Kiba x Reader

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"(Name)?" A male voice called out, breaking your train of thought. You turned your head from the moon to the other person.

"Kiba? What are you doing here?" You asked

"Why do you humans always look at the sky?" He asks, you turn around looking back at the moon.

"You haven't answered my question. Cheza would probably be worried about you."

He sighs and wraps his arms around you, nuzzling the back of your neck taking in your sweet sent. "Ever since you left the group... I've been the one to worry." His grip tightens around you.

You turn your attention back to the dark brown haired male. "Let's make a deal Kiba." You suggest. He looked into your (e/c) orbs, the eyes that he longed for.

"Sure. What's the deal?"

"Wait here." You said and walked off to grab a box of candy. Once you got back to the blue eyed male, you spoke. "Surely, someone told you about the Pocky Game." He nodded and turned to you, "okay, the deal is... I'll come back with you if you win." His eyes held a slight spark of determination. "If I win... Take me with you and... Let... Me... L-Love you." You say, blushing, even if it was cheesy to say.

"So... No matter what, I take you back with me." He restates. "I accept." He took the Pocky anand bit on one. You slowly inched forward and bit the other end. Both of you made your way to the middle. His eyes bored into yours. You wanted to look away, but his hand took hold of your chin and he chews the rest of the Pocky and presses his lips to yours.

You're eyes went wide, but quickly relaxed and kissed him back. "Even if you didn't want to come back, I would still protect you." He said, kidding your forehead.

"Kiba..." Your eyes softened, "I love you. Thank you for coming back."

He smiled and embraces you tightly. "I love you too, (Name)."


How did I do for not knowing about this anime? Hopefully I got it close. XD oh looorrrrddd! He is so hawt! XD

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