. Why did he have to act like a five year old?! Well... That's just the way he is. You rolled your eyes. No matter how much you try to deny... You loved the man. "What will it take for you to stop acting like a child and help me clean up my house?" The started to think and then a smirk formed on his lips.

"How about the Pocky Game. And... To make things interesting, lets make a deal." You stopped you put the small boxes down on the hard wood floors. Turning to him with your eyebrow arched and arms crossed.

"What is this deal?"

"Well, if I win... You have to buy a luck charm and... Have to do whatever I say. If you win, I'll help you and do whatever you say. Deal?"

He held his hand out for you to take and you stared at his pale and slender hand.

You hesitated, but then shook his hand. "Fine." He shoved his free hand into his pocket and pulled out a sandwich bag full of Pocky. "Why do you have Pocky in your pocket?!"

"Uhhh.... No... Reason." He blushed slightly and opened the bag taking one out and putting it in between your lips. He bit down on one end and chewed his way to the middle. Not even giving you a chance to play. Considering that you didn't expect him to shove the stick in your mouth. His lips brushed against your lips and a smirk formed on his lips. Being the unpredictable boy he is, he gripped your waist, pulled you closer to his body and roughly pressed his lips to your own. He pulled away. "I win."

"..." It took you a while to process what had happened. "No fair! You cheated!" You whined causing him to laugh.

"Well, maybe you should buy the luck charm now."

"I hate you."

"I know you love me." He kissed your forehead and held you close. "Now... About that luck charm... It's five yen."

"Tsk. Whatever!" You pull out the money and hand it to him. He hands you a little doll that looks like him.

"I made this one for you." He smiled in a little childish why. Making you blush. You take it and put it on your phone as a phone charm.

"It's really cute." You smile softly. He laughed and kissed your nose.

"That's what I've been wanting to see! Your beautiful smile."

The Pocky Game (x Readers) *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now