Hikaru x Reader

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"(Nickname)!" Honey whined running up to you as you walked into the host club music room.

You smiled and ran towards him, hugging him as he cried. Why? Because you finally came back from studying abroad for a few months. You were learning music composition. Your boyfriend, Hikaru,  tugged at the blonde's arm, trying to pry him off you, eventually got him off and hugged you tightly. He missed you.


You waited for the Host Club to finish getting everything ready for the next day. You had something to tell everyone. "Hey, (Name), could you help me with this?" Haruhi asked,  as she brings out wash cloths and a small bucket of warm, soapy water.

You smiled and nodded your head. You thought it would be best to tell Haruhi and Kyoya instead of telling them all at once and freaking out.

"Hey... Haruhi..." You started, washing the table next to her.

"Hmm?"she hums in response.

"I'm going to (Country) for my music composition... I'm going to be gone for a few months. Maybe even a full year..."

She stops for a moment, and looks up at you. "You know, someone will truly miss you." She says softly.


"I'm not the right person to tell you."

They go back to washing tables, and then once she finishes they go to talk to Kyoya, whom sits at a clean table and types on his laptop. You told him and he smiled softly, he actually smiled. Believe it or not, he does. Just not a lot. 

"Congratulations you're getting the chance to become a music composer." He says and stops his typing. "When are you leaving?" He said loud enough for everyone to stop and listen in, especially the twins.

"Leaving?!" They shouted, with pure shock.

You pouted at Kyoya, and let out a sigh.

"Yeah... I'm going to study abroad for a little while." You said softly, Hikaru's eyes widened. "And I'm leaving...  Tomorrow afternoon." You look down at your feet.

"Hikaru..." Karou looked at his brother with worried eyes.

"I'm... Fine." He looked to the side. Hiding the pain in his chest, had he known sooner! He would have confessed to you. Why did he have to be so pathetic...

You glanced at the twins and smiled weakly at them, even though the only one you made contact with was Karou.

On your way home, you made a list of things to pack, and sighed. Getting everything packed took a few hours, you grabbed your phone and texted your closes friends. The Hitachiin twins, you'll miss their pranks and the trouble you three caused.

You started texting back and fourth.

Karou: (Name), you should talk to Hikaru. He's been gloomy ever since you said you were leaving.

(Name): Hikaru... Okay. Tell him, I'll meet him at the airport. Before departure.


(Name): H-Hikaru?!

Karou: Gomen! He just snatched my phone! I have to go before he says something stupid! Sayonara!

(Name): Ah! Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow.

You fell asleep, and held the small stuffed animal Hikaru bought for you, on a little 'date.' A blush crept on your face as you slept.

"Wake up (Name)! You don't want to miss your flight." You father shouted from the opposite side of the door. Causing you to groan, and you sat up, making sure you had everything with you. Before walking out the front door, and heading to the airport.

Once you were there, your brother, and father helped carry your luggage to the drop off area for your flight. Making sure they were all tagged. You were getting ready to broad your flight, then suddenly remembered... Hikaru. Where was he? You turned around from the long line that waited to get on the plane.

"(NAME)!" You heard. You whipped your head towards the voice, you saw the twins run up to you. Carrying some gifts in their hands.

You smiled as you saw them, almost crying. "Hikaru! Karou!" They hugged you tightly as they finally made it in time to see you off. After a few minutes, they let go and Hikaru looked at you with sad eyes, and he grabbed your hands, and held them up to his face. Kissing the back of your hands. "Hikaru?" You whispered his name, he glanced at you and wrapped his arms around you, embracing you tightly. Refusing to let you go.

"I love you, (Name)." He whispered looking into your beautiful (e/c) orbs.

You're smile grew, and tears stream down your face. "About time... Idiot." You mumbled and leaned forward to kiss him.

Lips touching, arms wrapped around each other, eyes closed. Such a passionate moment. "I love you too, Hikaru." You let go of him and turned to walk away.

"Wait! We want you to accept these gifts." He said handing you two gift bags. You nodded and smiled. Taking them and turned around heading to the plane to get your seat.

The twins watched as the plane you boarded took off. "Does that mean your together now?" Karou asked with happy eyes.

"Y-Yes! I confessed to her, and she returned my feelings!" Hikaru smiled brightly as they left the airport.

~End of FB~

"Welcome back." Haruhi smiled, along with the rest of the host club.

"Thanks, I missed everyone." You replied while holding Hikaru's hands.

"Did you bring back some souvenirs?!" Honey asked jumping up and down.

"Yeah, I brought back some pocky." You smiled and held out a bag, full of random things. You pulled out a small pink box and gave the oldest the strawberry pocky. You handed everyone else something you thought they would like. You had opened another box of pocky, and placed it between your lips, blushing while looking up at your boyfriend. He glanced down at you smirking biting down on the other end, his hands wrapping around your waist. Pulling you closer, chewing his way to you. His lips brushed against yours, locking with yours in a sweet kiss.

"Never leave my side again..." Hikaru pouted. Resting his nose in the nape of your neck. You giggled and kissed his head.

"Then come with me the next time I have to leave." You offered.

"Then we will all go with you!" Tamaki said, with his hand on his chest.

"No! She invited me!" Hikaru hissed childishly.

"Hikaru, be nice." You kissed his cheek, causing him to hold you tighter and pout some more.


I hope you enjoyed this series! I have more to finish yet! Bare with me guys!

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