Ymir x Female! Reader

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You were being pulled by Christa to the dinning hall. You being the shy person you were, stayed quiet and had a small smile on your face. "Christa... Slow down." You said softly.

"Come on (Name), everyone is waiting for us." She smiled back running up the wooden stairs to the entrance of the hall.

"F-For what?" You whispered. As she pushed open the doors, everyone shouted. "SURPRISE!!" You stood there shock. Armin walked up to you and handed you a gift. "What's this?" You asked taking the gift shyly.

"It's your birthday." He smiled.

"But..." Your voice got really soft, "I don't remember my birthday." He hugged you and Ymir walked up to you and handed you a small box.

"We know, that's why we did this." She smiled at you, "so this will be your birthday." You blushed and smiled.

"T-Thank you."

~Time Skip~

Everyone was either drunk, fighting, or trying to hook up with you. You were already being fought over by Reiner and Jean. That is... Until Ymir pulled you into a hug and glared at the two men. She pulled you away from the guys and walked over to the girls. They were laughing and Ymir looked at you and saw the small box she gave you. "Open it (Name)." You nodded and opened the red box, you saw some type of... Candy? With chocolate!

"I-It looks so good!" You said loud enough to shock the people around you. "Do you want one?' You looked up at her. She smirked and took the stick and put one end between your lips and she bit the other end, she chewed down you your lips and ended up kissing you. Everyone gasped, Ymir picked you up and carried you back to her room. There, you stayed the night.

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