Tavros x Reader

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It was such a nice day to be outside, in a clear patch, by the lake. A few couples walked by, enjoying the scenery. You stood next to the cute troll, butterflies flying around him. He was slightly chuckling, you were watching him as he was enjoying the time in the sun. You suddenly spoke up, "Hey, Tavros..." You were hiding a wrapped up box behind you. The troll turned his head, a blush appeared on his adorable face. He smiled brightly when he looked at you. Since you were his Kawaii girlfriend. To be honest, everyone of your friends thought you two were the cutest couple. Even if Karkat wouldn't admit it, he thought so too.

"H-Hey (Name)." He stuttered quietly. His hands on his lap. Since he was currently in his wheelchair. You felt bad about the others messing with him and taking his transportation. So to make up for their 'harmless teasing,' as Kar would say, you decided to give him a little something. That something being a box of strawberry pocky.

"I wanna give you something to make up for everything that's happened." You smile softly at the short haired troll.

"Y-You... don't... h-have to... r-really." He stuttered. You shook your head and handed him the small box, wrapped up with wrapping paper. He tilted his head and gently took it from your hand. "What... is it?" He asked, glancing back up at you.

"Open it," you blushed slightly, "I know it's not much, but... I hope you like it." He quickly ripped the paper, until he saw a pink box, that said 'Pocky' in bold letters. His greyish coloured skin turned a dark red. Even his pointed ears were red.

"S-So Kawaii!!" You squealed, causing him look away from you. Causing you to giggle and sit on his lap. "Let's play a game!" You smiled brightly. He, slightly calm, glanced back at you, before looking away once more.

"W-What game?" You gently took the small pink box, and opened in sticking the chocolate covered end in his mouth, then cupping his face in your hands you inched closer to the other end before biting down. Slowly, you chewed on your end. Travos was too shocked, he couldn't process what was happening, until your soft lips met his in a strawberry kiss. Your eyes were closed. His, on the other hand, were wide. Soon, they closed as well, kissing back.

A few laughs could be heard from behind you guys. You both turned your heads and blushed, Tavros was worse than you. He could possibly die from embarrassment, figuratively. He covered his face in his hands groaning softly. You giggled. Kar, Sollux, John, Dave, and (who no one really cares... Jk, I do xD) Eridan, chuckled behind. Well... Kinda...

You leaned closer to his ear, your arms hung loose around his neck. "I love you Tavros." You whispered.


Sorry it's a little short, but... I still hope you guys like the Kawaii one-shot! XD anyway! I have just a few more requests to do, so keep an eye open!

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