39. Stealing pain

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Alec appeared in the busted doorway, looking over me as If trying to scale my anger. After a second I felt the bed dip beside me. Turning to him I leaned into his embrace, the comforting hand running up my back before I drew away.

"So what are we going to do?" He asked and I sighed standing up and turning my chin up proudly.

"Clary and I are going to find Madzie and your going to track down Izzy, she's been off all week, it started around the rite of mourning but I chalked it up to the demon attack. Now..Alec I think she's in trouble." I placed the back of my palm against my forehead closing my eyes to think.

"No, I can't leave you. What if something happens?" He asked and I smiled softly, kissing his plump lips cold from the crisp air seeping through the walls.

"I'm not worried about me, go find your sister, I'll find Madzie." I walked confidently to the doorway and he followed.

"You promise to take care of her." Alec motioned to me looking at Jace and I crossed my arms, huffing loudly.

"Alexander, I don't need a baby sitter." I assured him. "Besides it doesn't even hurt." I lied and he looked halfway convinced.

"We will find Madzie." Clary promised and she got a sharp glare from Alec.

"Penelope, I swear, you call me immediately if your...you know." He avoided he word and I chuckled almost shoving him to the door.

"Dead?" His eyes widened and I shook my head. "Find Isabelle." I closed the door turning to the three left.

"Your not okay." Clary sighed and I ignored her, I was done screaming at her, now was the silent treatment.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I muttered before coughing up blood into the sink. "Gross." I scowled before turning to them. "Jace, talk to luke. Clary, call Simon." I directed before looking to Magnus.

"I need to talk to you for a moment." I sighed, it had to be done, Magnus knew this as well. After walking to the far side of the living room he snapped his fingers, a quill in his hand and parchment with scrawl on it. I could make out the words at the top in bold. 'The Last Will and Testament of Diana Penelope Michealson'.

"If I am to die, with lack of heir to the throne. I place the crown in the hands of.." I paused thinking.

Isabelle was the first to come to mind, from the instant I met her I loved her like my own flesh and blood. She was a piece of me, my Parabatai, we were linked for life. She would do well in power, make the choices from her heart, doing what was right to those she loved. Yet there were times when your heart would cloud your judgement.

Alexander, the first boy to ever make me feel alive. The one who taught me to fly instead of walk along the ground. He would also be good in the throne, making the smartest decision based on facts and proof. He could make the call, if it came to it. Yet leading with just your head makes it hard to see through others shoes.

Jace, he was a leader of sorts but a crown would be a different leadership. Jace has the instincts quick as a whip. He was by far an amazing fighter and knew how to defend what was importaint. But would the crown only boost his ego? To be a leader you needed confidence, not only yourself but in your cause.

I couldn't help but think of Clary too, after all, she was my sister for so many years. I'll admit I was furious at her but she would make a great leader. She had courage, and was good at solving problems. She had creativity and good people skills which were high aspects of leading the people. She also cared of the downworld like I did.

Coming to the decision that would hold my peoples fate I looked up from my hands. "If ever I die, or become incapable of being the rightful leader of my people." I spoke calmly "I choose Clarissa Fairchild, Alexander Lightwood, Johnathan Wayland, and Isabelle Lightwood to split the crown evenly. Each holding share of the right to lead the peoples of the nephilim and those who follow the treaty of the shadow world." Magnus looked impressed, as the feather danced across the paper. "I leave my belongings to the those whom take meaning to them along with he hideaway becoming a place of sanctuary for Downworlders or shadowhunters who need refuge." I closed my eyes rubbing my temples. "And Grant Magnus Bane to oversee all that was once mine" his eyebrows raised further before looking up.

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