Saitama x Reader

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"Hey Genos," you shouted towards the young cyborg male who was cleaning the living room of the shared apartment for the three of you. Practically forcing Saitama out of his small home. You happened to be making dinner for your hero. Knowing he would probably be upset when he gets home.

"What is it, master (Name)?" The apron wearing male walked into the kitchen.

"Can you make sure the table is set?" You asked glancing behind you as you make Kimchi stew and Misao soup.

"Sure." He replied walking to the cabinets and pulling out some bowls, spoons, and some napkins to set the table for the three of you to eat together. Once you finished making the soups, Genos finished cleaning the living room and you waited for Saitama at the front door, sitting on your legs with a warm smile on your face. Knowing how upset your hero will be. Not long after the door slowly opened. In came the one man that could light up your world. Saitama. In your eyes, he's the best hero there is. You always believed in him. His eyes were down cast to the hard wood floor.

The warm, loving, and welcoming smile shown brightly in his eyes as he glanced up from the floor. "Welcome home... My hero." You jumped up, shocking him. "Genos and I made you a nice dinner, then maybe we could go out for a little stroll." Your arms are tightly wrapped around Saitama's neck. His arms slowly snaked around your waist holding you close, his nose nuzzling against your neck.

"Thank you (Name)," he whispered, "I really needed this." He looked into your beautiful (e/c) hues and pressed his lips onto yours in a soft kiss. Which you gladly returned.

"Go get changed so we can eat. You and Genos deserve a nice home cooked meal for once." You took his hand in yours and took him to your shared bedroom. You gently pushed him in and headed back to the dining room. "Genos, come sit down."

"Yes master (Name)." The teen cyborg took his spot on the seat on the right side of you, so Saitama could take the one in front of you or to the left. After the hero came back out of the bedroom, he came and sat down to the left side. The three of you ate and had small talk and it felt like you three were a happy family. Thanks to you, they could have nice moments like this.

After you guys finished eating, you cleaned up and started on cleaning the dishes, while you made Saitama relax and take a bath. Genos helped you wash dishes and made you go relax after you ended up shattering your favorite glass. It was your favorite because both boys bought it for your birthday.

A sigh left your lips as you cleaned up your wound and Saitama wrapped his strong arms around you. "Don't worry about it (Name), let's go out and get you a new one. You wanted to go out anyway." His voice soothed you a little.

"... Okay." You mumbled, eyes cast to your finger that still bleeds. You felt Saitama's hand clasp around yours and lift it up to his lips. Gently, he licks the blood off. Causing a blush to form on your cheeks. "S-Saitama!" You glanced up at him in shock. His usual goofy face now showed a seductive expression. His eyes met yours and his face inched closer to yours. Feeling his soft lips touch yours lightly. Such a beautiful moment... Until it was ruined by the innocent, and oblivious cyborg teen.

"Master Saitama, master (Name), are you two ready?" The slightly emotionless male asked from behind the door.

You two pulled apart and he placed a bandaid on your cut and kissed it. "Yeah."

It has only been a half hour since you guys started to walk. It was a nice and quiet night, couples walking together arms linked together. Others holding hands. You and Saitama were different. His arm held tightly onto your waist. Genos smiled at the sight in front of him, since he decided not to get in the way of cute couple he called his masters.

You were looking down at the ground, looking at your hand with the bandaid. Saitama took notice of your mood, and glanced around to find a china shop. Surprisingly, there was a small candy shop just a few shops away. He smiled and took you towards the china shop. You stared up at him in shock. He just kissed your forehead and the three of you walked around the store.

It wasn't long until you found the perfect glass. Saitama saw your eyes shine, he picked up the glass and saw your favorite flower on it. He let you go and went up to pay for it. He came back and handed your new glass. You glady took it and smiled up at the two males. "Thank you guys for everything." You said.

"I'll always be there for you." Saitama grinned.

"Of course, is there any other place you want to go to master (Name)?" Genos asked.

"Uhh... Yes. The candy shop."

"I figured you would." Your boyfriend chuckled and grabbed your hand. All three of you walked down the street towards the shop and your eyes glued to a certain red box.

You ran up to it and grabbed it. "Saitama! I want these!"

"Sure." He was getting ready to pay for it, until someone stopped him.

"I'll pay for this master Saitama." Genos said and gave the cashier the money and walked out. You opened the box and looked at Genos.

"Thanks Genos." He blushed slightly and nodded.

"(Name), can I have one?" Saitama asked, you nodded your head and placed one between your lips. He blushed since you were still in public, and people could see. However, to show people that you were his and only his, he bit down and chewed towards your lips. You closed your eyes as he inched closer, and other couples stared and shouted. Your lips touched and he pulled you closer. Making the kiss much more sweet. You pulled away and grinned.

"I love you Saitama. My handsome hero." You kissed him once more.

"I love you too, (Name). You made me the happiest man to ever live." He smiled.

"Even though you're bald?" You snickered, causing him to frown.

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