33. No means no

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Piper had fled the institute, through the pouring fridged rain she walked barefoot wearing only leggings and a T-shirt. She walked and walk all night before arriving on Magnus's doorstep, red hair stuck to her skin and dark circles under her eyes.

When she knocked he opened the door before seeing her. "Biscuit, come here, you poor thing". He hugged her inside and almost instantly her clothes had dried and he held a cup of hot coco. We didn't speak he sat in my room with me until I fell asleep and when I woke up he still sat there. I looked up at the ceiling, it was my fault my mother was dead.

When I got out of bed was the first time I had spoken since two nights ago. "I'm going out." I sighed walking to the bathroom and changing into a cropped white t-shirt, putting on black fishnet before pulling on ripped jeans over that. I curled my hair before putting on black high heels.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Magnus asked as I applied black eyeliner and mascara before finishing up with red lipstick.

"I'm sure Magnus." I nodded, patting his back before walking to the door with my black leather jacket. I paused a moment, turning to face him. "Just...don't tell Clary where I am." I then went through the wall appearing in a club full of pounding music.

Clary has met Iris who promised to bring her mother back for a price, that being Piper. To clarify, Clary had promised that Piper would come to the house when the time came for it and in return Jocelyn would be alive.

After leaving she got a lock of hair from the morgue. Running into Magnus she stopped him. "Magnus, you wouldn't happen to know where Piper is would you? Because she tends to spiral...badly..." Magnus eyes widened slightly.

"I'm no, I have no clue." He said before briskly walking off.

Magnus quickly found Piper, dancing her drunken heart out on the karaoke stage of a small bar called the hunters moon. She was singing stand by me, the red heads voice so angelic and perfect mix between airy and raspy that it tingles his skin. She had a voice he had only heard twice in his life. The song made the people in the bar cry, even the super buff bikers in the back. She wobbled off the stage sitting down at her table and getting free drinks from some that heard her song.

"Magnus." She acknowledged as he sat down infront of her.

"A sirens voice." He told her and she leaned back with a grin.

"Thanks." She nodded, knocking back a whiskey before setting the empty glass down.

"No, Penelope-you have a sirens voice." This made her eyes narrow. "But that doesn't mean you can lure sailers to their death, this means your voice is so perfect that you can make others feel emotions." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure that's not true." She was on her third drink when he stopped her.

"Piper maybe you should slow down." He offered and she rolled her eyes.

"Lay off Magnus, let me drown my sorrows." She stood up walking away and he sighed. I guess it would take longer to get the old Piper back than expected.

As I was speaking I appeared in a room Clary looking at me in surprise another woman-a warlock smiling at me.

"What the hell?" I tried to move but walls left me pinned. Raising my hands to burn through them with my own magic the woman laughed.

"Oh honey, your energy is at a low, too low to break you free from your sisters deal." I looked to Clary.

"What Deal? Clary What Deal?" I asked and Clary tried to knock into the field wall.

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