Levi x Reader: Pocky Game Series Christmas time

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You were being carried to Levi's room (haha! Finally fixed it! No longer 'Levi's Levi's'). He was glaring at nothing, your face was dark red.


You were hanging decorations everywhere with Hanji. You had been singing some festive songs for the holiday when Hanij came up to you. "(Name), let's take a little break... But before we get back, I need you to give these to Levi." She hands you a plate with chocolate covered sticks. You tilted your head. "Don't ask deary." She grinned, "now hurry up." You nodded and quickly moved over to Levi's office. Seeing his door was closed, you knocked.

"Come in." A slightly deep voice replied to the knocks. You took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Corporal Levi... I was told to give these to you." He looked up from his paper work and his eyes trailed upward to your hands that carried the chocolately goodness.

"You can sit down and eat a few then." Standing there shocked for a little bit, you obeyed. He stared at you as you took one and slowly ate it. He growled slightly, and slammed his hands on his desk and made his way to you. He bit down on the other end of the stick and chewed on the stick to get to your lips. Your face became a dark red, but kissed him back.

He picked you up and he opened his door. A mistletoe was hung over the doorway. He smirked and placed a longing kiss on your lips.  Then he carried you to his room....

~End of Flashback~

"Merry Christmas... Levi."

"Merry Christmas (Name)."

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