8. Seeing through your eyes

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The walk from the institute to Izzy's location was silent between Alec and Piper, not a bad kind of silent. He gave her slight directions as they walked, she constantly asked if they were almost there. Most of the quiet walk was spent learning about eachother, reading echothers silent expressions. Alec learned that Piper was easily distracted by things catching her eye, Piper learned that Alec hated complaining. 

Upon arriving outside of the abandoned building the pair was greeted by a incedious stench. The smell coming from the building reeked of old meat and staleness, a duo that mingled with the already filthy backstreet air. Alec looked from his GPS to the building and back multiple times before taking a deep sigh. "Are you sure Izzy's in there?" He drew his bow and knocked an arrow.

"Yeah, now stay behind me." He commanded, knocking open the already broken in door. Piper didn't have to be told twice, drawing her swords and staying at his heel. She'd never dealt with vampires before, she'd let him handle the worst bit of it since he seemed to know what he was doing.

After what felt like forever of looking through the disgusting building they heard tapping of heels on concrete. Izzy chuckled, rounding the corner in a stunning body tight red dress. "There you guys are, I was starting to think you two had gone rouge. You know, getting to know each other personally." 

Alec and Piper both knew what Izzy meant, the older boy scowling at his sister while Piper blushed at her feet. "Are you sure you know where you're taking us?" He lowered his bow and returned the arrow to his quiver. Piper took this as a sign that they were okay for now, returning the swords to her belts.

"If we come up there we arrive in the basement of the hotel. Perfect right? We distract the vamps, Clary and Jace have time to find Simon." The plan seemed solid, but what Piper hadn't been counting on was Alec's reaction to this. From what she could tell he didn't like being in the assisting roles.

"Ok." He simply agreed, no argument or side comment. Izzy and Piper both looked at each other before Izzy went back to talking to her brother. 

"Okay? It was hard work interrogating Miliorn to get this intel." Izzy seemed determined to get her praise, Piper found her hand and gave it a squeeze, earning one back. Alec turned back to face her, dry smile and clearly bored eyes.

"Great job Izzy.. you have fairydust on your dress." His sarcasm made Piper snort, he cast her a small smile before turning back to face the front. "I hate being the distraction." she hung back letting the two siblings catch up while She focused on her sister. 

If the conection worked when Piper and Clary focused, there should be a reason to activate it on her own. After they were up the ladder Piper winced, squeezing her eyes shut.

Clary and Jace where having a romantic talk about how this was her destiny and she was a brave shadowhunter.

Clary did her hair flip.

"Oh god not the hair flip, stop flirting, your trying to save Simon remember." She wished the stupid connection went both ways.

"What?" She heard Isabelle ask. "And why are your eyes shimmering."

Piper closed her eyes, shaking her head and when she opened them she saw the lightwoods. Her head pounded, like a headache but not as intense. "I've recently learned that I can see what clary sees. Back with dot it happened a few times, but now aparently I can do it whenever I focus." Wincing I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Are you okay?" Alec steadied her, was that worry that pinched his brows together? "You can turn back if you want."

"No." Piper shook it off, standing on her own, "No I'm fine, I'll stay."

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