Nagisa x Reader: Bae

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The sun shone on the cold water. The pool was calm, you decided to float in the water before the rest of your team came out to practice. A strawberry flavored biscuit stick stuck out of your mouth. Then, one by one, the boys piled out of the locker room with their hot... well built bodies. All ready for a nice swimming practice. That's when Haru jumped in too close to you. Causing you to get scared and making the pocky fall into the water as you tried to stand up before going under.

"Awe Haru!" You whined, making the ravenette stare at you with his same bored expression. "You made me lose my pocky!" A pout formed on your cheeks. Kou started to giggle, along with your boyfriend, of two years. Your head snapped and playfully glared at the maroon female and blonde male. "It's not funny!"

"Haha! I'm sorry (Name), you look so cute." Nagisa laughed, his beautiful pink orbs closed. Causing you to pout some more and cross your arms. He jumped in and tried to hug you, though you moved away from him. "(Name), come on! Don't do this to me! You know you can't stay mad at me." Nagisa whined playfully.

You sighed, and hugged him tightly. "I can't stay mad at you."

"I know you can't. I'm too cute for you not to be mad... Because you're my bae." He smirked, and kissed your cheek. Causing you to laugh out loud. "What? Am I right about the cute thing bae?"

"Okay... so three things. One, stop calling me bae, its a danish word for poop. Two, you're right, I can't stay mad at you. And three, play the pocky game with me."

Nagisa chuckled and nodded his head. "Alright, what are the stakes?"

"If I win, we go on a date and you buy me dinner."

"If I win, you do whatever I say. Deal?" The blond male held out his hand in front of you.

"Deal." You said and shook his hand and then went to grab another pocky stick. Once you came back, you put one end between your lips and he did the same, staring intently at him, you quickly chewed to the middle, he inched his way closer, though, he wouldn't mind taking you out on a long needed date, he want you to do what he wanted. Like buy him a lot of candy.

You both got to the middle, and all too soon, your lips crashed together. Refusing to be the one to pull away first and lose the chance of a free meal, and he refused to let go of controlling you for a while, stayed strong. Until the need for air became to great for the both of you. The two of you ended up pulling away from each other at the same time. Causing you to cross your arms and he pondered. "How about, I'll take you on that date, then afterwards you have to do what I say after."

A heavy sigh left your soft lips, "Fine. I agree."

He smiled and hugged you tightly. "YAY! I'm glad you accepted it. I love you (Name)!"

"I love you too... Nagisa... after swim practice come around 6 and I'll be ready."

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