13. Lions, tigers, werewolves oh my

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The class had gone well, only a couple of mistakes. But the teacher had been so impressed by her skill and talent that she offered to get her an audition to the school of dance.

Piper has obviously said yes, thrilled to get her dreams. The audition would be the day after next, giving her time to get her act together. Piper wished she could tell her mom—Jocelyn— shaking her head she reminded herself that it was still her mother.

Stumbling down the steps back into the sunlight Piper was hit by a dizzy wave.

Clary was being held somewhere, she was scared.

"Come on Clary, help me out here." Piper muttered, if only the connection went both ways. It looked like a Chinese restaurant, and then clary looked at the wolf figurine.

The connection ended and Piper was alesrted to burning of her ankle where she fell. Brushing it off she pulled on black joggers and tied her pointe shoes in her locker before bolting into a cab shouting at him to take her to the jade wolf.

Pulling out her phone she dialed Izzy, it rang for just a moment before picking up.

"You lost both twins, found Clary then lost here again? And what? You don't care about Piper?" Jace yelled in the backround. Piper smiled, she knew have cared about her.

"Hey Piper, where are you?" Izzy asked, the backround noise going silent.

"I'm in a cab headed to the Jade Wolf, the necklace let me see where clary was. Sorry for running out but trust me this was important." Piper rushes, looking out the window of the cab. The sky was cloudy and foreboding.

"We'll meet you there. Hey, don't do anything stupid until we find you." Izzy said before the phone was snatched by someone else.

"Don't even think about going through those doors without back up." Alec seemed genuinely stressed out. She felt bad, after all she and clary were the reason he was in all this mess.

"Okay, I'll wait." Piper was going to try and wait for them but she knew good and well that there would be no stopping impulse. The second she got to the jade wolf her mind would be made up to barge right in.

"She's not gonna Wait." Jace said.

"Be safe." Izzy repeated, piper shoved money into the drivers hand. Getting out on the docks she looked at the run down restaurant.

"Always." Piper turned off her phone taking a breath before marching right through the doors.

Clary sighed in relief but the werewolves came at her she raised her hand making a field to protect herself. They gasped before a wolf came at her. She punched it In The snout before a kick to her weak leg knocked her out. When she awoke Clary was knocked out beside her.

The doors busted open to what she assumed to be a transport container and Luke walked in. Piper got to her feet but let out a cry of pain when weight was applied to her left leg. Luke picked her up and carried her fireman style

"Luke put me down this instant." She demanded.

"Not on that leg of yours." He said before Jace and Alec appeared.

"Catch her." Jace knocked into luke, somehow she was freed from the wolf's grasp. Alec caught her placing her on her feet which made her scream in pain.

Jace covered his ears at the loud noise and Alec looked at her like she had two heads. "Alec, look at her leg." Isabelle pointed to my left leg. "I could feel it on my own."

My joggers and white tights were torn through, black bruised flowering into purples greens and reds. "Jesus." Alec looked at my pain stricken face.

"Dont just stand there idiot, pick her up." Clary ran from the thing. Alec didn't even complain, scooping her up against him.

gracefully he held the red head like she was a feather as she placed her head weakly against his chest. "This is worse than when I broke my rib climbing the flag pole." Piper said and Clary chuckled before Simon ran to her hugging her.

"What happened?" Jace asked while drawing a rune on her leg and the wound started to heal.

"When I was fighting the wolves I got this nasty headache. I started getting them more and more whenever I used the necklace. Then that werewolf asshole bit my leg."

"Using Magic is taking a toll on your body, you aren't built for warlock magic." Izzy sighed.

"He bit you." Jace repeated. "What color were his eyes?"

"Green." I muttered and they all shared looks. "Is that bad?"

"Piper, you got bit by an Alfa." Isabelle informed me. Soon we were surrounded by wolves.

"Alec put me down." I muttered. "Alexander, put me down." He did and I stood infront, as a wolf lunged I put my hands up and grit my teeth, with the energy I had I formed a dome around the shadowhunters and the wolf burned into gold sparks in contact.

Then a wolf jumped at the Alfa and my force field disappeared and a wolf stalked towards me. "No." I commanded narrowing my eyes at it. It growled, looking ready to lunge but I stepped towards. "You will not come any closer." Piper spoke each word with precision, a Chill to her voice and the wolf yelped backing up before the girl fell to the ground.

"Piper." Alec called stepping infront of her with his bow, protecting the defenseless girl who lay on the ground.

"Alec." She thought of how lovely he looked with the moonlight casting a silver halo around his head. "Don't leave me."

"I would never leave you." Alec knelt by the girl, she blacked out, her bad leg split and bleeding. It was the most blood he had ever seen in his life. "JACE!" He yelled and Clary yelled as a warlock speared and scooped up the girl. "You promise to not let her die."

Magnus nodded, Clary following him. "Yes of course."

When Piper awoke she was absolutely terrified. "ALEC!" Her scream ripped through the air. "Alec!" She screamed again and Magnus bane ran in Although she didn't know him.

She didn't know where she was
She didn't know who that man was
She didn't know who she was
She did know she needed Alec

"Alec!" She screamed again and a girl with red hair appeared. "C-Clary?" It came as more of a question and the girl wrapped her arms around her twin who was shaking.

Magnus sighed, "one of the side effects of hiding her true self and erasing five year of memories." Magnus drank from a wine glass. "Identity crisis."

When she had finally calmed piper sat up and took the wine. "I tried to call you, ended up giving a message to Alexand-"

"You don't get to call him that, reserved for family and myself." Piper said and Magnus nodded.

"Anyway, I wanted to go out and get drinks with you, completely friendship way but your refreshing. Something new after hundreds of years of blah." Piper looked to her leg. "Oh yeah, being what-or should I say, who you are..your immune to werewolf bites from Alfa's or vampires blood."

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