Koujaku x Reader: *HALLOWEEN SPECIAL*

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It was a nice quiet outside for it being winter. And with Halloween a day away... A friend of yours decided to throw a costume party. So here we are..  A rather surprising warm day in October and you happen to be walking from your place of work, which was a cafe, to your best friend's (Aoba) house. You two decided to dress up as the male and female version of Hatsune Miku. Since he had the blue hair for it and you've always wanted to color your hair a sky blue, you said: "Fuck it. Let's go." So Koujaku said he'd color your hair in return for a date.

You've always had a crush on the sexy and sweet male. So you happily agreed. Anyway's Aoba wanted to go with you when you got it done. Just to make sure he didn't do anything to you. Which you knew he wouldn't, because he's a gentlemen. But... Still... He was a man. That liked you. This is a womanizer we're talking about.

As you reached the house of your best friend, the door burst open. There stood three men. Fighting with each other, they didn't see you there and they had continued their argument. You cleared your throat and they stopped. "What's going on here?"

The three men (boys) got up and laughed. Causing you to arch your eyebrow. Aoba held open his arms and walked towards you. "Hey (Name)! Didn't expect you here so early." He said while hugging you. Unsure of what to do,  you hug back.

"Uh... It's 12:30," you pause, "I'm actually a half hour late." You pulled away and gave the two a skeptical look. "Why are Mizuki and Koujaku here?"

".... Oh... Uhhh...." He laughed nervously.

"I'm here to color your hair remember?" The tall raven haired male smiled.

"Yeah, at your salon." You crossed your arms. "Mizuki, why are you here and not at your bar?"

"It's a complicated story.... Well.. I guess... It's just..." He blushes and rubs the back of his messy hair.

You let out a heavy, frustrated sigh. "Alright... Well,  Aoba and I have to go. I'll see you at the salon, which you better be there before us." Koujaku got the hint and nodded his head and ran off. "As for you Mizuki... We'll see you at your bar afterwards. I have a feeling this has to deal with me." Unlike most girls, you could quickly figure out a situation. They were obviously fighting over you. So you decided to play them.

You took Aoba's gloved hand and started walking towards the raven haired male's salon. A smirk on your face. Aoba tried to talk to you during your silent walk, but nothing could come out. It felt like his mouth was dried... Weird.

Once you got to the front doors of the hair salon, you finally spoke up. "Alright Aoba,  we'll pretend none of this happened until we see Mizuki again."

"A-Alright." He replied and pushed opened the door to the salon.

"Welcome (Name), Aoba!" The tall raven haired male smiled brightly. Pretending nothing happened moments ago.

"Alright Kou, let's do this!" You grinned and he ushered you to sit down in a chair. And covered your clothes. Then he got to work. After a few hours had done by, Your hair was done.

"You look really cute with the blue hair color (Name)." Koujaku smiled warmly. Gently brushing it. His comment made you blush lightly and smile back.

"Thanks Kou... And... About this date..." You started, but he laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll pay." He finished.

"Great, thanks. I'll see you at the Halloween party tomorrow." You got up and kissed his cheek and walked out with Aoba walking next to you, waving to his old friend as they left.

"Off to Mizuki!" You grinned and pulled Aoba along with you. Finally, you two make it to his bar. It was closed at the moment. Being friends, you just walked right on in. "Alright Mizuki, why were you guys fighting this morning?" You asked walking up to the bar counter.

"W-What do you mean?" He blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

"Don't play dumb with me boy." You frowned sitting your fine butt down in front of him. Resting your chin on the palm of your hand.

"I-It was just... A little argument between guys." He quickly replied, "By the way, your hair looks great!"

"You smooth son of a bitch... Whatever... You're going to the party tomorrow, right?"

"N-No, someone wants to throw their own party here tomorrow."

"Awe that sucks... Well,  gimme a free drink."

"I am trying to run a business here (Name)." He laughed,  but still made you a drink.

As Halloween rolled around, you were getting ready for the party. You stayed at Aoba's for the night and all you had to do was fix your hair and makeup. You already put on your costume, and now you stood in the bathroom pulling your hair into pigtails. Using hairspray to keep the bangs in place. Now for light makeup and your headphones.


You looked yourself over and grinned. Once you felt satisfied, you waited downstairs with Grandma Tae for Aoba. He came down looking slightly feminine. "GODDAMNIT AOBA!" You pouted.

"What?" He asked tilting his head.

"You look too cute for this!" You whined, "damnit."

"Do you want me to change? We have been planning this for months though."

"... No its too late. Let's go." You said and grabbed his hand tugging him along with you to your friends. Kids were dressed up and walking around the city. It wasn't time to trick or treat, but they didn't care.

You got to the party and your friend was already drunk of her ass. "Heeeeyyyyy guyyyzz!" She slurred. "You guyss look so cuteee together!" She said rather loud. Hiccuping as she talked.

"You're already drunk?" You rolled your eyes and walked inside her house.

"Why not? Everyone's bound to be sooner or later!"

You glanced around the semi-packed house. Bowls of chips, candy, salsa and.... Wait. Is that... POCKY? Your eyes shot open and you ran over to the bowl of the chocolate goodness. Grabbing about ten sticks. Chewing on them as the night went on. Of course you've had multiple drinks and found yourself on top of Koujaku with a stick between his lips. Your hands on his cheeks. Your drunk self didn't full comprehend what was happening, but you knew you've wanted to kiss this man. And finally found a reason to do so. Him and and other.

As you inched closer to his face, you felt his hands grip your waist pulling you as close as possible to his body. Leaving no gap between you two. Lips pressing against each other. The kiss quickly became heated and intense. Until you pulled away a panting mess. Koujaku smirked. "I knew you had a thing for me."

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm just drunk." You replied with a mocking tone. "But damn. You're right." You grinned and pulled him down for another heated kiss.

"You know, I'm glad you like me."

"Wait, is the womanizer admitting to liking someone?" You gasped and laughed.

"Yeah..." He smiled warmly. Making you blush darkly.


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