5. Twintuition

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"So now we just have to find Dot, who could be anywhere in the city. Although we are searching for her." Jace moved something around on the screen before I gasped.

"10 bucks says he doesn't approve this mission." Izzy sighed, running her finger over a silver blade gently. SHe was almost instantly proved right by the angry footfalls approaching.

"I don't approve of this mission." Alec walked to where we stood.

"Think about it, we find the warlock, get Clary or pipers memories then find the cup." Jace crosses his arms and Alec shook his head.

"First of all, the clave didn't approve of this. Second, How are we even going to find Dot." I tuned out on the arguing and went into my thoughts.

Where could Dot be? She always told me if I put my mind to it I could do anything. Suddenly It was like looking through another persons eyes. Dot was running, she looked up at the sign that flashed between Pandemonium and demon.

As quick as it started it ended, I looked at Clary who wore the same expression. She had seen the same vision I had, her hand resting on the purple stone necklace from mom. Piper didn't know how they had shared the vision, but they had and something told her to trust it.

"Clary.." Piper motioned for clary to explain. The girl nodded, linking her arm through her twin's the faced the other three shadowhunters.

"This might sound crazy, but we know where Dot is."

Upon arriving at the empty club Clary began to lead us in a brisk walk around looking for her. Then another one of the 'visions' occurred and I was looking through dots eyes, she was being chased-no-captures by two men with red circles on their necks. Dot was being injected with something. With that I was kicked out of her head and was looking at a worried group of shadowhunters.

"Dot, she's been taken." I informed the bunch, Clary nodded along with me. We really needed to check out how we've been seeing these things together, twintuition was strong but not that strong.

"How do you know that, how did you know she was here?" Alec asked and I sighed, trying to steady myself. There really wasn't an answer that would make sense, but the past 24 hours had been enough to make this sound light.

"I saw it, like I was looking through her eyes, Clary and I have been having visions." I muttered, Clary steadying me. "She got taken by the same people who took my mom, the circle." With that their eyebrows went up and we were headed to the institute.

Clary sighed, rubbing my back as we sat in the hub. "Normal shadow hunters can't do that, or make forcefields, But a warlock couldn't have a rune." Jace stood around us and clary looked to me.

"The people who would know what was happening would be Dot or my mother. They're both gone now and even if we did know something, it's been locked up in our memories." Clary left her twin's side to stand next to Jace. He was obviously protective of her and Piper was happy if Clary was happy, then again they had just met these people. It was deeper than that though, it felt right, like they all had some unified understanding.

"There are people who can help with that." Jace looked between piper and Clary, clearly by his expression it wouldnt be good. Piper tensed as she waited for more imput.

"Absolutely not."

"No way."

The lightwood siblings said at the same time. Alec shifted so that he stood more infront of Piper than before, crossing his arms in defiance. The small gesture did mean something to her, though she was probably overthinking things.

"The silent brothers." Jace informed us and I bit my cheeks. At that time Simon decided to walk up, saving the day. By the look that Alec and Jace shared they had sided on Jace's idea. 

"Will it get us back our memories?" Piper asked Jace, her priority was getting all the tools they needed to help find their mother. If there was something in either of their minds that would do that, the silent brothers were worth it.

"Yeah if you don't die." Alec argued, if these silent brothers were about to meet their match if they were really that bad. Piper shrugged, what was death going to do to her? She had a stele in her pocket. 

"Great, I'll drive." SImon held up the keys and we all looked at him. "Unless you have a shadowmobile." Piper scowled, there goes simon not giving a shit about her once again.

I chuckled. "I highly doubt they have a mystery machine." Alec's face momentarily looked happy, Piper was a little bit proud of him for understanding her. 

"I understand that reference." His grin was quickly wiped off. "It's scooby-doo." The shadowhunters looked at him with a confused face while I practically beamed. "What, I did have a childhood." Then the ever surprising Alec lightwood walked towards the elevator. 

"You know, I think there's hope yet." I followed after, pulling Izzy by her hand after me.

Once at the van everyone was cozy. Simon and Jace upfront. Isabelle and Alec in the middle and Clary in the back. "Hey, don't mean to rain on your parade but there's only five seats and six people."

Simon frowned. "You could always stay here." His words were like a slap to the face.

"Shut up Mundane, she's a shadowhunter and Clarys twin. If anyone wasn't going it would be you." Jace glared at the boy and I smiled lightly.

"Double up." Clary called from the back, distracted on her phone.

Isabelle patted her lap with a grin and I returned it. "Quite forward Aren't you? I'd love to." I began to crawl across Alec before Simon started driving and I was tossed into the raven haired boys lap.

"Great." He sarcastically commented, I sat sideways, looking at a snickering Isabelle before the car lurched again. Strong arms wrapped around my waist keeping me from falling into the floorboards and I grinned.

I didn't say anything because I Quite liked the feeling of Alec's arms around me. They were warm and strong and I felt safe, which was very to cliche for my liking.

"P-piper." Clary called grabbing my attention. "Didn't you dye that lock of hair back?" Clary held the long curly black lock of hair.

"Yeah, it's like it changed back. I know it's not something to do with our birthday." I held the strands before Alec took it gently.

"Isabelle, let me see your hair." He said and she made a face.

"What? No!" She put a hair protectively over her long black hair.

"Isabelle give my a lock of hair." She rolled her eyes and he took a chunk of hair in his hand comparing the two.

They were a perfect match, and Isabelle gasped. "Did you suddenly wake up with it like this?" She asked and I nodded. "What day?" She gulped.

"April 1, my eighteenth birthday? Why?" She looked to Alec before he looked at me.

"Piper I think there's more to the shadow world locked in your head than you think." I tried to hide the black hair under my red. Isabelle then went to adjust my hair so the dark strand could clearly be seen.

"We're here." Simon announced and the van stopped.

I coughed, looking down at the arms around me. Alec noticed then quickly let go, like I was poison. I got out of the car, hiding my hurt under a mask of confidence.

"Clary you don't have to do this, it could kill you." I worriedly moved her hair behind her ear as she looked between Jace who mirrored my expression and then back to me. "And then kill me." I walked between Jace and my twin before an arm snatched me back.

"Where do you think your going?" Alec glared at me and I narrowed my eyes.

"To get my memories." I pulled my arm out of his grip.

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