18. Yes jace, since demons

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When Piper got past she ran into Clary leaving the vault with a card. Clary handed the girl the tarot card with the cup on it as the five shadowhunters reunited outside the blacked out precinct.

"Did you get it?" Izzy asked and I reached my hand into the card and pulled out the gleaming cup.

"Amazing." Jace reaches for the cup and I jerked back putting it back in the card.

"No, only Fairchild's hold the cup." I looked at them. "No offense." They nodded before Isabelle's necklace started pulsing. "Demons." I acknowledged and they nodded.

I felt a electric spark in my hand and I snapped my fingers above the card and it was invisible. "I glamorized it...like....so good shadowhunters can't see it." I grinned at my work and tucked it into clary's pocket before feeling my quiver appear on my back and bow snapped onto it. I tossed them to Alec who raised his brows at me. "I knew you weren't going to bring yours and also knew there was going to be trouble." I shrugged and he smiled.

Oh, nope, still heartbreak. I looked away, I'm a badass shadowhunter, I had other things to worry about than some boy.

"This way." Clary called and We all followed before Alec stopped in the doorway to the rusty hallway or basement or whatever under the building.

"Hey What are you doing?" I stopped along with him as he prepared an arrow. There was no way he could take on all those demons at once.

"I'm holding them off." He shrugged and I grabbed his arm.

"I'm no, your coming with me." I tried to pull him but he stopped me. "Alec come on let's go."

"No Piper, I'm giving you time to get to the institute, I promise I'll be okay." He said and Izzy took my arm.

"As much as I love seeing you two talking again, Piper, your the only one who can take the cup, you need to go." She said and I sighed following suit.

"Gosh one second I'm spiraling and the next I'm convincing him to come with me." I shook my head in confusion. "What's wrong with me?"

"Your a teenager, your last year to be one, enjoy it". She smiled and I scowled.

"When did you get so wise?" I asked with a grin and she shrugged.


"Demons." Jace said drawing his sword.

"Yes Jace, Since Demons." I agreed and he frowned at me before I drew my two swords and Izzy took her sword.

The demons like scorpions and very large angry stick bugs came out and we began slashing at them before Clary yanked me after her as she ran down the hall. I gave her my swords before stopping in the middle of the hall hearing the demons coming after us. I pulled the cup from the tarot card and tossed it to her. "Work it Clary."

I knelt to the ground and placed my hands up trying to make a shield to block the hall. It sputtered and faded. "Come on!" I yelled pressing my palms out before a shock wave of red extended from my hands blasting all the demons back and they turned to ash.

"Wow." Clary grinned as she put the cup back into the card. "Well I did figure out how to put it back in." I giggled at her choice of words. "Oh shut up."

We made it to the main room where Jace ran up to us. "Piper, Clary, did you get the cup". He asked looking between us.

"Clary do you have Birthday cake gum in your bag?" Which translates to 'something's wrong'.

"Yeah." She nodded before reaching into her bag and grabbing her sword running it through the demon.

Four more shape shifters ran at me and I stood beside my sister, with my hands I placed my palms together and drew them apart before grabbing the cord of red energy and using it as a whip to hit the demon watching it turn to ash before I sent another red shock wave through the demons and panted from the loss of energy.

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