Vegeta x Reader x Yamcha: A Happy Mistake

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This was a request, and it will be like flashback, the game will be done with Vegeta in this one-shot. Not Yamcha, he was just a second thought in this. Sorry my dude. 👉👈


You were watching your nine year old son run around the yard with a bow staff swinging it around training with Piccolo and Yamcha (While you made them lunch). Since your son asked you if he could. Just to protect you in the future. Truth is... You were a single mother. Which you were okay with. Since you didn't want to ruin your kid's father's life. That man being the one and only Prince Vegeta. And he had gotten married and had another son Trunks. Your son had gotten his stubborn attitude from his father, a long with his passion for becoming stronger.

It was a long story, which hurt your heart. At first. Now, you were happy. You had started seeing Yamcha, but that was for another time. You had just finished up the feast for two hungry men and one little monkey boy. "Alright guys. Foods done." You proceeded to say. Resting your hands on your hips and a happy smile formed on your face. The three stopped and calmly walked over to you. Your son ran up to you and grinned.

"Thanks mom!" He shouted grabbing a plate and piled food on it.  His short (h/c) locks slightly damp from sweat. Matting to his forehead. His (f/c)-ish grey orbs shimmered brightly in awe. The unique set of eyes. Yours mixed with Vegeta. Interesting to say the least.

"Thank you (Name)." Piccolo replied and bowed his head slightly.

Yamcha rubbed the top of your head and kissed your cheek. "Thanks babe." He grinned.

"Eat up you three. There's plenty here." You stated happily.

As the time went by, Piccolo left and Yamcha was playing some games with your son. You smiled at the sight. You thought back. What would life be like if Vegeta knew about (Son's Name)? Would he show some affection to him like he does with Trunks? Would you and Balma still be friends? You shook your head. Doesn't matter. You were happy. Though, it still hurt a little.

You sighed quietly and walked over to the two. "Alright, (Son's Name). Time to wash up and get ready for bed." You stated softly.

"But mom! I'm not tired yet!" He protested.

"No buts mister. You've been training hard all week. You need sleep to keep up your strength." You replied.

The little boy sighed heavily, "Fine mom." He gave Yamcha a little hug and ran to the bathroom. Getting himself ready for bed. Yamcha glances up at you and grins.

"I guess I better get going now then?" He stated, getting up and he pulls you into a tight hug.

You blushed darkly, and hugged back. "How about... Staying the night." You mumbled. Causing him to tighten his hold on you a little more.


"Mom! I'm done!" (Son's Name) shouted from down the hall. Yamcha pulled away and gave you a soft and quick kiss. You smiled warmly at the tall male and then walked to the bathroom.

"Alright, time for bed."

"Mom," he paused, debating on whether or not he should ask you this.

"What is it?" You asked as he stopped by the edge of his bed.

"... Could you tell me how... You and dad..." He trailed off.

Your eyes grew wide. Where was this going? You weren't ready to tell him about those kinds of things! What do you do?! How do you change the subject? "W-Well... S-Son.. That's.. Something for mom and dad to keep a secret!" You rambled out.

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