Hichigo x OC

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Okay, bare with me. I haven't seen Bleach in forever. Ever since Kpop hit me hard, and pretty much a lot of anime and yaoi, so forgive me if his attitude for Hollow Ichigo is shit, and OOC.


The white haired vampire stood in the middle of the forest.  Waiting. For whom? A specific hallow to appear. The female glanced around her. Making sure she wasn't followed, or HE wouldn't try anything funny. Her blue hues shining in the moonlight. "You're late." She said, turning on her heals to face the one hallow to actually captivate her. His gold eyes looked at her with mischief, a wide smirk plastered on his features.

"Did you wait long?" The Ichigo duplicate asked, half-heartedly.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Yes, thanks to you, I only have a few hours left until the sun rises." She hissed. Unlike most vampires, she can handle a small amount of sun radiation, but after being exposed to the harmful rays, headaches occur, and then a burning sensation starts to take over.

"My apologizes, Laura." He stated sarcastically.

"Fuck you Hichigo." She snarled, as he walked closer to her with a dark chuckle.

"Oh babe, I know you want it."

A small blush formed on her cheeks, and she looked away. Only to have him lift her pale face up to look at him. "What do you want from me now?" She asked quietly.

"Let's play a game." He chuckled, looking into her eyes.


"Yes, its called the pocky game."

"You called me out here... For a stupid game?" She frowned.

"To make it more interesting, let's make a deal. If I win, you have to do everything I say. If you win, I'll do whatever you say. Do we have a deal?"

"... Whatever... Lets just get this game over with."

He magically pulled out a small red box, inside held the chocolate goodness. He pulled out a single stick, and placed it between her lips. He bit down on the other end, smirking, and intensely staring her down. Both chewed down to the middle, inching closer to each others lips. Laura glared at the hallow, not intimidated by his expression.

Lips brushed against each other, she didn't want to chicken out. If she did, she'd never live it down. She didn't want this guy to do whatever he wanted with her.

A rough kiss from Hichigo caused Laura to turn red. His grin never leaving his face. He pulled her closer to his body, and sliped his tongue into her mouth, tasting the chocolate. Finally he let her go and once again, chuckled darkly. "I win."

"You fucking cheater."

"How can I cheat at a silly game like this?"

"Distracting your opponent." She frowned.

"We never agreed to any rules."

"... Shit," she paused, "what do you want me to do?"

"Say how much you love Ichigo right to his face." He snickered.

"You know how much I hate him."

"Exactly, bitch. Then when you do that, we can do what you always wanted." He licked his lips, looking up and down your body.

Her face turned crimson red, and she turned around. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Come on babe, you know exactly what I'm talking about." He wrapped his arms around her and licked her neck.

"... Fuck off." She hissed.

"That's it babe." He whispered and kissed her softly.


Anyone up for a rp?  ;; I need friends to rp with.  Mine friends only talk about kpop now (not that anything is wrong with that. I mean xD rap mon, notice me.) But seriously, its hard to find role playing buddies.

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