Sehun x Reader

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It was a big day for your brother, Baekhyun, and all of EXO. They had started their World Tour. Of course, he asked you if you wanted to go with them. Since he knew you were there number one fan. Well... mainly because he knew of your crush on Sehun. Your TOP Bias.

The maknae of the group. You had befriended all of them, even Sehun. You noticed how shy he was when you first met him, but now, he was full of energy, and you new how much he cared for all of his friends, family, and fans. Which is why you ended up falling in love with him.

Anyway, here you are standing outside of an airport, with EXO. Baekhyun And Sehun standing next to you. "I'm so excited for this tour!" You squealed softly.

"Me too." Sehun smiles brightly.

"Let's go everyone, our first stop is in England." Suho said, everyone nodded and walked into the airport. Once everyone boarded the plain, you sat next to the window seat, Sehun sat next to you, and Luhan sat next to him. You took your bag and set it on your lap, looking for a certain enjoyable snack. Eventually, you found it. Sehun curiously turned hid head to see what you were doing.

You glanced at him, "something wrong?" You asked.

A small blush formed on his milky skin, "no I was just wondering what you were doing." He quickly replied.

"Haha, its just my favorite thing in the whole world.... well... my second favorite thing." You shyly looked down. Sehun frowned slightly, then smiled once more.

"Then what's your favorite thing in the world?" He asked, almost jokingly, yet he sounded a little serious.

"I'll tell you... if you win at the Pocky Game." You said, blushing darkly.

"The Pocky Game? What's that?"

"Well, you take one of these chocolate sticks, and stick one end in between your lips, and the other person bites down on the other end. Who ever eats the most, or gets to the middle first wins, and who ever breaks away first loses." You stated.

"Oh, okay that sounds kinda fun." Sehun replied, thinking for a few moments before nodding his head in agreement. You took the chocolate stick and bit down on one end, and he did the same. A blush formed onto your cheeks and a light hue could be seen on his. Both of you got closer to each other, you wanted to pull away and die right then. Yet you pushed through. You knew how shy he was. So it was now or never. You knew you would face rejection, but hey, you almost got a kiss from your top bias. Your ALL TIME FAVORITE bias.

surprisingly, he didn't pull away. You could feel his softly lips brush against yours. You couldn't fight it anymore and quickly broke the stick and he rose his hands up in victory. "Now tell me." He said, while chewing on what was left of the stick.

"Okay, okay. You won... my favorite thing in the whole world..... Is my top bias." You paused.

"Which is?"

Taking a deep breath, you looked at him, and then at your hands. "Sehun-Oppa.... you are my favorite. My ultimate bias."

He smiled and leaned in and pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. You smiled into the kiss and pulled back. "I finally kissed my favorite person in the whole world. Amazing. Such a cute maknae." You giggled to yourself. "I'm surprised you actually kissed me. Considering how shy you can be."

He blushed and turned away from you. "Rude!"

"Hey! It's the truth!" You whined wrapping your arm around his. Kissing his cheek. "But it's cute."

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