Takuto Hirukawa x Reader

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You were sitting with the Black Foxes, just chewing down on the big box of Pocky you had brought with you. Just watching the others bicker amongst themselves. You let out a sigh. They were actually teasing Takuto, why you may ask?

Because, you looked down on your finger. There laid a beautiful diamond ring. Yes... The tsundere blond male proposed to you. A blush crept into your face as they started singing a song.

"Shut up, old man!" Takuto shouted at the semi-long haired male. His glasses were off his face as they were playfully fighting with each other.

"Awwwe! Takuto, don't be so embarrassed." Atsumu laughed. You just sat there, eating away. Hiro popped up next to you.

"Whatcha eating?" He asked, while the others stopped and stared (xD).

You answered with a bright smile. "Pocky!"

"Hey, (Name) we should play the Pocky Game." Riki snickered. You tilted your head in confusion. Staring at the Raven haired male.

"What's... The Pocky Game?" Kenshi whispered in your ear what the game is and how is played. Takuto, Hiro, Riki, and Atsumu watched your face become every shade of red. They all knew what the game was, you, being the innocent person you were, knew nothing about it.

"So how about it?" He glances at the blonde.

"No! If anyone plays that game with her, it'll be me!" Takuto shouted and held you in his arms and took a stick and put it between your mouth and he bit down on the other end, and he didn't even give you a chance. He chewed his way to your soft lips. The four whistled and shouted. "Shut up!" He blushes.

~Wedding Day~

You couldn't believe it... You where finally married to the love of your life. The blonde male, who once was your tsundere partner,then your tsundere boyfriend, then tsundere fiancée, and now... Your (maybe) tsundere husband. What are the odds? Hehe, oh well... It was a wonderful game.

"Takuto, I want some chocolate." You muttered shyly. He rolled his eyes and pulled out a small box of Pocky.

He leaned closer to your ear. "Save the rest for the honeymoon," he whispered. Then winked at you. You blushed and hid your burning cheeks in your gloved hands.

".... So embarrassing..."

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