Author-chan x Female! Reader

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You were best friends with Alex. You both connected over (favorite anime/tv show), (fav music genre), (fav movie), and you both loved to draw. Which is why you started to grow feelings for each other. You knew she was shy, but very honest, and blunt, she never thought of herself pretty, beautiful, or cute. Of course, you also knew about her broken heart that was fragile like most girls that kept to themselves. You were, opposite from her. You were brave, smart, hot-tempered, somewhat of a troublemaker. Anyways, you were walking down the hallway of your school. Carrying your things for your classes. It was Senior year, and you pushed open the front doors of the school, a scowl on your face, hating the sight of all the preppy girls and guys walking by. You were friends with a lot of the people in this school, but the others you couldn't stand.

Anyways, you see the redhead running up to you a soft smile on her red lips. She had on her Sailor Moon skirt with Luna all over it, Luna on her tights, flats and her Free! Iwatobi Swim Club shirt. Her hair was two shades of red bright red in front and dark auburn, and it was tied up in a loose ponytail. "Nickname)-Chaaann!!!" She shouted softly. Hugging you tightly.

"You look a little funny." You chuckle.

"What?" She pouts, "it's the shirt isn't it?"

"Yeah, it throws off the Sailor Moon vibe you have there."

"I don't have a Sailor Moon shirt yet." She whines, and walks next to you. Sulking as you two go to your locker. Saying hi to the other students.

"Jarek, good morning." You two say as the tall male smirks and leans against your locker. He had the same two toned, only it was opposite from Alex. They were like the school's pop idols.

"Sup, lovely ladies." His arm rests around Alex's shoulder, making you feel a little jealous. However, you shrugged it off. "Have you finished writing our new song Alex?"

She blushes and rubs the back of her head, "ehhh.... N-Not really... I... Can't think of anything to write down."

"Need help? I've written a few songs myself." You say, putting your stuff in your locker, grabbing your small box of Pocky. You gently grab the messy redhead's hand and pull her along with you to the music room. Thankfully, it was empty. Since you two shared the first two hours in that room, your music teacher allowed people to practice what ever they wanted. So then you could help her write songs, and both of you can play the piano and guitar.

"What are we doing in here?" She asked, blushing darkly.

"Well, I want to help you get inspiration... So let's play a game."


You pull out the box and carefully opened it. Placing a Pocky stick between her lips, you quickly bit down, chewing to the middle, she blushed and trembled as she chewed her way to you. Both of your lips brushed against each other, and eventually, they touch. She pulls away, and covers her face. A smirk grew on your face, you lifted her chin up and gave her a quick peck. You pulled her into a hug, and whispered, "mine."

"I think I figured out what our next song should be about." Jarek said as he leaned against the door frame. Alex, glared at the male and you held her tightly, sticking your tongue out at him. Knowing he had also liked Alex. Mouthing, 'back off bitch,' to him.

He put up his hands in defense and the bell rang. He walked in and the three of you got out your instruments and sat down near the piano, practicing your new song. Laughing as the hour went by.

"I see you three are progressing better these days." Your teacher, Mr. Roderich, smiled... Kind of.... "Just don't break my piano this time Alex." He said as he walked away.

"M-Mr. Roder-" She started to protest, but you quickly shut you up with a sweet kiss.

"She won't." You stated and continued your work.


"Dunno... Because you're too cute not to kiss." You shrug. Causing Jarek to smirk and Alex to playfully hit you.


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