14. Madmax

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I sighed getting up, the leg was tender but the pain was mostly gone. "Where's luke, I felt Clarys mind, he saved us." Clary pointed to the couch where a very injured Luke lay

"You need to head to the institute, You've got the lightwoods worried sick." Jace rubbed the girl's shoulder comfortingly. It was strange how many new people she'd let touch her. It might have to do something with them being her kind, of maybe how close they had all gotten.

"But luke and-"

"Go, we've got it locked down here." Clary smiled and so the redhead walked through the portal Magnus issued her through and appeared infront of the institute. She looked at her reflection, absolutely a mess.

The dark makeup had smudged outwards and down from her eyelids making her look like a child had scribbled on black sharpie then smeared it. She stood infront of the doors. Was she supposed to knock? Or shout? Was there a doorbell?

"Isabelle." Piper whispered, her eyes darting back and forth across he door. "Uh...Isabelle." She rubbed her temples, if she could reach clary she could reach her future parabatai.

The doors opened startling the girl and a shadowhunter frowned at her. The red head ran into the hub looking for a familiar face before crashing into a small boy.

"You look like a raccoon." He informed her, she stood up and he came to her stomach in height.

"You look like a lightwood." She smiled at him and he grinned. Clearly her guess was right, blue eyes sparkling happily.

"I'm max lightwood." He shook her hand and he looked at her In confusion. "Why do you look like a raccoon and why is your skin messed up." He pointed to the consealer rubbing off over her marks.

"Oh, see I'm a ballerina, but they don't like runes so I covered mine. And my makeup smeared across my face." I told him as he followed me by my side.

"Oh, cool." She grinned at the kid.

"How old are you max?" Piper asked as they chilled in the kitchen together.

"Seven, almost eight." He answered as she munched on chips. Then she pulled her stele from her hair letting red curls hang around her face lazily.

After about an hour Max and Piper were best friends. He told her about his life and surprisingly she told him about hers as they sat in the kitchen eating food.

"Are you the lost shadowhunter princess?" He asked leaning towards and she raised her brows.

"Okay Madmax, hit me with the story." I pointed and he nodded.

"Okay so, you know how the angel raziel created the shadow hunters by putting mans blood and his blood in the mortal cup?" He didn't wait for an answer. "So the first man and woman to drink from the cup were like-the royals of the shadowhunter world. They had like special angelic blood or whatever and they had like bright red hair. They had a daughter with red hair and she married and you know blah blah blah. But legend has it, before the uprising King Xavier and Queen Elara were pregnant, and their daughter was born on the day of the uprising. She had bright red hair, it's said that she was killed along with the king and queen but nobody ever found her body." Max finished. "All the royal family had bright red hair, there's only been like five or six cases where a shadow hunter hats not the royals had that color hair other wise-"

"It's brown, black or blonde." I finished and he nodded. "Hate to disappoint but I doubt it, I was raised by a warlock until clary's family raised me as their own. Besides I don't have the last name..."

"Michaelson." Max finished for her before he sighed.

"I know your important to my brother and your my sisters future parabatai, does that make us like brother and sister?" He asked and my eyebrows shot up.

"Alexander cares about my life?" I laughed. "That's funny madmax, stop kidding."

"I'm not, when he came home last night he was like scary mad and upset." Max itches his nose with his stele. "He told me someone that was super important to him was hurt and he wasn't really mad at me." Max looked at me.

"And you think it was me?" Max then pointed to my leg that was still healing and multicolored.

"Pippi?" He called and I hummed. "Are we family?" He repeated and I ruffled his hair.

"Were best friends Madmax, I even told you my real name. It's a secret and you can't tell anyone unless it's a emergency." I looked at the young boy who lay curled beside me and slowly fell asleep. I was drifting asleep before I saw Alec walk in, worry lines evident on his face as he looked at an arrow.

"Did I do that bad at runeing them?" I smiled and he jumped slightly before I slowly pulled max off and left him sleeping on the couch before two strong arms wrapped some in a bone crushing hug.

"Alexander." I sighed happily, breathing in the scent of sweat and leather hinted with cologne. He didn't let me go but I didn't mind until I saw Izzy. She tore him off of me and hugged me herself. "Izzy." I giggled.

"You scared me half to death." She laughed and Alec didn't take his eyes off me.

I felt a half smile tug at my lips. "Alec, your staring." I said and he turned to look at his sleeping brother.

"Well I went from having one best friend and one twin to a future parabatai, a best friend, no twin plus..." I trailed off and my eyes traveled to Alec.

Izzy rolled her eyes at the girl before Maryse lightwood walked in. "So you found one Fairchild but right now I need to talk to you Alec." His mother left the room and he spared me one glance before walking out.

Izzy punched Pipers arm and the red head glared. "Jesus, what was that for." She held the arm.

"That's for liking my brother, actually no..I felt you in my head the proper word is Lo-" I slapped a hand over her mouth, eyes wide.

"Dont you dare say that word ever Isabelle, I'm not kidding." Piper paused, "it has the capability to cut through hearts and drive people crazy, and only works sometimes." She nodded and I let go. "I love my mother, she's in a magic coma. I love Clary, she's barely hanging on. I love luke, he's dying." I walked with the girl. "I don't want to say the words to you or Alec, nobody else gets these words.

Izzy rubbed my shoulder. "It's okay to say them. We're going to save your mother and Luke and Clary is a strong girl." She comforted. "Besides you need to explain all of this."

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