Kiba x Reader: Mating Season?!

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It was quiet day in Konoha Village, and a certain dog boy waited at the gate, with his puppy (HE WILL ALWAYS BE A PUPPY TO ME!!!). Izumo and Kotetsu chuckled at the impatient young adult, as he groans, howls, and rolls on the ground. Anxious to see his (h/c) haired friend. You were sent on a mission, with Naruto, Sakura,  Sai,  Yamato,  and Kakashi. You've been gone for two weeks. Leaving behind your in-season boyfriend. "You know... You should always be patient when your lady is away." Kotetsu stated, a smirk on his face.

"Aghhh!!!" He cried, "when is she gonna be back!!?" Kiba completely ignores the older male.

"He just... Hey! Don't ignore me!" He shouted angrily.

"Calm down Kotetsu." Izumo chuckled.

Kiba just ignored both of them, as he sat on the ground, howling. Making the two men shout at him. Waiting for you.

Knowing Kiba was at his peek of breaking. You were thankful for Lady Tsunade for letting you go on a mission with Kakashi and Yamato Sensei. Honestly, you did feel bad.... For a few minutes... Yet, you still missed him. Before you left, he gave you his old jacket. His favorite jacket. You knew how important this was too him, because he's been through a lot with this jacket. A smile on your face, you followed the others out of Konoha.

Anyways, you guys were walking closer to the gates, within hearing distance Akamaru jolted up and ran towards you. "Oh shit! No! Stop! Akamaru sit!" You say and tried to avoid the happy puppy, since he grew so big. He sprang up and tackled you to the ground. Kiba ran towards his dog and you. Akamaru licked your face happily, and whined. The giant dog moved and let his owner tackle you with a rough, and lustful kiss. Your eyes grew wide in surprise, but still you wrapped your arms around his neck. You felt his hands slip under your shirt. You pulled away and smacked the back of his head. "Hey! Watch it you damn, dirty dog!" You playfully shouted.

"But babe!!!" He protested nuzzling his nose at the nape of your neck.

"Not the time!" You pushed him gently and got up, a dark blush on your face as Sakura giggled, knowing why he's acting like that. Naruto looking confused. "L-Let's go." You quickly said, walking faster, as a whining dog boy followed, along with a hyper puppy. Sai smiled, Yamato chuckled, and Kakashi read his Make-out Paradise as you walked passed them.

"(Naaammmmeee)!!!" He whined some more.

"Let's go out and get some treats, yeah?" You looked at the pouting male.

He huffed and crossed his arms. "Fine..." He grabbed your hand and jumped on top of Akamaru, and the large dog sprints off into the town. Leaving behind team 7. Once you guys got into the town, you spot a candy shop. You hopped down, and ran towards it.

Mumbling to yourself, "Pocky, pocky, pocky..." Sure enough, there were multiple flavors  there.  "Yes,  success." You smirked and walked in,  leaving a lust-hungry male confused. You were also lucky to see the owner had some doggy snacks for Akamaru. You thanked the old man, and rushed back to Kiba's side. He watched as your breasts moved up and down as you ran. His eyes flashed with a longing, then he shook his head, and smiled at you.

"Whatcha get?"

"Pocky and some treats for my favorite boy." You smiled and rubbed the large puppy's head. He licked your cheek and the male up top, frowned.

"I thought I was your favorite boy." He crossed his arms.

"Don't get jealous over a puppy." You stated while giving said puppy a few treats.

Kiba pulled you up and had Akamaru take you to your empty apartment. Thankfully, the door was big enough to allow room for the doggy to rest inside the shaded house. You both sat on your couch, and Akamaru laid down by the open window.

"Kiba... Let's play the Pocky game." You saw a spark in his eyes as he looked up at you.

"Hell yeah." He smirked, "what are we betting for?"

"If I win, you keep it in a sock, and I can get out scott-free." You sternly spoke, while opening the box.

"If I win, you let me get my way." He smirked, and pulled you closer.

A blush formed on your cheeks as you fumbled with the box. "F-Fine."

"Alright!" He smirked triumphantly, and took a stick from the now opened package. He stuck it between your lips and immediately started chewing his way. Determined to win. Unknowingly, you froze, as he locked eyes with you. His lips formed, roughly against yours. He pushed you down against the plush cushion. He broke away. A sly smile crept onto his face, showing his sharp fangs.

"Yeah, I win. Time to procreate babe." He grinned.

"P-Procreate?!" You shouted, blushing more.

"Don't you want to have little ones running around?"

"W-Well, sure, but.... Can't we just use protection?"

"Hmmm...." He glanced off into the distance, deep in thought. "No."

"Why not?!"

"Shut up, it's my mating season..." He growled and roughly kisses you. Picking you up and walks you to the bed room. "The whole village will hear you~" He whispered, and howl softly.

"K-KIBA!" You smacked the back of his head.

"Awe come on babe!!"

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